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Posts posted by emeans

  1. Get Real Dude....I am not going to sit here and explain to you what "This years Dwayne Wade" means. It is a figure of speech!!! His impact his rookie year will be Wade like...for people who can't translate a figure of speech.

    And for you truly mentally challenged people......Dwayne Wade and Roy have different mothers, family, etc., therefore they can't be the same person.

    People try to make things difficult just for the sake of making something difficult. You know exactly what that means!!

  2. Of course he is not Dwayne Wade......not yet, however a lot of writers even before the draft compared his game to Dwayne Wade.

    According to most predraft analyst his game and potential mostly resembles Dwayne Wade's potential and game coming out of the draft.

    I made that comparison because that is the player people compared him to before the draft and so far he has more than lived up to that status.

    I hate comparing players to other players because they will never be the same player (everyone is different), however if you had to compare him, most people see him as the next Dwayne Wade TYPE of player.

  3. Roy is this years Dwayne Wade!! Ask yourself this question.

    If you had a chance to play Dwayne Wade beside JJ would you???

    Well that answers your question about should we have drafted Roy.

    Brandon Roy is a flatout playmaker with excellent ball handling skills.

    I have never considered Chillz a TRUE SG. He is not a SG, his game is more like a SF. He may be technically listed at the 2 but he is not a 2.

  4. For all of the good preseason talk, I am going on record and saying this team is NOT ready to play.

    I have never seen so many turnovers!!! This is ridiculus.

    They are not ready!! They have had 12 to 13 chances to get back into this game and failed every single time with a senseless turnover!!

  5. Salim for all intense purposes is still 'a rookie' for God's sake. He missed valuable time during his rookie season.

    I wish we would stop being so definative about a kids worth until he has played two FULL YEARS in the NBA....at least that. Really it takes 3 years before you really can say what a kid can do or not.

    Salim will be fine. He has the talent and shooting ability to do well in the NBA. I bet Pheonix would love to have Salim.

    Let him get some more experience and then we can bash or love him, but again just like the criticism of Marvin....IT IS TOO EARLY!!!

  6. Here we go again!!! Dude he hasn't played but one year!! And he played very well at the end of last year.

    You can't possibly conclude what he is going to be in the future (superstar or not) THIS EARLY in his career!!

    Cut that non-sense talk out. He very much showed superstar qualities and play at the end of the season.

    You kill me conclude about peoples careers in their rookie year!!

    I have news for you...you probably will not know his second year either!! Give him at least 2 FULL years before you conclude anything!!!!!!!!!

  7. I agree...we just gave our 2nd best player away for peanuts. A mid first round pick is again is going to take two to three years to become the player that we want them to be.

    I thought we would address a need (Center) with Al as that trade piece.

    One 1st round pick is not enough for a talent like Al.

  8. Quote:

    our ownership legal battles are a mess but i would hardly call the thing a mess

    Well the ownership is the backbone and the face of an organization. If the ownership is the mess..... mostly likely the organization is mess.

    While I am pleased at what we have done so far with Josh, Marvin, JJ and Chillz, etc., this offseason we haven't taken the next step to take this thing to the next level. A backup Center, Sheldon and one pick for Al (not sure what year... 2008??)is not the next level every fan was looking for in this offseason.

    I can't honestly say that we have passed anyone in the standings with our moves so far.

  9. Good post gsuteke. As much as I hate to admit it....this organization is in a mess.

    So far I personally think this was a terrible offseason. While Sheldon was an okay pick based on the circumstances, although he is an average player, we really haven't done anything else. We really needed to shore up our inside presence with a talented big body. All we did was get a backup Center and a rookie PF.

    We are getting raped by Indiana in the Al deal. A single draft pick was not what I was looking at for Al.

    And lastly this Al deal has taken all the momentum of excitement from the fans. This deal has taken entirely too long to get done. People don't even give a crap about the deal anymore.

  10. Diesel I agree with you on this point.

    Draft picks are not a true priority in this stage of rebuilding that we are in right now. It is time to take that next step.

    I would have wanted to see a veteran and a draft pick in exchange for Al, not just a draft pick.

    It seems we could have gotten much much more for Al than a single draft pick.

    Hell we gave away 2 draft picks and a talented player for JJ.

    We should at least get a talented player back and a draft pick for Al.

  11. I hate bringing back players that didn't work for us the first time in an attempt to make them work this time. They didn't work the first time for a reason.....why bring the same guy right back in.

    I am not excited about this signing!!!

    Lorenzen Wright...LOL!!! This is our big man.......

    Those power ranking are accurate.

  12. Quote:

    There's no denying...

    Marvin will probably never match CP3 in terms of impact. CP3 is about to be the premeier Guard of the league. Marvin will have a hard time being the premeier forward on our team.

    Huh???? Marvin will be the premier forward on this team and will probably be a premier forward in the league. Truly comparing Marvin and Paul in terms of impact is way premature. Lets have this discussion in about 4 years!!

    Stop Hatin on Marvin!!! He is progressing exactly the way he should.

  13. I don't think Al has been traded at all. A trade doesn't take this long to announce once it has been supposedly confirmed.

    We are no further today than we were a month ago.

    I am tired of all of these BS rumors...until I see a national official publication of the Al trade....I don't believe it!!!!

  14. Louis Williams and Marvin Williams and argueably the best two players in the Rocky Mountain Revue this year.

    Louis Williams is the young kid from Atlanta that everyone wanted the hawks to draft with their 2nd round pick (the Salim Stoudemire pick). Philadelphia pick him and he is looking very good in SL.

    I would still take Salim over Williams, however I understand Louis has better handles than Salim. Glad to see this kid do well. Maybe they are preparing him to particially replace AI???

  15. Quote:

    There may be people in professional situations that are overmatched, but the only people that have the right to criticize them are those that have the same professional status.

    Huh?? That is the most inaccurate post I have read in a long long time. This is not communist country!! You have every right in this world to criticize whatever you want to criticize and you don't have to have the same processional status?? I can't criticize a congressman because I am not a congressman?? I can't criticize the governor because I have never been the governor??

    Please clarify yourself? Maybe you meant to say something different.

  16. Your points are valid. This is still a major transition, regardless of whether Shelden was a graduate and had 4 years under an elite program under his belt.

    Listen I am not saying Shelden won't be a major bust. He just may turn out to be a major bust, but I would hold judgement until the actual NBA season starts and ends.

    Then I will flame or praise this pick. Too early right now!!

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