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Posts posted by TexasPete

  1. How does one support Childress while ripping Marvin? Makes no sense at all. Marvin is THREE YEARS YOUNGER and already is the better player. Marvin Williams is better than Childress. Got that?

    Now, Chill can be used to address weaknesses to the team. He is certainly expendable. The kid is literally not growing AT ALL. Game, set, match for Chill's upside. Lets trade him because we dont want to pay him anyway.

    Marvin's upside? He just gets better.

  2. Quote:

    IF Marvin doesn't play....

    We still win the game.

    Talk to me when we play a good team and when JJ is not having an allstar like game.

    Please. You bring up his games when everybody plays well?? How does that benefit the Hawks?? I don't doubt Marvin's ability to shoot. Give him a wide open shot or an open lane and he will make it.

    However, what happens when JJ's game is off?? Talk to me after Marvin has taken over when JJ is having an off night... I guess if that were the case, we'd never speak??

    Marvin scored 20 big points in the game and played solid defense. The Hawks certainly may NOT have won the Bobcats game without his solid game. The word that best describes his overall game is SOLID. For some reason people here get all caught up in Josh Smith and his wild swings in his play...while ignoring somebody who plays at a consistently solid way every game. This team has to have consistency from somebody because JJ and Smoove are all over the lot.

    Diesel, with all due respect, your disdain for all things Marvin clouds your views and makes your opinion more irrelevant than others on the topic. The day where you can step back and give an honest and objective assesment on Marvin will be the day when people take you seriously. Because right now with every post that you make on Marvin, people here ignore it.

    FYI when a player on the Hawks scores 20 points and has a solid all around game...lets just say that performances like that lead to wins. Whether you acknowlege it or not.

  3. Marvin can't pass the ball to himself. JJ has shot poorly most of the year with tonight as the exception. When JJ isn't hoisting away you can always count on Smoove to throw his stuff up there...

    Our offense is broken. Marvin is the distant 3rd option on most occasions. That's the way the offense is built. The fact that he is averaging 16ppg with so few opportunities is a testimony to his improved efficiency.

    When the ball only comes to you occasionally its hard to step up. Frankly, we need more players with Marvin's mindset, ie, wants to take good shots and not force up garbage. If Smoove would tone it down a notch in the shot department the Hawks would be a better team.

  4. Quote:

    So now it's Marvin's fault that Josh played bad.

    You're getting more creative, that's for sure.

    Yeah, that Marvin really has a lot on his shoulders. Not only is he blamed for being a bust, he now has the burden of being responsible for another one of Josh Smith's brickfests.

    Marvin is truly the only Hawk that takes what the defense gives him, doesn't force, and plays within himself. If only Smoove would adopt the same philosophy. That 40% shooting number is a direct reflection of forcing shots. Taking poor shots. But Woody watches it happen so whose fault is it?

  5. Quote:

    The nonstop trashing of Sothron is nothing but childishness. Information doesn't always pan out. I've posted stuff that came from good sources that didn't pan out. His sources are reputable, but nobody gets it right every time. I was told not long ago that Josh Smith's contract extension was all but done and then posted it here. Two days later we get an article saying that negotions were falling apart. Damn that source, internet glory was almost mine!

    While all the kiddies were busy chasing him around the playground trying to wipe boogers on him, nobody seemed to mention Sekou's blog a few weeks back where he mentioned the team "playing like it wanted to get its coach fired". Woodson was even asked about it outright. Yah it could just be a coincidence, Sekou could have just noticed something...or maybe he overheard or was told something too..

    So, nobody gets it right every time huh? Well, how about getting it right just once?

    I think it's humorous that people who prefer to remove BS on this board are called childish while someone who reports "inside" info, and never gets it right, is the one who finds support.

    If people here are that desperate for dialogue I will be happy to post BS so that we can all have something to discuss. Just say the word and you'll get a sh!tload full of some juicy rumors and all sorts of good "inside" stuff.

  6. Quote:


    So, he posts things that are totally impossible to verify one way or the other? That is our inside info?

    Damn, that inside info isn't any good!If you want to be a sage then at least once in awhile you have to break something that happened that you called BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

    You have to call it first...and then, it has to actually happen.

    If I said that God told me in a dream that the Earth was going to end on April 5th, in the year 2450 does that mean I'm a good source of info? I may be right after all. See, the problem is that none of us will be in a position to verify my breaking story. I find that problematic.

    So you are saying that if Golden State called BK, offered Biedrens and BK rejected that offer that you think a post about that after the fact would be an inappropriate subject for the Squawk? I don't get this.

    Yes, when someone consistently posts info that never happens and then posts on bogus trade offers I find that inappropriate.

    If Sothron had a better track record then maybe we could buy an occasional unsubstantiated rumor. But, his track record sucks.

  7. So, he posts things that are totally impossible to verify one way or the other? That is our inside info?

    Damn, that inside info isn't any good!If you want to be a sage then at least once in awhile you have to break something that happened that you called BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

    You have to call it first...and then, it has to actually happen.

    If I said that God told me in a dream that the Earth was going to end on April 5th, in the year 2450 does that mean I'm a good source of info? I may be right after all. See, the problem is that none of us will be in a position to verify my breaking story. I find that problematic.

  8. As GoDawgs just stated, what would be the point to validating with Jay? All Jay could do would be to validate that Sothron knows somebody, not that he gets good inside info.

    We already know that the info is lacking. We know that nothing substantial has been broken on this site by Sothron.

    My guess is that Jay got his inside stuff not from one source but from being among the people that make decisions. He heard things by being around. He likely didn't have one source. If he did then why doesn't Jay still post inside info?

    If Jays sources are still good and still intact, I would think that HE could still break stories. Again, my guess is that Jay himself WAS AN INSIDER...

  9. 1. Rick Adelman asking if he could coach the Hawks this offseason even though the ASG had already publicly stated that Woodson was coming back.

    2. Josh Smith for Biedrins?

    3. The Hawks players are tanking to get Woodson fired.

    4. The Blazers contacted us to find out if we would trade the 3rd pick.

    The above 4 things were what Sothron claimed to have "broke". These were by his own admission. Call me crazy, but I don't see anything there. You do???

    This kind of info has ESPN knocking on his door? Yeah, sure.

  10. I heard that several people wanted the stuff whether it was true or untrue. That is how BS rumors get started and spread and if there is not truth in something I'm not sure why anyone would want it.

    If this board is so desperate for good discussion that lies and untruths are the only way to generate good discussion then everybody's in trouble.

    This site doesn't need an "insider" to have value. Especially when the insider isn't delivering even an ounce of news.

  11. How many times did J-Walker claim that ESPN was contacting him behind the scenes because he was so important? How many times did J-Walker discuss that guys like Chad Ford were ripping him off and giving him no credit?

    In general when someone keeps tooting their own horn you need to get the BS detector out. Guys who really have info like J-Walk are secure enough in their own knowledge that they don't need to keep reminding everybody about their worth.

  12. If Shelden wasn't playing because of his elbow that is one thing. But, if Woody just didn't play him that sucks but would be an example of his "doghouse". Woody is a control freak who has buried certain players and made them useless.

    I'm no huge Shelden fan but he isn't that bad where he can't play on this team. The guy could still play 22 minutes a night and work the glass.

    If not then trade his ass.

  13. JO is the equivalent to nice BMW with 150,000 miles on it. It may be nice, it still says BMW on the hood, and it may be in good shape on the exterior.

    But, the engine has 150K miles on it and it's going to break a little more every year. With JO at this stage of his career its buyer beware.

  14. So, let me get this straight Johnny. A guy who averages 19/8 with 1.85 blocks and 3.1 assists for a career...is a stiff in your world?

    Now, let's look at your favorite player in Indy, you know the one who you come on here once a week a talk about how important he would be in a Hawks uniform? The one, the only Jermaine O'Neal? Well, turns out if Gasol is a "stiff" as you say, I'm not sure what you call JO cause Gasol is superior. Yeah, your big white stiff beats JO. Let's look:

    JO (Career) 14.4 ppg, 7.8 rpg, 1.91 blks, 1.5 asst.

    Gastiff (career) 18.8 ppg, 8.6 rpg, 1.85 blks, 3.1 asst.

    One more interesting item. Your hero JO has shot a blistering 46% from the field while your stiff has managed 51%.

    So, the evidence suggests that Gasol, the player who is a stiff in your eyes, is the superb player when compared to your hero JO. The evidence would also show that the two players really aren't that close, Gasol is much better.

    Now, Johnny, what is the real issue here? Please enlighten.

  15. NJ Hawk is reaching just a little on BK I think. We were extremely lucky to get the 3rd pick this year and that was simply luck. You don't pat a guy on the back because he got lucky. It's like hitting a golf ball 100 yards wide of your target, having it hit a big tree, and deflecting onto the green. Is that a good shot? Hell no.

    BK has screwed this team over and over. The Chill pick, the Marvin pick, the unreal Shelly pick, the fact we still don't have a ready PG, keeping Woodson, ignoring talents like Monte Ellis and Lou Williams for Salim, trading a pick for Anthony Johnson, etc.

    He is a lousy GM by any objective measure but his employers are just as incompetant. And that is LUCKY for BK.

  16. The Grizzlies are now 0-6 in games decided by 3 points or less and are snakebit. Gasol and the team played lights out and shot 55% from the field against New Orleans and lost a game they had in hand. Gasol was a warrior playing through contact and had a black eye and scratches all over him.

    The team had zero left in the tank for our game. The truth is that what the Grizzlies would need back in a trade we wouldn't want to trade. They would trade Gasol for Smoove or Horford. They would not take Marvin, they would not take Chill, or ZaZa, or Shelden, or Law...or even combinations of these players.

    Gasol is extremely unlikely to become a Hawk. He's probably headed to the Bulls because the Bulls have pieces and the Bulls are desperate for low post scoring.

  17. Yes, I want Gasol. We could use his rebounding and low block scoring. Did you see his game the previous night, the game they lost in OT? He went nuts and got off with like 27/14. We bought a break in that the Grzzlies were on a back to back on the road and went double OT and lost a heartbreaker. They had nothing left in the tank.

    Now, would I give up Smoove in a Gasol deal? Hell no. But Gasol is a player and would help the Hawks a ton. But Smoove and Horford are off limits.

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