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Everything posted by bballfan

  1. I am reading these posts about trading Walker for a big man. Trading Walker for this and that. Don't you realize that no free agent wants to play for the Hawks. Someone mentioned Ray Allen in another thread. Are you serious? He isn't going to sign with Atlanta if he doesn't go back to the Sonics and Peja would never come here even if we tried to trade for him. No Hawk fan should be ragging on Walker. He has been the only player on the entire team to show up. He leads the team in assists and would be averaging 10 a game if someone else on the team could actually make a basket. Take away Walkers stats and Al Harrington would be shooting 8 for 36 a night instead of 4 for 16 and we wouldn't even be in these games for a quarter. Walker leads the team in turnovers because he is double and triple teamed every game and no one even attempts to get open for him to pass the ball too. You would think someone would be open when 2 or 3 guys are on Walker but no one goes over and tries to help at all. I understand some of you want to win. We have been waiting for a very long time to get back into the playoffs but any Hawks fan that feels the need to blame Walker for this teams problems doesn't know basketball at all. Al Harrington could very well turn into a good player but he hasn't shown that once this year except the very first pre season game and that didn't count. When Walker is shooting 44 % and getting 23 points a night and the next guy we have in the point column is someone with 10 we are not going to win any games. That isn't Walkers fault no one else can show up.
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