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Posts posted by emeans

  1. If Roy falls in our laps at 5 I will be very happy. I personally think he is the best talent in the draft.

    Chillz will be expendible if we pick him up. We need to package Chillz and Al Harrington and get a big in a sign and trade and we will be much improved.

    Roy steps in and plays day 1 with JJ!!




    Zaza/??(Big man from S&T)

  2. and Thomas, Bargnani, Aldridge are taken......Brandon Roy should be our guy.

    I agree with Chad Ford in that he and JJ could be a nice tandem and both can switch playing the point.

    He would be an immediate impact player for the Hawks!!

    However, I hope with get Bargnani, but I would not be mad if we picked up Roy!!

  3. If you refine Salim's skills and knowledge of the game he could be become a very dangerous threat off the bench. I would not move a guy that can shoot the ball like he does this early.

    Look at Jason Terry. He is finally coming into his own and doing very well!!

    It takes years people to realize players potential and most of you guys don't realize that!!

    The only young guy I would potentially package with Al Harrington would be Chillz. I think Chillz will be a very good player in this league too and the only reason I would listen to deals with him is because of the logjam at the 2 and 3.

    But it would always be my practice not to get rid of potentially good players in years 1 thru 3. It is just too early.

  4. I don't know what it is about Atlanta sports and Atlanta franchises. If it comes down to a coin flip or a lotto, I don't think I ever remember any Atlanta franchise winning or doing better than it should.

    We also lose coin tosses and we never do better in the NBA lotto than we should, so I am kind of like you. I always have tempered excitement in these events.

    I never get too excited with the thought of us getting something better than we are slotted to have.

    I hope we do get the number 1 - 3 pick, but history shows this probably will not happen.

  5. I am pretty sure you kind find a few success stories with guys being traded too early in their careers.

    Golden State traded Gilbert Arenas a year too early. I believe we traded Diaw a year too early.

    Rumeal Robinson didn't show flashes of anything, no potential when he played for the Hawks so I can kind of understand that trade even though I still don't believe in trading a player in or after year 1.

    Marvin and Salim both have shown flashes of greatness and unrealized potential, so it would be foolish to trade them this early.

    It all depends on the organizations ability to see the potential a player will have with a little experience under their belts. You CLEARLY see massive potential in Marvin and Salim and we want to trade them after year 1??

    No Way!!

  6. That is exactly my point!!!

    You think Boston is kicking itself for trading Joe Johnson in year 1? I know they are!! They traded away a potential superstar in JJ. It took at least 3 years before JJ started realizing his talents. And some you fools are talking about trading away Marvin and Salim year 1. I guarantee if that were to happen (It won't...BK is not that stupid) those same fools would be on this forum talking about we should have kept them a few more years before trading them.

    It is just very dumb and stupid to trade a player year 1 in any professional sport and BK knows this.

    If we trade Marvin they need to move this team to another city, because we will never build anything worth looking at. The Marvin evaluation talk shouldn't start until AFTER year 3.

  7. All of you all need to calm about trading a KID that only has ONE year under his belt.

    We need to flatout ban anyone on this forum that proposes to trade any player that hasn't played AT LEAST 3 YEARS. You guys are jumping the gun way to early on Marvin, Salim, Chillz and Smoove.

    Can we please give these guys AT LEAST 3 YEARS before we even conversate about moving them.

    This one year and lets trade him crap is ridiculus!!!

    First of all trades rarely happen after only 1 year of evaluation of a player with any organization and any professional sport.

  8. The thing I would like about this proposed deal is that the Hawks wouldn't be giving up a lot, with the exception of cap space, to get AI. Al will be gone anyway and Chillz, while I like him, is expendible with Marvin and Josh on the roster. Marvin is a better shooter from the outside than Chillz.

    So you really adding a name and lethal scorer without giving practically anything but cap space.

    But again JJ and AI in the backcourt could be pretty nice.

  9. Well Woodson's evaluation year is next year. He should have all the pieces for a playoff contending team. So we will truly see how well Woodson can coach.

    However, I will always say giving up on Diaw after 2 years was a mistake. You have to at least give a potentially good player 3 to 4 years to truly see what they can do. Especially if you know that player has potential which the Hawks organization knew he had.

    I bet they could have gotten JJ with 2 1st round picks and the MLE.

  10. Nobody said anything about changing coaches. I am simply telling you why Diaw didn't succeed in Atlanta. BK knew he had skills and huge potential. I will never forget when Diaw first came here, Theo Ratliffe and Abdur emphatically said that Diaw will be very special after a few years and the kid can really play.

    Hell didn't you see Kobe Bryant in his last press conference say Boris Diaw can flatout ball. He is an excellent player.

    Diaw has always gotten praise from everyone except one person and that person is Woodson. Now you tell me why he wasn't successful in Atlanta!!

    This particular coach couldn't get the best out of Diaw....plan and simple.

    And don't give me the Stotts BS about he couldn't even get him to play. Diaw was a rookie who couldn't barely speak English under Stotts and Diaw played like a typically rookie would play which wasn't bad.

  11. You guys don't get it.....

    Diaw played like crap in Atlanta because of the COACH!!!!

    Plan and simple and nothing else!! Diaw is very talented!! Not as talented as JJ but very talented!!

  12. Unfortunately Pheonix got the better of this deal. Two 1st rounders and Diaw was too much for even the great JJ. Don't get me wrong I like acquiring JJ, he is a stud, but we didn't have to give up that much to do a S&T.

    Also, the Hawks organization gave up too soon on Diaw. We all saw potential and you don't give up on potential that early. He was drafted in 2003. Give the man at least 3 years before you give up on him. Most players take 3 years before they start to reach their potential anyway. That is why I laugh when people are already putting Marvin in trade talks.....foolish talk. The man hasn't even played a year and people are talking about trading him.

    You will be even more sorry trading Marvin than trading Diaw!!! Talk about not sleeping at night....go ahead an trade Marvin. We will be having nightmares!!

  13. Being that the Hawks maybe picking 4th. If Noah declares that is strong possibility we will be able to get a playing of need (BIG MAN) at 4. You would have Noah, Bagnani and Aldridge. We would definately get one of those big men because Charlotte is rumored to be high on Morris or a shooting swingman like Gay.

    Without Noah we are probably left to pick either Morris or Gay or 4.

    We may be screwed if he doesn't declare and again an Atlanta team has lost the coin toss for a draft spot.

    We need some lottery luck to get into the top 3 if he doesn't declare or we need to trade down.

  14. Thank you....I agree. Smoove is not selfish. I am glad he took that shot. I am glad to know he has the confidence to take the big shot at the end of the game and not always defer to JJ and Al.

    Al Harrington has missed so many shots at the end of games, I can't even count them. He has taken many ill-advised shots at the end of games and I haven't seen anyone call him selfish.

    That was actually a good shot, it just didn't fall.

  15. When Cleveland put their big lineup in the game and went to a 2/3 zone they dominated us. We resorted to all jump shots outside the zone and ended up losing a 15 point lead in the blind of an eye.

    It was obvious that we have to get bigger this offseason. Zsa Zsa is our biggest guy and he should really be a solid backup at Center.

    PG is a need, but at least TWO big defensive rebounding men are the BIGGEST need for this team. Preferably one from the draft and one from free agency.

  16. I would be totally satisfied with Aldridge, Bagnani, or Noah if he declares.

    Based on our lottery position we should get one of those 3 guys and I would be elated to get either one. We don't have to give up anything in this draft to get a position of need.

    I am just hoping that we get something for Al Harrington.

  17. Well there is hypothetical and there is reality. None of those scenarios are realistic because those teams are not going to trade their star player...period. So lets not talk about hypotheticals.

    So basically you are saying you would trade a proven NBA commodity (given minutes) and future All-Star in Marvin for a guy (Aldridge), if he came out in the same year would PROBABLY be drafted BEHIND Marvin.

    No way in hell am I trading Marvin for Aldridge when I can have BOTH without giving up my future All-Star.

    It is not worth REACHING for Aldrige in this draft. If he falls to us at 3 or 4 then good if not then good and I will draft Bagnani or Noah. If Morrison is there then I use him as trade bait to get more picks in the 1st round.


  18. You can get a legit PF without giving up one of your young potential All-Star players. Marvin is too valuable to even remotely ponder trading him right now.

    Marvin, JJ, JSmith, Zsa Zsa are definate keepers. Those 4 are untouchable right now.

    Al is gone. Chillz maybe in some trade talks, but I hope not and of course everyone else is open to be moved.

    If Noah declares it changes a lot of things.

  19. Are you crazy!! You don't trade Marvin Williams after one year and after what he has shown given minutes.

    Marvin Williams will become an All-Star, why would you trade him.

    You need to drop this trade Marvin Williams mess. This kid is the real deal and next year you will see how good he is truly is.

    Why do you hate Marvin Williams??

  20. This team was pretty damn good offensively without Paul.

    So I definately agree that our 1st priority right now is a defensive big man presence.

    With the moving of Al, Marvin is exactly what the doctor ordered for his replacement. Marvin is very special player if you give him the minutes.

    But I agree with this poster it has to be a Big Man or Bust....no doubt!!!

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