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Posts posted by Swatguy

  1. Ideally JJ should log 35-37 minutes (imo). I look for Chillz to handle 2,3 and some 1 (yep 1) positions. I believe the experience factor will kick in this year. Smoove getting his ego readjusted at the all-stars, Chillz being dissed by many (keeping them Hungry), Zaza getting less minutes and more on floor defensive help (keeping him fresh). Wow, I can go on, Marvin blossoming into the total Beast he is destined to be. Yeah old man JJ (25) can/will lead this bunch rested.

    Some games JJ may require 25-30 minutes while a Salim goes bonkers or Chillz-Marvin-Smoove goes into zone motion.

  2. Quote:

    It is the buffoonery in Management and lacklustr ownership. Atlanta is constantly ranked by every black publicatiuon as the #1 city for African AMericans, 1/2 of Black Atheletes and Entertainers have homes in Metro Atlanta. Atlanta is by far the #1 tourist destination amoung African Americans. Hell its even the Black Gay capital. Atlanta is also a TOp 10 market ( #8 to be exact). I used to be part owner of a nightclub here in Atlanta and my manager would routinely field 30 to 40 call from atheletes managers saying "such and such" will be there tonight and make arrangements for them. Most blacks when they graduate from college rate Atlanta as there most desired destination.

    Yet the Hawks cant get a free agent......Now if Atlanta is the most desired city amoung NBA players why wouldnt they want to play for the Hawks
    Maybe its because the Hawks are run by Clowns. Why do you think Ga.Tech has had such an easy time getting blockbuster talent, Atlanta is an easy sell, other than Prince George County (Washington DC)there isnt an easier place to sell to any black person in America.

    Athlete, ATHLETE is the word. Not Athelete.

  3. Quote:

    Lue, Ivey and JJ are fine until Claxton gets back. I never expected Speedy to play 82 games anyway. We don't need another pg.

    Thats right, much ado for nothing. JJ will be at point much until Speedy gets there. Bozeman will have an opportunity to pass Grundy and usurp Ivey. At any rate Bozeman is set up to be number 15 at least. Speedy will be motivated in every facet of training camp instead of using that hand on the court. Chillz will have extended time at 2 and a look at 1 also. The team will benefit more than youse suspect.

  4. Quote:

    I guess it is better that it happens now rather than closer to the season. I am trying to fight the feeling that this team is snake-bitten.

    So, the team will have to go through training without their PG. I sure hope that Speedy recovers in a "speedy" fasion.


  5. Quote:

    I think it's a losing proposition if you don't get a dominant big or dominant PG.

    We should have taken Paul over Marvin. Players with Marvin's skillset are a dime a dozen. Easily found. IN fact, Chillz might be better than Marvin.

    How many of your dominant "PG" types have won a championship the last 10 years? Marvin was and is the pick, get over it.

  6. Quote:

    I've noticed a lot of this lately. A lot of teams are trying to build young, athletic, versatile teams. It is seen as the wave of the future if your the Mavs or the Suns, and it's crazy stupidity if your the Hawks. But now that our guys are getting a bit older we should get a better idea about what we've got here. Hopefully BK is more on the mad-genius side of things than the obsessed-with-6'9-guys side.

    In the 80's the 6'9" player was evident. I recall just this theory contributed from the Showtime Lakers. They were 6'9" all around Kareem with a dash of Byron. A tea, of Magics or a team full of Woolridges, Blackmons or Micheal Rays (Richardson). Some of you may not be old enough to remember.

  7. Quote:

    so you're saying that you only (or the vast majority of the time) want to utilize Chill as a sf/ not play sg (to back up JJ or pair with him for a bigger bc)?

    you realize that that will dramatically reduce his minutes (to probably less than 10 a game)...???

    Have no fear, we will see JJ and Chillz in the backcourt together. Chillz will be at 3 positions. Some fail to grasp the marvelous depth and versatility of this team. Marvin and Smoove will have a lot of time on the court together. Either and both will man the paint defensively and offensively. We will not be able to pigeon hole any of these p[layers to single positions, rotations or responsibilities. I remind, it is not so much who starts, it is more of who finishes.

  8. What is or will be our defensive identity? Will we force tempo with tight trapping in the half or mostly dictated by the opponents? I'm curious about the rotations. Will we use Este and Shell to disrupt as a rule forcing opponents to play ugly.

    I recall the showtime Lakers, they always played tight "D" with a lot of forced turnovers with fastbreaks. I hope to see 48 minutes of pressure "D". I believe the personnel enables frequent substitutions, keeping opponents off balenced.


  9. Quote:

    The better question is over the History of the NBA, how many SFs have led their teams to championships.

    ONLY 1...


    Come on give me a break.. If you believe that the Sf position has more impact on the game than the PG position, you've really been drinking the Jesus Juice. Tell Mike, I said Leave the damn children alone!

    I did not infer "the Sf position has more impact on the game than the PG". Thats your dumb statement. As far as your insert, "you've really been drinking the Jesus Juice." Do you know him?

    The better question is, why do you feel it neccessary to belittle posters? Your Atlanta fan "pedigree" is not special. I had Walt Hazzard as a home guest, knew Zelmo Beatty, dined with Walt Bellemy, had NBA'ers past present and future shooting hoops in my driveway. You see you don't know who you speak of, not me and probably not the Gutzy guy.

    Fool is an interesting choice of words in your post considering of your negative bluberrings as if you know it all.

    I won't say you are not a fan, but certainly a weak one.

    Get outta town clown.

  10. Quote:


    Simply Marvin's skill set was to high to pass over.

    What Skillset is/was that?

    The ability to patiently wait for the other team to put in their reserves and to go out and look descent against reserves?

    Marvin's skillset is not anything that is so uncommon that we can't find it elsewhere. In fact, I believe that Marvin will have a hard time matching Chillz as a Sf skillsetwise. Moreover, when you have 5 Sfs on the roster, the last thing you want to do is draft another one. It's as if BK said "all these other guys are not better than Marvin"... and you can see from just a quick glance at what Diaw did last year, that Marvin's skillset is not at all unique...

    Moreover, Paul's skillset.. a pure PG who can score... He's Steve Nash with more speed... In a game where Sfs are dime a dozen and good PGs are hard to find... where the PG is a position that has (probably) the most influence on weather a team wins or loses.. I think we dropped the ball.

    You are still drinking that same whine? Look here, how many "pure point guards" have led there team to an NBA Championship in the Last 15 (FIFETEEN) years? How many? Can you say one, Tony Parker. You can go back to Sam. Well this is a New NBA but defense is still what wins. The Worlds showed Pauls "D". Heck he was so great last season but he did not lead his team to the playoffs.

    Drink some "new wine" and enjot the ride.

    Hawks baby, enjoy the ride. (stop whining so much).

  11. Quote:

    Who wrote that? KB?

    I'm hopeful but not as optimistic as the writer. One big point... With Chillz/Smoove, why do you take Marvin over Paul. I've asked that for a year now... All I hear is "Marvin has so much potential"... Well, Potential don't mean Dogsquat if it is never realized.

    Marvin has much more to offer than Paul. Simply Marvin's skill set was to high to pass over. It was true then, it is true now.

    Chris Paul was not mentioned in the article. Don't highjack the thread.

  12. Quote:

    Salim would start before BOzeman would (if Bozeman makes the team.

    That may be true. I am not disrespecting Salim or Tyronn for that fact. My thoughts are how important Speedy is, in return how important that spot is. It is the braintrust to determine if we have enough now. BK said we have two more spots which will be filled between now and the coure of training camp. Bozeman is invited and accepted so he is a consideration. Perhaps an other(s) will appear as a guard for one of the two remaining spots. Surely the other spot will be a big.

  13. is Speedy.

    For the Hawks to be successful is the play of Speedy. All talk of what positions for what players in what roles pales in comparison to, what Speedy brings.

    We will not know until we know. Deep yeah but real. The best cover in sight is a Cedric Bozeman. That (who will be in camp) is the next best point not named Tyronn in the Hawks organization.

    So Speedy is the key, and the battle between Bozeman and Ivey is tops for camp.

    A ankle turn by Speedy....means Boze is a starter.


  14. Quote:



    SF - Marvin (25) + Smoove (10) + Chill (13) = 48

    PF - Smoove (25) + Sheldon (15) + Marvin (8) = 48

    We both know that won't happen. After the way Smoove played after the All-Star break it is a safe bet that he will get more than 10 minutes per game at the 3.

    And Shelden will get every opportunity to get the majority of the minutes at the 4. That is what they drafted him for.

    Chill played a lot better last year but he is slower, smaller, weaker and a worse defender than MW and JS. Unless something radical happens during the season he is the odd man out.

    Personally, I agree that Smoove demonstrated an ability to play the 3 and deserves to get the majority of the minutes there. That said, if the organization really is high on Marvin they have to fit him in somewhere and he seems like a natural small forward.

    The key here is which (Smoove,Marvin) will play post defense. If marvin can man the post defensively, both will play together. If Marvin cannot, Shell will get more minutes. Marvin is long and getting bigger so he will soon be a 2-3-4 player. What is noticed is Marvin's handles, he is a monster offensively. In fact both will be.

  15. Quote:

    Anyone ever find out what unpardonable sin that Ken Norman ever committed to be banished by Wilkins?

    Snake had a bad back. You know a bad back can be very difficult to diagnose. The question might be, What sin did Wilkens commit. Every time i saw Snake he was smilling, well dressed and well paid. Al Henderson got the same back thing, right after Snake (hehe) retired.

  16. Quote:


    I just want to indicate what specific player or 2-3 players you think this team needs and what means it will use to get that player/those players, including what current player it will need to (consider) trade.

    That's dealing with hypotheticals.

    Just to play your little game though, my plan would center around the foundation of Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, and Josh Childress. Every other move would be made based upon the idea that Joe Johnson is here for the long term, and that Marvin, Josh, and Josh will be here for the long term as well. When the time comes to extend the contracts of those three players, then the contracts will be extended. Under no circumstance will a move be made that jeopardizes the Hawks ability to keep any of those three players long term.

    I concur. All players around these four will be complimentary roles. If a piece other than the four are at the end of their contract, trade or sign and trade for a complimentary piece. Keep JJ,Josh, Josh and Marvin.

  17. The Dawn of a whole new thing is happening.

    The Real

    I'm sorry Bernie Mullin. I can't contain my sneer. Everybody appreciates Chill, we just appreciate his free-fall in the depth chart and our other needs more. Chillz, JJ, Smoove, and MW will all be stars? Certainly not for the same team. I declare that a BU cannot be considered a "star". "Elite championship caliber team"? Phew, homerism to the Nth degree.

    Back to the heading..." guess "whole new thing" implies something good.

    In short, I'm sure you believe all of what you said, but I am curious as to why you believe it. What historically indicates support for your positions. What facts do you have indicating one should believe you? I think we have a major move to make and we must simply get lucky before we can even think about such things. I'll be happy to share my why with you but first, exactly why are you off the deepend on this one?


    Your are intitled to your thoughts. I need not to apologze. 'm a fan and yeah I'm a homer (That's kinda why I'm on THIS Board). Chillz plays and supports three positions which benefits all other positions. You see, I'm not in your box of traditional negative thought. I understand if you don't. As far as supposedly "BU" players as stars how about Cazzie Russell, Vinnie Johnson, World B. Free, Fred Brown, Reggie Miller, Bruce Bowen, Robert Horry and many others. Geesh, you read like a smartazz ....boy that thinks he knows it all. Well bud you don't. I see light in the tunnel where some have limited sight.

    Get outt town clown.

  18. Chillz is largely unappreciated by some. It still amazes me as some routinely throw him in the trade proposals and add-ins.

    I really really appreciate BK and the administration for recognizing talent and worth. Chillz along with JJ, Smoove and Marvin will be stars. I will add also Shell, Zaza and Speedy.

    This team is special. They have a chance to be an elite championship calibre team.

    The Dawn of a whole new thing is happening.

    The Real

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