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Posts posted by BornandDieHawks

  1. I taped the game and watched it later. It's hard to tell what shape the Bucs are in since it was only the first week. The Ravens totally dominated the game. The Bucs' offense looked pretty bad all game. The defense was looked OK, but they got put in bad positions because of turnovers. I do not think after the first week the Bucs are on the same level as the Falcons. After last year victories over the Falcons, I am looking for the Bucs to get dogged.

  2. Quote:

    1. We drafted Marvin Williams not Chris Paul.

    2. If we would have gotten the first pick we would have drafted Bogut. Marvin was a lock to go 1 or 2 in the draft.

    3. From what was being said at the time we were going to draft Deron Williams over CP anyway.

    4. If we would have drafted CP, who's to say that we were going to get JJ.

    100% correct

  3. This season will show it Salim worked hard during the off-season. He knows his most value to to team is backup pg. He should have worked hard on his game especially handling the ball during the summer. It will show and if he did Woody would have several packages he could put on the floor.

  4. Quote:


    on playing with the USA team

    "I used to have to fly all over the US each summer looking for the best pickup games. Now I've got that right here every day in practice."

    somebody can find the exact quote but that's damn close to what he said. i used to think that he'd have dead legs as a result of this trip. if you think about it they play all summer anyway.

    I think JJ will improve by being able to practice with Lebron, D Wade, etc. he will be able to pick up on some small nuances in their games that you wouldn't necessarily pick up on during a game to help his overall game.

    i think JJ being able to practice day after day with the class of the NBA will only help him and the other Hawks players.

    It's like back in college we'd have a bi-annual nationwide meeting. of course we aren't going to send the entire chapter, you send one or two representatives. well fortunately for us not all NBA teams have a place at the table with this USA basketball experience.

    40 wins or bust in 2006

    I am hoping he'll pick up a lot from these kids. My question is - has other players in the past learnt a lot from their peers in olympic/pre-olympic practices? I can't remember anyone siginificantly improving although it seems they should have? May be my memory is failing me.

    JJ will not be playing with the caliber of players he is playing with now when the season opens. Since he will no doubt be the #1 option on this team and since AL is gone someone else would have to step and prove they can take the scoring load off his shoulders..... To be a better player this year, he will have to get the other players involved. I truly believes he is capable of finding the open man and distributing the ball. The unique thing about JJ is he does not have to shoot 40 times a game and he will do whatever for a win.

  5. Branch would have been a nice pick-up, but he never would have accepted the role as the #3 receiver and Mora has made it clear Jenkins and White will be the starters at receiver. Another thing is Branch is looking for a new contract and Lelie is in his last year so even if New england would have done this a week ago, I believe Mckay would have passed.

  6. JJ's turnovers will go down because we are not experiencing with him anymore at the point. Speedy has the luxury of being the #1 man at the point. There was times he would try to do too much coming off the bench and turn the ball over.

  7. We have to see how Sheldon plays first. He would be judged in a little harsher because he was picked at the #5 because he could provide immediate help to the interior. We needed a starting C, but there were none out there available who would have been a real factor.

  8. Good luck to a real class act. At no time did he come out and trash this team. Al could have gotten his big payday if we would have taken back contracts and he still did not bad mouth the team or the organization. I hope you have a great season, but the rest of the Pacers suck. Sorry money, we need that pick to the highest it can be.

  9. Quote:

    The Spirit have every intention on spending money. Look at the Thrashers: they are at the NHL salary cap. The AS was going to spend money on the Hawks until Belkin reared his ugly head and came back. As much as I hate it as a fan I totally understand the business decision to NOT sink even more money into the Hawks with a chance that Belkin can steal it away from them.

    Belkin does not have enough capital to own any sports team in his own right. He does not have enough capital to invest in player salary and stadium upkeep on his own. As much as we hate the cheap ass way of the Hawks now with Belkin it would be an unchanging litany of cheapness. The Spirit had given Knight the OK to spend up to the salary cap for the Hawks before this happened. They just are protecting their financial fortunes from the snake Belkin.

    It's easy to point the finger at Belkin because we all hate him...right? I don't buy the protecting the franchise argument. What if this court battle last through next off season, do the team continue to protect and not spend any money? Or do we not sign one of our own because Belkin might gain control? If this is the reason for not spending any money then they must feel they have a weak case and Belkin will get the team.

  10. Quote:



    I Can't really blame A.S for not wanting to spend alot of money this year.After all the did loose 20 million dollars last year.They are going have a hard time making a profit with attendence the way it is.And it was the worst i ever seen last year.Plus they have to put up 11 million in the court case VS Belkin.But , they have to understand that the fans will not come, until they start winning...and not getting players back for Harrington, makes it more likey that will be giving a lotto pick to the Suns.So we wont even have the draft to look foward.

    Hell.. i dont know maybe we should form some kind of rally and march in to the Phil, and let management know how we feel.

    Don't blame them??? They bought the teams. If they didn't want to pay the price they shouldn't have looked into buying the teams. It's as simple as that.

    I agree 110%

    The AS knew they were coming into a situation where the organization were losing and the fan base were poor. They had to know they were going to lose money initially. How do they remedy that is to invest in their product and put a winning team on the floor. I am not suggesting they spend the CAP and kill our the team for years to come. We are well below our CAP and we could have blostered our team with some expiring contracts and put a team out there this year with more depth. I know the owners are fighting it out in court and they may need some capital, but I bet their other businesses are not suffering because they are strapped for cash. The courts gave them the opportunity to spend to the CAP. I know some will say why kill our CAP now because something maybe out there at the deadline, but the only problem with that is we are losing our most valuable trade asset for peanuts.

  11. My hopes were up after thinking Indiana was out of the running for AL. I don't care how you look at this potential trade the Hawks is getting the bottom end. Regardless of how you feel about AL, he is worth more than a mid to bottom first round pick period. I am not pointing fingers because it looks like BK had to work around the crazy sh*t with the owners, but this deal just blows.....

  12. Quote:

    With that trade now off the table, there are really only a couple of deals I would look at. One is with the Lakers for Chris Mihm, Brian Cook, Aaron McKie, and a 1st round pick. The reason I support that deal is because Mihm, Cook, and McKie's contracts are off the books after this season, so they don't hurt our long term salary cap flexibility. Plus, both Chris Mihm and Brian Cook are younger players that could prove to be solid contributors that can be resigned at a reasonable cost, though getting Cook at a reasonable cost is more likely than getting Mihm. Someone will be willing to overpay to get Chris Mihm in the offseason.

    If we do get Mihm he may have some value at the trade deadline. I do not know how much since his contract is expiring, but some team in contention might try and win it now and give up something for him.

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