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Posts posted by TexasPete

  1. I said "generally"...Diesel has made his positions on Marvin well known here ad nauseum. Most here are familar with his stance in a general way.

    I think its interesting to see how much support he has on this issue in general.

  2. The Hawks haven't even missed Childress. Did anyone think we were in trouble last night because Chill wasn't playing?

    Chill is a nice to have guy...not a HAVE TO HAVE guy. Big difference. I like Chill fine and understand that some nights he can get it going and really contribute. Other nights not so much.

    Marvin is bringing a steady game night in, and night out. His consistency is huge.

  3. First, what some Raptors fan thinks of any of our players means jack. They don't watch the Hawks every game like the people on this board. I value the opinion of people who watch our games over people who catch a glimpse every now and again.

    Second, the people here think Marvin is better than Chill and its a ridiculously wide margin.

    Marvin has been playing some great ball lately. I believe he's scored 3 of the last 4 games with 20 points or more. He finishes much better, and gets to the line BETTER THAN ANYONE. That means getting us into the bonus quicker and means opposing players in foul trouble.

    Look, we all know your dislike for Marvin. But, you keep trying to prove a point that cannot be proven. People on this site think Marvin is better than Childress, and they love his progress. They see him growing and getting better all the time.

    You will never accept Marvin. But, realize that you are a lone voice that gets no respect on the topic. NOBODY BUYS WHAT YOUR SELLING. Get it?

  4. Marvin is certainly a very good man defender and he gets little credit for that...

    I was watching Carmelo play defense the other night against the Blazers. I did nothing but watch Melo play defense for half a quarter. I could not believe my eyes on how bad he was. Melo had no interest at all in playing D. On one play he lost his man totally and his man follow dunked. He had no energy and no intensity. If his man scored all he did was hustle back to get on offense.

    I bring this up because we are lucky to have two forwards who play defense. We take it for granted but defense is about character and desire. Both of our forwards take pride in playing both ends.

  5. The thing about Horford is that he loves the contact. Most college kids need an adjustment to the physicality of the league but Horford loves it. In fact, the more the contact the better he finishes. Jackass Woody did pull Horf after about 8 straight points. Horf got his shot packed, it went off the Jazz, and they called it Jazz ball. Horf was then taken out. NEWSFLASH to WOODHEAD: When you have a guy actually drawing double teams in the post, who can pass, who has scored 8 straight, LEAVE HIM IN ASSWYPE!

    The Horford we see in the 2nd half of the season will be much better than the Horf of now. And I love the Horf of right now.

    Finally, BK got one right!!!

  6. Really, the key now is if he can bring this type of game consistently. He's no spring chicken.

    Getting rid of Lue is the best thing that happened to the team. He kills the Hawks and should only play in an absolute emergency.

    AJ is far from a great PG but he manages the game better and gets the ball where it needs to go most of the time.

    Imagine how good this team would be with a real NBA quality PG...AJ is a little long in the tooth and that is a concern. With a true NBA PG this team goes to the playoffs.

  7. Marvin plays the game the right way and there are a few who just don't get that fact. He plays a very unselfish game, plays within himself, cares about shot selection, plays defense, and is generally a very intelligent and cerebral player.

    He made two great tip backs tonight that kept possessions alive. On both he had no chance for a rebound but cleverly got enough to knock it away from the Jazz players and out to a teammate. We scored on both plays. Those plays do not appear in the box score but those type of plays win basketball games.

    Marvin has a very high IQ and is only 21. Horford has a similar IQ. We need guys that play smart basketball.

    How is Marvin vilified by anyone here anymore? Seriously, that's messed up. Why does a bright, energetic, hustling, classy 21 year old have to apologize for anything? And he is clearly still growing in his game. He is still a ways away from his cap. I read a post from somebody earlier who questioned his work ethic. You just have to wonder where this crap comes from.

  8. Quote:

    I predict that many of the board's frequent posters -- i.e. the Haters -- will be virtually silent tonight.


    1) The Hawks won.

    2) Marvin was huge.

    3) AJ was huge.

    Oh, how these "fans" must be steaming right now.

    Sorry, D.

    Naw, he'll find something wrong with Marvin. Something like he only scored 3 points in the 4th quarter and legit #2 picks step up late. It will be something along those lines.

    BTW, the two people who actually think that Chill is better than Marv may want to think again.

  9. People here are too stupid to respond to a poll without an agenda? This is so important to everyone's daily life that they can't answer a poll about a basketball player. LOL.

    Diesel, your Marvin agenda has exposed you I'm afraid.

    I will agree that you have the power though...to make people ignore you with your Marvin agenda.

    People here want Marvin to keep growing and they like what they see. As fans of the team it makes sense to want one of your players to grow right?

    But, your not a Hawks fan at all and I figured that out a long time ago. You utilize this board as a place to make your points and spread your word. The board could be about anything. You just chose the Hawks.

    A real fan wants every player to do well regardless of agenda. A real fan also acknowledges when a player noticeably improves. Truthfully, Marvin has shut you up for the most part. You had to lay in the weeds with your agenda. For some reason you think its time to start again but your really looking silly.

    I would move along if I were you. Find another topic. Your getting emasculated on this one.

  10. Quote:

    "better upside" is good for 34 minutes on the court and starter label...

    Even when you suck.

    Marvin is still not better.

    You can't prove it... You can only poll the Marvin fans and try to get them on your side.

    If you go by Way of Stats, Chillz may be better.

    IF you go by way of who plays both sides of the court... Chillz.

    IF you go by way of who hustles the most... Chillz.

    Marvin is actually a standstill midrange shooter. Period.

    It's sad that he has only shot 3 3pters this season and we are prolly the worst three point shooting team in the game.

    I believe that given the minutes, Chillz can outrebound Marvin if he's not doing so already..

    I think you'd do better saying "Well, Chillz play better off the bench" Whatever the hell that means..

    Marvin had to have stolen your woman. That's the only explanation for this continued stupidity.

  11. Chillz was never better than Marvin coming into the season. Most people knew Marvin had the better upside but many here thought they were a wash. But, most on here were highly hopeful that year 3 was Marvin's breakthrough and right now that looks accurate.

    Chill just isn't that good and was a big mistake. He is a career role player. A nice piece off the bench. BK has certainly made some major mistakes.

  12. Quote:


    Marvin has never carried this team when we needed him to.

    When JJ was struggling against the Suns (3-17) it was marvin who stepped up, going 10-15 from the field and hitting the late jumpers to seal the game.

    he also scored 10 second half points against Philly and the first Charlotte game to seal the wins.

    Against Minny he got to the line 15 times (nobody else in the game got there more than 7) and scored 20 pts in a 1 pt victory.

    His flimsy "arguments" are pretty easy to destroy. The fact that a maxed out Chill is in a comparison with Marvin at this point is stupid.

    Troy, I agree with you about JJ this year. Certainly, not a star...at least so far. Last year I think he carried the team and was a star. Don't know what happened, but he's capable. The Hawks need the 2006-07 JJ to re-appear. Maybe he's getting his MOJO back.

  13. Put up a poll and ask who HSers think is better. There is not ONE NBA GM that would back your claim that Chill is better or even the same.

    You dont understand the definition of role player. Chill is a role player. Marvin is a young 21 year old that keeps improving. And until he stops improving we don't know his ceiling. And the fact is that he has gone from role player to solid NBA starter. Chill, on the other hand, looks the same this year as last year. Exactly the same. That is a sure sign that he is peaking...

    Marvin just keeps getting better. And it eats your heart out doesn't it, D?

  14. Quote:


    Marvin Williams is better than Childress. Got that?

    In what way?

    In what way is Marvin better than Chillz? Make sure you can back this conversation up with more than just your feelings.

    In every way. Do you watch Hawks games? I hope that you don't watch. Otherwise, you don't understand what you're watching.

  15. A 21-year old that averages 16ppg and plays solid defense is not a role player. Certainly no star. But hardly a role player either.

    When Marvin is averaging 21-22 ppg you will be saying that its a quiet 21 or 22. You will never allow yourself to enjoy the progress of the player and will always look to complain about Marvin.

    Nobody takes you seriously on this issue anyway. Your cred left the building a long time ago.

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