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Posts posted by Eddielives

  1. ^^^Thank you tmac. I like Zaza for offense and his scrappiness. But he could not play D as of last year. If he will improve this year we will just have to wait and see. Sheldon at C would still be better than Zaza from a defensive standpoint. That seems kinda obvious to me. Personally, I'd like to see Zaza at C and Sheldon at PF for stints to see how that works out. Put Smoove at sf, JJ at sg and maybe Rondo at pg...if the draft works out that way. Here's to BK getting Sheldon and Rondo in this draft. Yea come on!

  2. I disagree. We would still be a sub .500 team...just not by as much. Maybe 30 wins but that is it. You have to remember that the main reason we lost so many games last year was due to lack of interior defense. Zaza isn't going to all of a sudden next year know how to play that much better D. He is a guy who needs help. That is why I won't cry if we get Sheldon. With Sheldon , I think we become close to a five-hundred ballclub.

  3. This is off-topic a bit but I have to ask. Am I missing something as to why some call J-Smoove, J-SmooTH. I never heard him called J-Smooth until I started seeing certain posters here doing so. I am quite certain is was established that Smoove is a legit nickname but SmooTH? Again, did I miss something?

  4. ^^I'm sure Milwaukee was drafting for Dallas.

    Anyway, what I want to know is how will BK be treated by us fans and the media if Aldridge does actually fall to 5 and we still pick Shelden. I love both players but damn. That would really piss me off to see him take Shelden over Aldridge. I highly doubt Aldridge is there but you never know.

  5. I like Al but no..I don't want him back. He had his shot at being "the man" and failed. He is a guy who will get you your 20 pts and 7 rebs but that's it. I'm not minimalizing that type of production. It's just that we need a more defensive minded pf...and center for that matter. So bye-bye Al. Welcome Shelden Williams.

  6. I guarantee that this is all being blown a bit out of proportion. What will happen in the following weeks will be as Chillz said business as usual. Some will say I'm whistling past the graveyard. I say just sit back, relax and we will all be pleasantly surprised to see this turn out not so terribly. wink.gif

  7. Taking Shelden at #5 will definitely be looked upon as a reach by the Hawks. That's why they need to play their hand to it's fullest value and get Shelden and perhaps another pick. They just better be damn sure that he's available where they pick if we trade down. And he is as close to what this team needs as we are going to get in this draft....seeing as how Aldridge will be long gone by the time we pick.

  8. Maybe the Hawks could somehow get Dikembe(if he retires) to help tutor him. Or even better, what is Hakeem Olajuwon doing these days? Maybe since they're from the same part of the world, they would be willing to help this kid along a bit heh? Sene is from Africa right?

    Anyway, I'm all for drafting him if he falls to the second round...sounds like he may go sooner though.

  9. I just can't believe that the differences that caused Boris and Woody to not see eye to eye were all because Boris wanted things to go his way and he gave up. Let's be real. He's not what some would say is your typical NBA bad boy or occasional malcontent. He's not AI or Ron Artest.

    I saw many times where after Woody would bench Boris for a few games, Boris would get another shot to play and would just blow you away for the short time he got. In other words, he would do what he is doing in Phoenix in stints when given the chance. Then he would make a bad play or two and Woody would just bench him again. Woody just couldn't accept that Boris was a different type of player and adjust his coaching approach to help Boris fit into what the Hawks were trying to do. You're not compromising the coach's integrity by realizing that a very talented player is being wasted and expecting your coach to adjust his approact to get the most out of that player.

    That's what disappoints me with the Boris situation. Until we start showing signs that Woody is lifting this team out of the culture of losing, then I have to think that we may still be another coach, gm or overall philosophy away from ever being good. Sad but perhaps true.

  10. You know Tim Thomas is playing pretty darn good since he went to the Suns. Are people criticizing Skiles and the other coaches who have not gotten this much out of him? I think we just need to give major props to coach D'Antoni. I for one am jealous more of what he is doing with that team as their leader than of not having Boris with us. I love the comment of how he is more of a european style coach too. Since the euro's have been smacking our guys around for a few years now, it makes sense that there is an advantage to learning how they are playing and to teach our guys how to play like they do. I wonder how long it will be before some euro coaches look to get jobs over here....if they can get paid more.

  11. Stephen A. Smith....it's an enigma as to how he has made it this far. He must have compromising pictures of important people is all I can think of. As for the Stews. I'm not being an a-hole by saying this but the few times I have been able to pick up 790, I have listened to them and they just sound like two Stephen A. Smiths "lite." They are just talking over each other and being loud too! I can't understand what they're saying! It's been a while so maybe they've changed..I dunno.

  12. I feel sorry for the fans...us. We have been led to believe that they can function as competent owners. They are nothing more than a bunch of feuding babies. If it weren't for the Knicks, we would be even more of a punching bag for the media. I've said it before and I'll say it again...if David McDavid were the owner, we would be much better off. If memory serves me correctly, this Atlanta Spirit pretty much pulled the rug out from under McDavid's feet. He had the team and then they came along.

  13. Do you want us to be a better defensive team? Didn't you get tired of seeing us lose games last year because there was noone to stop other teams from driving the lane and finishing at will? As much as it may seem like a bad deal on the surface, tell me how many more games we would have won last year had we just had one guy, other than Smoove, who could play consistent defense in the paint?

    If you want to have a team that is full of guys who are potential high-light reels, then let's just draft Rudy Gay and call it a day. We'll have as many dunks as losses yet again. When you're ready to have a team that plays well in all facets in all positions, you'll be ready to handle a deal such as Chill for Gadz. Or how about Al instead? To me, getting rid of just one of any of our forwards, except Smoove, for a low-profile yet defensively sound center would be wise and pay off in more wins. I want more wins. What do you want?

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