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Posts posted by falc82

  1. I really think Battier would play very very well with Horford. I like that combo a lot with the combination of smarts and hustle defense. Our back court would leave a ton to be desired on the defensive side but our front court of Marvin, Battier, Horford, and Smoove would be incredible. If we could receive Martin/Battier/pick for Joe/Moe that would be nice. Not sure how that in and of itself makes the Rockets better though.

  2. Bibby/Evan Turner or John Wall/Teague

    Crawford/Raja Bell




    If Joe walks then we can't just give that money to another free agent. This has been discussed heavily on this board. This is a very unrealistic collection of players that the Hawks could acquire. I like where your head is at though and like the general ideas here, it just can't and won't happen.

  3. Anyone read the game preview on ESPN for tonight's game? 2 takeaways pertinent to this conversation:

    The Hawks (37-21) are 22-8 when Smith scores at least 16 points.

    "Josh has probably been our MVP," coach Mike Woodson said at the time. "I just wish he would've made that All-Star team because he has played like an All-Star this year for us. Everything that we have done from a team standpoint in terms of winning and losing has a great deal to do with the way he has played on both ends of the floor."

    Just found this interesting given this was a topic we were actively discussing on here.

  4. The Bulls just became a very promising destination for Wade this offseason. I bet they make him their number 1 target, and with his local ties they stand a great chance. Wade, Rose, and Noah make up quite a formidable core.

    If Lebron stays in Cleveland then that leaves the Clips and New York as possible JJ suitors. Assuming similar offers, would he really want to leave a 50 win caliber team for those two pathetic franchises?

  5. One more trade idea that works under the cap. I'm not sure if adding Kirk Hinrich at the expense of Mike Bibby makes us better but some could argue it does.


    It's part of a 3 way that would help the Bulls net Tracy McGrady. The latest report I've read is that the Bulls want McGrady bad and have an enticing enough offer, but the Bulls want Hinrich including and the Rockets are balking and insisting a 3rd team be involved if he is to be a part of the trade. Bibby instead of Hinrich is 3 million less over the same 3 year period for the Bulls so they would probably go for this. The other elements of the trade I included are those spoken of in the following article.


    Not sure if this makes us better. But it's another idea for discussion.

  6. Other possible trades that could help and work under the cap.

    http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=yjpmwq8 Jason Thompson from the Kings for Jeff Teague, Collins, and a 1st if needed.

    http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=yhjdmch Anthony Randolph, Brandon Wright, and Turiaf for Jeff Teague, Marvin, Collins, and a 2nd round pick? to Golden State

    or http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=yju22xf Anthony Randolph for Jeff Teague and Collins

    Randolph has a lot of talent and would be a great addition to our bench, and his agent has gone public saying he would love a trade since Nellie is being Senile and not playing him because he gave him a bad look in practice. He plays hard, and when given a chance really puts up nice numbers. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=3455 with a PER of 19.0

    http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=ykauq68 Devin Harris for Marvin and Jeff Teague to the Nets. Move Bibby to the bench and start Devin.

    Basically I'm trying to show there are conceivable trades out there that would make us better and work under the cap.

    I assumed trading Horford, Smoove, and Crawford out of the question, didn't see any trade of JJ making us better this year, and figured no one would take on Bibby for any reason and he at least still has value for our team. That really leaves trading some of our bench big men (expirings) and some combination of Teague, Marvin, and a pick.

  7. http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=yj3tzq5

    Here is an example of a semi blockbuster trade that would make us title contenders.

    Basically: Al Jefferson for Marvin, Teague, Collins, and Mo. Throw in a 1st or 2nd round pick if its uneven.

    We'd have both big Al's at PF/C and Josh Smith at SF OR Smoove at PF with one of the Als coming off the bench and the other play C while Crawford plays SG and JJ moves to SF.

    This move hurts are depth a bit and we'd have to sign a few people, but overall it could really help up and works within the cap. Our overall depth would be hurt, but we'd have the best top 6 in all of the NBA. It's not like our bench is our strong point now.

    The T-Wolves are open to trading Jefferson for a SF as evidenced by their proposal to Indy of Jefferson for Granger which got shot down. Marvin is no Granger but I could see them mulling this one over.

  8. Well, it gives a couple of guys who probably haven't had much work lately jobs. So I guess it's good for something. For real, the original is not as bad as the haters say, but at it;s heart it's just a rip off of better movies and ground that QT has already covered as a movie maker who watched too many movies growing up. The people that don't like this movie tend to consider it one of the worst ever. Not that I agree, that's going overboard.

    If you like this, you might like a movie called Smokin' Aces. Which I didn't like either.

    I don't agree with this assessment at all. Boondock Saints was a great movie while Smokin' Aces was only marginally good while at times bad. Not sure how a sequel will play over since the last one didn't leave much room for a logical sequel. Also it looks like William Defoe isn't on board and he really made the original great. We'll see how it plays out.

  9. Solid gamble for a 7th round pick. If he doesn't do more than provide a solid body to throw at guys we couldn't have gotten much more in the draft with that pick.

    Remember also that Dimitroff's area of expertise is the secondary. I trust him when it comes to evaluating secondary talent and like you said, for a 7th round pick this is a good move.

  10. I pretty much confer with everyone else's comments, but I'd like to add that Sundiata looked really good in the 2nd highlight. He's the gritty guy that you like as your 12th man. Someone that comes in and instantly mixes it up with their intensity/defense/energy. Mario West with an offensive game if you will. I'd like to see him and Mario both in the game with 1 min till the end of the half.

  11. With Crawford's offensive repertoire and defensive liabilities, it makes sense to have him be the first guard off the bench.

    It also makes sense to NEVER have him and Bibby be our guard combo on the court at the same time. That accompanied by the fact Bibby is asking for way too much money is why I think the Hawks will look to not resign him.

  12. My thoughts on the Crawford trade are these:

    Does he make us better? In a Vacuum? Absolutely he does. We added a 20 points per game scorer for essentially nothing. Am I the only one who remembers the long streteches in the playoffs (specifically against the Cavs) where we could not score at all? We need a guy like Crawford for times like these.

    Does he make us better though...? Well only if the team brings back the majority of the free agents we still have. We still need ZaZa back and I'd love Bibby back AT THE RIGHT PRICE (7mil per?). I think we have to resign Marvin, ZaZa and one of Flip/Bibby to say that the Crawford trade really made us a better team, otherwise our depth is taking a hit and our overall talent level is at best even. Relegating Crawford to the super 6th man role would be ideal and with the addition of our 19 pick would make our team legitimately 10 deep.




    Josh Smith/pick?


    Though I'm more inclined to pick a point guard at #19 and let one of Bibby/Flip walk.

    What this trade does tell us is NO TEAGUE at #19. I just can't see us taking him with his liability on the defensive side and his need for the ball in his hand since he is a shooter meshing well with the addition of Crawford.

    If Lawson is gone and maybe Maynor as well by the time the 19th pick rolls around then I may wish to trade with say the Kings for the #23 and #31 they have been rumored to be shopping. With 23 we take someone like Blair or Psyco T and with #31 we take a Collinson or Tony Douglas type.

  13. I was about to start another thread about something like this.

    Would you guys rather have Westbrook or Conley if one of those teams take a PG?

    I think I may take a chance on one of those guys over Maynor but not Teague, Lawson, or Jennings if one of those guys miraculously falls to us

    I would rather have Westbrook as I think he would fit our team better. I would rather have him over Maynor, Teague for sure. And probably over Lawson (who I'm very high on) or Jennings (who I like a lot also) as well. We know with him we are getting a quality player with loads of potential. Jrue Holliday if he slips could be an option as well and would fit in the Jennings/Lawson category for me.

    Conley is a nice player also, I just think from our point guard spot we need someone who can distribute of course, but also play elite defense and contribute on rebounding. Westbrooks fits that to a T and ironically resides on Sund's old team. Well..sort of...

  14. Where's the quote? I know I heard that he was not willing to give up the starting point guard spot, but I don't think I heard anything about him being really upset.

    "It will be interesting to see what the fallout is from Russell Westbrook’s camp after this, as he’s been extremely vocal publicly about not wanting to relinquish the full-time point guard duties, which is bound to happen eventually with Rubio around. Westbrook is currently scheduled to be on Jim Rome’s show tomorrow, so we may expect some fireworks. "

    http://www.draftexpress.com/blog/Jonathan-...The-Latest-3283 after the 10 pm edition.

    Westbrooks is an underrated player that could be a real asset to a team. He reminds of a slightly poor man version of Rondo. Who is also a bit upset with his treatment of late ironically.

  15. Russell Westbrook is very upset about the prospects of the Thunder taking Rubio and has stated publicly that he does not wish to give up his starting role. I would absolutely love to add him to the Hawks mix but I can't think of any trades that work.

    Maybe a sign and trade involving Marvin could work now that Crawford is on board? Westbrooks ability to dominate without the ball, his great passing, and wonderful defense would be a nice change of pace from Bibby and would allow Crawford to be a very dangerous 6th man option while still getting starter minutes.

    I just can't think of a great trade offer outside of either Marvin OR the 19th and something extra. Any thoughts?

  16. This is from DX: http://www.draftexpress.com/article/Word-o...June-22nd-3276/

    -According to an NBA source, super active Minnesota Timberwolves GM David Kahn has offered Mike Miller to the Los Angeles Clippers in exchange for Chris Kaman. The Clippers shot down that trade, but countered with Marcus Camby.

    Miller for Camby? Miller is serviceable and is expiring after this year so I see some of the intrigue. If anyone was interested in Camby we now know his general price tag.

  17. My picks would be from the following 3 guys...

    1. Tyreke Evans sg who can d up and give JJ a blow..played for Calipari and defense is his strong suit.

    2. Omri Casspi sf who would give us insurance in case we lose Marvin through free agency..takes it to the basket hard everytime.

    3. Dejuan Blair pf Gives us a very stronger rebounder who takes up lots of space...also gives us future flexibility in case we lose Zaza or trade Horford if the right deal came along. Can never have enough bangers down low.

    I like this list if we were not to draft a PG or C. Blair would really help this team out.

  18. I think all it ever was was a one year deal so that he could become a UFA. The thing is it looks like he can come back and be the starting Sf. I don't think Sund holds much hope for Marvin.

    99% sure he is still a RFA as well. Also Marvin > Childress if for nothing else than his defense and 3 point ability. But one of them will definitely be traded this off season.

  19. I was Mistaken. I misread Duhon's contract for Jeffries. I still believe that there must be something we could offer for Duhon. He's a perfect fit for our needs and will be on the bench in NY... Probably deep on the bench.

    Yeah a Speedy for Duhon trade wouldn't make a lot of sense for NY since both contracts expire at the same time but Duhon would be a great fit for this team. Good thinking Diesel. He's the type of floor general I want to see on this roster.

    Question. If BJ Mullins is not available at #19 would you take Duhon or one of the younger point guards that would be available there? I think the Knicks may bite at Speedy + #19 for Duhon and filler since as you pointed out with Nate and potentially Curry they won't need Duhon. I'm inclined to stay at 19 and try for a point guard there, but with Duhon's leadership, ability to play right away and Woodson's handling of Law I might do that trade.

  20. TMac and Redd were two that came to my mind also.

    Richard Jefferson, Jason Richardson, Okafor, Mike Miller, Telfair, Luol Deng, Hinrich, Monta Ellis, T.J. Ford, Raymond Felton, Kaman

    These names also come to mind when thinking of players that could come in and exceed expectations. Obviously to different degrees. Of those names Kaman, Felton, Ford, Okafor, and Mike Miller are intriguing to some degree to me.

  21. Look up Raymond Felton's FG% and tell me if you still want him.

    Yes I still want him, but not because of his ability to shoot. If that's all I sought in a point guard then I would consider keeping Bibby around. Felton brings a different set of skills to this team, and the type of skills that would greatly improve our players. He is a much much better passer and facilitator when compared to Bibby, a better defender, and much better at driving the lane and making his own offense.

    As far as a vet presence that could be addressed by the minor free agent signing. Brevin Knight would be a good in house voice and he's worked with both the Hawks and Felton before. He'd be a great mentor for Law as well. There's several directions to go in order to get a vet. And I agree that bringing in a vet is important.

  22. Really, getting Raymond Felton was the most important part of this idea. He just makes this team much better than Bibby in my opinion. Especially when considering the long term growth of this team. Drafting a rookie PG to make a difference is very risky considering Woody is still our coach.

    If we can do this and bring in Anderson while resigning all but Bibby we have the luxury for once to draft BPA.

    Outside of bringing in Felton, our offseason focus needs to be vastly improving our depth, and having at least one more shooter off the bench (Anderson? House) and one more person that can create on their own (maybe the draft pick).

    Thanks for the response.

  23. Due to computer problems and workload I have been absent here for a long while and even lost my identity here. Anyway I just heard Sekou talking with Buck and Kincaid. He had no definitive insights though he expects Sund to be cautious about making too many changes. He appeared to believe Woody would be back (though again he made no definitive statement) and appeared hesitant to declare that Bibby would be back. Some folks have told him Bibby wants a four year deal and that he is not expecting to take a hugh paycut. He said he would expect Bibby to want a deal with total money north of Speedy's full contract. On the draft and FA, he said given Sund's record he would expect names that most folks are unfamiliar with as Sund likes to find guys outside the box.

    Could mean Omri Casspi, the SF from Israel. I've read an article where it said the Hawks and one other team were taking a hard look at him. Don't know where I read it but I distinctly remember it saying the Hawks had early interest. Hopefully he's not the pick. We have bigger needs than an offensively minded SF who doesn't play defense, cant pass, and is thought of as a prima donna.

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