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Everything posted by linus22277

  1. i just wanted to say thanks for posting this article y'all kick ass
  2. I agree with KB21. As much as I'd like to see a prolific scoring PG on our squad, we already have a number one option. AI isn't the answer for the Hawks. Along with is fantasy-friendly stat line comes a Terell-like presence in the locker room. I think we should stick to our younguns. If we miss the playoffs this year I won't be surprised. Next year we'll be the 2004 PhoSuns except everyone's 6'8".
  3. I'm over the top like Sylvester Stallone. No joke. I was arguing with a 9 year old who thought he knew more about basketball than me.
  4. So I was at the Blazers vs Hawks game last night. I showed up in my Atlanta throwback shooting shirt armed with a sheet of posterboard that read, "Go Hawks". I noticed that I didn't get hassled at all this year whereas last year, they pitched me endless isht at the gate because I was wearing the same throwback I wore last night. I even ran into a scalper on my way in who was more interested in selling me courtside seats (i can't blame him for gettin his hustle on) than in the fact that I proudly displayed my Go Hawks sign in a crowd full of rabid Northwesterners. After jumping out to a 6-2 lead early in the first, we never let up. I had a hell of a time heckling the imaginary fans. I even got into a fight with the ghost of Blazer's past. I've found that it's not fun to heckle fans who don't care about their team. I only got a rise out of 2 Blazer fans while in the stands. And one of them was an old guy sitting in front of me who isn't a fan of my vulgar nature. I did, however, make it onto the jumbotron after the end of the game. After making lots of ill-advised comments at the expense of the Blazer faithful, I proudly stood with my sign displayed in the sky directly above my head. I shouted at the top of my lungs, "AND THE HAWKS ARE VICTORIOUS IN PORTLAND!!!" Luckily my seats were near one of the main exit arteries. I'm sure the tens of fans leaving the Rose Garden enjoyed my craftsmanship. I had to politely resist the urge to air hump while my sign was propped up in the glass directly above the "EXIT" sign. Maybe I'll post some pictures. Anybody see me on TV?
  5. First and foremost, he wants to play in Atlanta. We need players who want to play for us in order for us to rebuild our franchise.
  6. Quote: yeah, but taking out slim when he was hot for lue in the portland game (and not putting slim back in until it was just plain dumb Salim was in foul trouble at the time. I think he had 4. I was at that game. We should have won, but that terrible call at then end of the game blew it. I saw the replay and if any foul should have been called, it should have been an over the back foul on Randolph.
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