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Posts posted by hawkster411

  1. Aldridge was saying that Sheed will be going. He won't be going to the knicks, but most likely Detroit. He said Detroit is willing to take the chance for Sheed's services for a few months. Detroit is wanting to resign Okur (sp?)...i just saw it on tv...comments!

  2. Jay,

    New Management wants to clean house. They might as well be consistent with their game plan. wink.gif

    JT has his issues whether or not he's a PG or a SG. The Hawks tried to complement Terry but the experiment failed. They might as well trade their assets and gain value while they still have it.

    A package of Terry/Sheed would bring in promising prospects and draft picks. My only concern is whether or not the Hawks will be competitive in 3 years?!??!?! Will the Hawks showcase a new and upcoming team to lure respectable free agents? I hope management/Billy Knight thought this whole process through.

  3. There has to be more to this trade than we think.

    Not too long ago, the hawks were invisible in the rumor mill. I believe Knight has made a lot of calls, and there is a team/or 2 that waited for the Hawks move. I think there's more to this trade. I think Knight is not only wanting to splash for free agency, I think he's targeting a young stud basketball player combined with a pick for Wallace...but which team?

    The other alternative is the Hawks play out the season in hopes for free agency.

  4. Out of curiosity? You think there is more to this deal...you think Knight has another trade in the works?

    I'm disappointed that the hawks couldn't get a conditional 1st round pick with this trade.

    It doesn't make sense unless the Hawks are confident that we'll have free agents wanting to sign with us in the offseason...that's a big IF.

  5. Tell me this...Wallace is going to walk this summer. The Hawks will be big players in free agency; however, is the city of Atlanta enough to bring in high profile free agents?

    It's obvious that history proves how other teams gambled with free agency ala Chicago to bring in high profile free agents.

    I hope that new ownership has a secret game plan that has been in the works for months because last I want is another dominque/danny manny trade.

    This is what I hope for the future...!






  6. Vick was on the cover for Madden2004...he's injured.

    Heatley was also on the cover for hockey...horrific accident, and God bless Snyder and his family.

    Two ATL phenoms, both injured. I know other famous athletes who were on the cover of video games and got injured.

    What about the Braves? yeah what about them? I mean 12 consevutive winning seasons and dominating their division, respectively. And to show it alll, one world series ring. I heard the braves indian theme song is the reason they aren't winning...somekind of indian curse...that's what i heard...

    What about our precious hawks...what's their curse...I'll tell ya...management! I know we flushed out old management, but will the Hawks drown in the new established management, or float into success. I'm not sure what's going on, but I hope things turn around for the atlanta hawks.

    I'm bored, and I havn't posted in forever...any thoughts gentlemen or ladies...

  7. So let me get this straight, we traded Terrell Brandon for these reasons:

    1. Cap relief

    2. Ability to sign JT, DJ, Darrell Armstrong, Kenny Anderson

    3. Big time players for free agency in 2005

    however, the biggest question I have is whether or not Terrell Brandon will play for the Hawks? Will the the Hawks buy out his contract? I'm just curious if there is more to this story than we know. I would greatly appreciate your comments.

  8. If the Clippers match an offer shee for Brand, Miami will go after Lamar Odom.

    Also, I think the Clippers are in a pretty bad situation. Half their roster might not even be there next year. They have so much talent, but I think there is so much negativity and animosity in that clubhouse that no one wants to stay and play for the Clips.

  9. I'll in my room with my door shut! I'll surround myself pizza and sprite. If the Hawks have a horrible draftnight, I might consider drinking some Corona. Other than that, I wish the Hawks luck. Also, I'll be turning 21 this year, maybe the hawks will give me some luck this year.

    What about you guys?

  10. IF the Timerberwolves do not make the playoffs, do you think Kevin Garnett will get traded?

    The Timerwolves would benefit in trading Garnett for some prominent younger players and draft picks; however, I'm having a difficult time figuring out which NBA team would trade with Minnesota. This is what I came up with...


    The Timbewolves would trade with the Bulls:

    Jay Williams/Jalen Rose/Eddie Robinson/Donyell Marhall/Marcus Fizer


    Kevin Garnett.

    *Again, I'm not sure if salary works and if the Timberwolves would even consider these players; however, I would love to hear your opinions.


    The Timberwolves would trade with the Pacers:

    Ron Artest/Jermaine O'neal/Ron Mercer/Jamal Tinsley


    Kevin Garnett

    **Again, I'm not sure if salary works and if the Timberwolves would even consider these players; however, I would love to hear your opinions.

    Again, I would like to hear your insight.

  11. Great Post Jay! You made some nice assessments with each player, management, and the organization as a whole; however, I'm looking forward to what you will write about in the offseason.

    Honestly, I'm not excited about this offseason.

    1- Jt's contract

    2- Ira's contract

    3- Dion's contract

    4- DJ's contract

    5- Draft (Sucks that we'll lose our lottery pick)

    6- Will we trade big dawg?

    7- Lucky number 7: What free agents would sign with the hawks?

    8- Will the Hawks be a playoff team next year?

    I would love to be optimistic. Really, I do! I'm just worried that we might be looking at a lot of new faces next year. For better or for worse, I sure hope the Hawks make the right moves!

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