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Posts posted by emeans

  1. Giving Marvin and Horford praise....wow!! How things have changed in this forum.

    Winning changes a lot of attitudes about players around this forum. You wanted to trade Marvin every other post and didn't even want to draft Horford at all. You wanted Yi and thought Horford was a big big mistake.

    My how things have changed around here.

    Lets go Hawks!!

  2. I am praying and hoping that the Hawks can finally get through a pre-season without any major injuries to any of its players.

    This has killed us in the past....EVERY YEAR!!

    If we can go into the season healthy, especially our key players then we will be pretty good this year.

    I would event think about sitting injury prone and key players like Speedy, JJ, Marvin, Smoove for extended minutes these last few pre-season games.

    Even rookies that should contribute like Acie and Horford would get playing time, but I would be very careful. We are depending heavily on these guys for our success this year too!!

  3. The Nation has voted on ESPN.com. So far...The Nation thinks Atlanta has the highest probability of not making the playoffs in the Eastern Conference.

    8) Which of the following Eastern Conference teams would you say has no shot of making playoffs next season?

    23.9% Hawks

    23.7% 76ers

    21.8% Bobcats

    17.4% Pacers

    8.4% Bucks

    3.7% Nets

    1.2% Magic

  4. I was okay with the Marvin pick. I felt we got the best value at No. 2. Marvin was talked about as the No. 1 pick in some circles.

    What I am saying is that a good GM has to make decision on whether to trade down and get more and still fill a need or stay and get the VALUE of that pick. Shelden was NOT the value of a No. 5 pick. He probably could have traded down and still got Shelden or a player like Shelden if that was a need. I just don't think a good GM reaches for players at certain picks. If the BPA can help your team then so be it...pick him, if not trade down and figure out ways to fill other needs.

    Conley doesn't need to be picked at 3. That is a reach is all I am saying, especially when you can get a good PG at 11. If Billy's picks him at 3, again he is reaching when he doesn't have to.

  5. I agree with the Diesel on this one. 3 is a serious reach for Conley, even though our history should.

    The mark of a good GM is getting the value out of the pick you sit at. Just like we stretched for Shelden last year, we are stretching for Conley. That shows very poor GM skills to always stretch for a pick.

    A good GM would get all the value the No. 3 pick deserves and a little more!!

    Conley at 3, like Shelden is giving away a lot of value!! If you have to trade this pick to get the value you deserve then so be it!!

  6. Just venting!!!! I know I am beating a dead horse, however I am still pissed about drafting Shelden over a potential superstar player.

    We have passed on two rookie of the years and two potential perrenial All-stars in two consecutive drafts. BK has to held accountable for this.

    Paul when we needed a point guard that year and ROY when everyone said he was probably the most talented in this draft in favor of a pre-determined role player.

    Unbelievable!! These are not hard picks or picks that take a lot of thought and analysis. They were right there stairing BK right in the face for the taking!!!

  7. Quote:

    This team has had so many opportunities to get great players and have blown it EVERY time. One less win with Sura and we'd have Dwight. BK selected Marvin over Deron/Paul. Shelden over Roy/Foye. Childress (is still a good player) over Deng/Iguodala.

    We never spend cap space and BK is so great about not wasting money, and then he FINALLY signs a pg, and the guy is a career backup with chronic knee problems, who will miss an average of 25-30 games per season, and isn't good even when he IS healthy.

    I think about this crap all the time, and it sucks.

    That pretty much sums BK up. He has failed in the draft. The only thing he has done well is save us money, but that isn't necessary translating to wins.

    We are eventually getting better, but we could have been really really good right now, if he had drafted better. Overlooking ROY last year took the cake.

  8. I have to agree with the BK bashers on this move.

    I am sick and tired of Atlanta picking up re-treds that have already played in Atlanta years ago (ala Lorenzen Wright). If Johnson was so good why did we get rid of him....TWICE!!!

    And then to trade away our 2nd round pick in one of the deepest drafts in history for a re-tred??

    What is BK doing?? We need to get a YOUNG competent PG, not an old two time Atlanta Hawk player.

    BK is starting to look desperate as hell!!

  9. I agree......The Shelden pick is turning out to be a bad pick. There are several big men playing much better than him draft after him.....SEVERAL!!

    Roy should have been a no brainer and again like Chris Paul we passed on a potential future All-Star caliber player.

    J Smoove at 17 so far is BK's best draft pick. Chillz was a solid pick but not spectacular. His 2nd round pick of Ivey was a head scratcher, when Duhon was still there.

    BK hasn't done well in the draft and the fact that last years draft was probably our last very high draft pick in 2 year makes it more magnified. We may not have a good pick this year.

    Also didn't we have Mehmet Okur once???

  10. BK's offseason moves probably gets a D last year.

    Shelden should not have been picked that high in the 1st round. We should have gotten Roy. Shelden is not significantly helping our Big man issues at all. We still need a Big man!! He is a good role player off the bench.

    Speedy is not a bad player, he is just injury prone and always been injury prone in his career. Too much money spent on him.

    Not a good offseason for BK.....Thank God for JJ, Chillz and JSmith's emergence this year!!!! If it wasn't for them we would be terrible. You saw that when JSmith and Chillz went down.

    I really wish we had Roy from this past draft.

  11. I think this is a terrible trade for Indy. They brought in some huge long term contracts......all to get rid of Jackson. And they had to throw in Harrington, even though they were starting to hate Al's game.

    Al Harrington's ceiling was exposed with Atlanta and now confirmed with Indy. His value was really overblown. Go to Indy's website and read how they are happy to get rid of Al.....already!!!

  12. I totally agree......Ladies and Gentlemen it is time to totally clean house from the top to the bottom. We have given them enough ample time to build a respectable team in terms of wins and they haven't.

    BK and Woody should be dismissed and a new regime should take over. They have totally failed!!

    I was patient for several years and now my patience is at the end.

  13. I just get tired of people bashing Vick all the time. The last time I checked, with the exception of New England and Green Bay the last 10 SuperBowl winners had mediocre QBs and offenses. The one constant was they all had superior DEFENSES. New England had both. Green Bay had both.

    Again I would take Vick's offense just like it is right now and a much better defense and this team is in the SuperBowl.

    Trent Dilfer, Roethlisberger, Tampa Bay's QB (Brad Johnson) all won SuperBowls and would not call them excellent QBs. The one constant was defense and the Atlanta Falcons have one of the worse defensive schemes in the league. Vick can have Marino kind of numbers and will never win a SuperBowl with this defense!!

  14. I know this is not a football forum. But I will say this....Vick is not a bad QB like a lot of people try to brand him. First of all he doesn't have an offensive line that can pass protect and second of all his receivers drop way too many passes.

    It is not Vick's fault that the defense can't stop my son's little league offense on EVERY 3rd and 20 basically playing a prevent defense. Give me the offense just like it is and a decent defense and this team wins 11 to 12 games easily.

    It's not Vick's fault that the entire team looks totally flat when playing inferior opponents (Cleveland, Detroit, etc.).....that is coaching!!

    I get tired of people always blaming Vick for the Falcons problems. It is not entirely Vick's fault.

  15. I agree with you Diesel. What is happening right now is exactly what I expected without JJ. This team is seriously flawed without JJ. JJ's superman play covers up a lot of weaknesses with this team. If you noticed Seattle beat the bricks off of us without there top playmaker. The Lakers beat the bricks off of us without Kobe. The Hawks can't beat ANYONE without JJ playing. Other teams can still win without there top playmaker..the Hawks can't!!!

    All this to say...we still have a long way to go!!! If we can't win a game without our best player on some nights we are just not there!!!

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