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The New Dominque



I remember it was a few years ago, Smoove was the slam dunk champion. Many said that he was the new Dominique. Many said that his dunks brought about the same power that Dominque showed when he played. Well, I've had a chance to think about the Nique vs. Smoove comparison after smoove's first few years in the league and this is what I see.

Aside from his dunks, his potential to take outside shots, and his contract problems with bad Atlanta GMs, smoove is not the new Dominque. There's one thing of essence that Dominique was able to do that Smoove doesn't. Nique was able to carry a team. Smoove may have the heart of the city like Nique, but carrying the team is not something that Smoove has done. From day one, when he was shipped from Utah, Nique became the leader of the Hawks. From day one, Nique put on his hard hat and went to work building up a team that had gone nowhere. We pray that smoove does become the New Nique.. but for not, it's not there.

I think JJ is closer. Although he's not in the cameras as much as Nique, JJ has that ability to put the team on his back. He doesn't dunk and he's not flashy, but he's a dueler and he proved it in the Boston series. It would be great if Smoove stepped up to that role and then maybe we can call JJ the next Smitty. However, until then, JJ is the leader of the team and Smoove is the heart of the city!

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Glad to see that you are using the blog system D. I felt like you might be the first (and probably most frequent) to get some use out of it.

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