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  1. Yes. We don’t own our pick next year so our play has nothing to do with where we draft. We literally can’t be playing for a lottery pick by definition.
  2. Keeping Capela doesn't hurt my head a ton from the perspective that I assume we will be salary dumping next offseason so this just builds that into the natural model for next year. I think moving him to the bench with OO starting makes us a better team than salary dumping him would. This doesn't mean I wouldn't jump all over the right value trade for him but if that isn't there I'm not rushing to unload him for garbage. I do want to see us competing this year and OO carries a real injury risk as well as uncertainty about his performance in a starting role.
  3. I hope I'm really underselling him. We could use a young backup PF and someone in the front court with some beef. He is a year older than Jalen Johnson so hopefully he steps up and grabs a role in the rotation this season if he is going to get there.
  4. I'm not sure if he meant technically or practically but practically I think you could say they can't be traded because no one wants to clog up a roster spot with them. I suppose we could attach them to a player people actually want or give away a pick or something but that seems kind of self-destructive when stocking picks has been a clear goal of the team and we have clearly shown a desire to own and use second round picks in the last two drafts. I am still frustrated and wanted to know why we didn't combine the DJM trade with the Jonas V trade to avoid needing to take 2 bad contracts back. At least taking back Liddell might have been part of what NO got out of the trade but there is no benefit to NO to forcing us to take Zeller other than hurting us as a rival team.
  5. I think a lot of this is the tension between the vast majority of owners who want a hard cap and the few owners and players' union who want a soft cap. Over time, the cap gets more complicated but moves closer to a hard cap as it gets both more expensive and more competitively limiting to go over the aprons. (I'm saying the second apron is for all practical purposes a hard cap now for the vast majority of teams not that exceeding the cap by itself is anything important.)
  6. If we anticipate needing to salary dump some next year, why not just keep Nance and let his salary expire? Seems to tick both the longterm and shortterm boxes.
  7. I'm all about self-improvement. Some really good tips in that Nazi mods and admin item. Thanks for sharing, @benhillboy!
  8. I think he can be a good player on a winning team if he can defend PGs. This year will be huge for his reputation
  9. Which is legit sad for a home grown talent who loved the Hawks enough to get a Pac tatooed on his arm. He should have been a beloved fan favorite for his entire career in Atlanta instead of someone who people got so frustrated with that they were happy when he was pushed out the door at age 28. One of my regrets that things didn't work out better. Because they sure could have worked out better.
  10. The two years before DJM arrived, we were multiple points positive in net rating. His first year we dropped to near net neutral and then very net negative last season. I am expecting improvement over last year with him departing and better depth than last season but this assumes we aren't salary dumping any more this offseason. TBD on that. Obviously part of last season was that no one new was working into the rotation to start the year. I am more optimistic than BenHillboy but I do think it is possible we will struggle some out of the gate with players learning to play together and Zac adjusting to the big leagues. Hopefully we start strong but I could see a scenario where our first 30 games is worse than the rest of the season.
  11. For me, that is my "favorite" (least hated?) Boston era with Pitino coaching Delk, Walker, Mercer, McCarty, etc. all on the same team. I'd rather have that than a Danny Manning jersey. But we could maybe get you the full Twon-A-Tron collection with Atlanta, Miami, Dallas and Minnesota to boot. You'd make it look good.
  12. I think he clarified you were seeing it the right way.
  13. You are basically talking about an example like averaging 113 points scored per night and 116 points allowed per night, right? I will say that using the 30 games in qualifier makes your prediction a stronger one. It is easy to see the potential for some growing pains with new players and a rookie in a key spot in the rotation that results in a differential you might not see on a full year basis.
  14. Thanks. I will say that I think most people use the term BBIQ to the way you use Overall IQ to also describe feel, knowing how to execute when the play breaks down, etc. so that they would describe Al Horford as being off the charts high BBIQ and Josh as a mixed bag with some real strengths but some glaring weaknesses on BBIQ.
  15. Is that a per game or a total difference in point differential? I.e., is that saying we on average have a net negative 3 point differential or an almost even differential with a total of 3 points to the negative? I actually read it as the latter but I am thinking Re is probably correct that this was supposed to be per game. Last year was the first negative point differential we've had in a while and it finished the year at -1.8. Last time it was -3 or more was when we won 20 games tanking under LP. This would put us in line with the year end numbers last season for the 32 win Nets (-2.9). I definitely have us being better than that, although I was overly optimistic this year for sure so take that for what it is worth.
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