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Diesel last won the day on December 23 2023

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  • Birthday July 12

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  1. Praying for you and your family.
  2. I wouldn't call Capela useless. He still knows defensive spacing and can read offenses. Something that OO really sucks at. I would start Sarr off as a PF and Move JJ to the SF. Run it big for a bit. Sarr is not that small, he's 7'1 224. That's about the size of Tyson Chandler coming into the league. Chet only weights 195 and he has been physical.
  3. Knowing the the draft is rigged.. and usually the NBA uses it to make up for major moves... Trae may be on the move.
  4. OO is undersized and overpaid for what he would be with us. With us, regardless of how you look at it, he would be a BU C. We will bring in a real sized Center. Clint may not be here either but Clint doesn't have as many deficiencies as OO does. I would use OO to help us with our Forward help. If N.O. is still interested, there are some deals that can be worked out.
  5. I don't disagree about the Nate offense... but the Nate offense was predictable and defendable. It was more suited for the playoffs but it wasn't a challenge for playoff teams. Uptempo is what we should be headed towards and some of our personnel will have to change. There are two identities that we can seek: 1. Half court team. It requires better shooters and rebounders around Trae. 2. Uptempo team. It requires better athletes and better defenders. In each instance, our Frontcourt has to become better. More physical and bigger. The question is can we find shooters to be the halfcourt team. Well, you can trade Dj for Delo... and be halfway there. However, I don't see that making us better. Moreover, a guy like JJ will die trying to find his place with the ball. I can easily see us moving forward with JJ and Vit and some bigs who can run and defend and us being a whole lot better and less predictable.
  6. I see it differently. Make Trae less responsible on offense and he becomes more flawless. We need a better frontline and we need to consider becoming a "running" team. We have been buttoned down as a halfcourt team and we're too flawed for that.
  7. I know that the stats suggests that.. but a deeper look reveals more than meets the eye. A bigger problem with that thinking is that Bogi is the worse defender on the team. But back to the main problem here. The main problem here is that our scoring is derived from the PG position. Period. When Trae is PG... scoring comes from the PG position. When Murray is PG... scoring comes from the PG position. Bogi is just better at SG than Murray because he's had 3 years of practice while playing with Trae. Before you jump in... think about it. When Murray was the PG... when there wasn't a scoring drought, Murray was expected to initiate all the scoring. Most of the time, he found his midrange punch. He played the role that Trae Plays when he's the PG. That's all. So people are all abuzz because Murray can put up comparable numbers to Trae... That's because he was wearing Trae's shoes... (there's something about the quality of the competition that goes here too, but that's another topic). Quin has not solved anything. He has us playing faster and from time to time we will run the break... but the frontcourt is flawed and we still haven't inspired anybody else to be the offensive initiator. JJ stays too hurt.
  8. The talking heads just talk. That's it. Give me DJ, Give me Trae... and put them with Minnesota's front line of Gobert, KAT, and McDaniels and I guarantee a playoff spot in the East. Possibly top 3. Give me DJ, Give me Trae... and put them with Jokic, Gordon, and Porter Jr... and I guarantee a playoff spot in the East. Probably top spot. Give me DJ, Give me Trae and put them with Isaac, Banchero, and Wagner... and I guarantee a playoff spot in the East. Probably top 3. The size of DJ and Trae isn't the big problem... Look at Cleveland.. Look at Minnesota... these backcourts are smaller than ours. It is the lack of size and physicality in our frontcourt. The thing that made Bey even courtworthy is that he was the only guy on our team who would go inside and scrap... and play physically. With no JC... we got very small very quickly... JJ is great but at 6'9 220.. and I don't think he's that big... he's overmatched at the 4. Same is true with Hunter.. and Hunter has the natural size to be a 4 but no physicality. OO could be a 4 but he doesn't have the skillset. That's our problem. Clint is 6'10" and undersized but he does a good work. And this is us. Undersized in the frontcourt. Not able to cover for a back court like most teams do. So we blame the backcourt for being too small. Replace Trae and DJ with Haliburton and Nembhard and you will still have the same problem. We have let the national media and the people who represent players to get the messaging that our Backcourt is the problem. Not true.
  9. Let me amend my statement on Bridges. He's 6'6" 209... plays excellent defense. That's better than 6'5 185... and plays passing lanes very well. However, our frontcourt is where the major problems are. We're small. Small like, I would look at moving JJ to SF and going after a 7 foot center and a big PF. The game is changing before our eyes. Small ball teams can't win anything. The GS model is passe. The game is revolving back to dominant bigs who can dominate in the paint. I agree with you on keeping CC around and picking up a big in the draft. Either one we get whether Ware, Clignanan, or Edey will be a project. OO is tradable in my opinion because he's not really fitting for the future. He would have to become a good PF. But we shall see.
  10. The reason why the trade proposals were garbage was because we have a garbage front office. Other GMs have noted just how badly the Spurs fleeced us and they want to fleece us too. So no offer we get with this front office will be a good offer. 2ndly, Some of yall want to trade Trae or DJ in a year when we don't have a first round pick? That means that you trust this front office to bring back a good deal... good enough that it makes this badly constructed team work? Don't get me wrong... JB or BI... in trade for DJ and it's not a fleece, I say do it. However, those would be the first of a few moves we would need to make to be good. At this point, Bridges is a Ok.. but I'm not jumping up and down over him. Honestly, our real problem is in the size of our frontline. I just watched Minnesota big front line just dominate. Just like Denver did last year. There's a theme.
  11. Their pick in 2025 is top 12 protected. It's good for us. Next year's draft class is much stronger. Here's the dream scenario... Kings lose out but gets us the #13 pick in the draft. It becomes ours.. Then, we win the draft lottery for the first time ever.
  12. Beautiful Pass Trae Young!!! And Another one!!
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