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Posts posted by Sasha_Volkov

  1. Why is Smoove a risk and others are not? He's never shown one ounce of quit....

    I wish he'd quit thinking he's Nique and stop shooting or dribbling from beyond 10-15 feet. Hell, I'd pay him $12 million to. Unfortunately he hasn't exactly shown himself to be the brightest of bulbs which certainly is why the ASG has reservations. He bricks 75% of his 3's and has 3 TO's per game yet he continues to chuck and go for fancy moves he simply doesn't have the skills for. I just don't get it. By comparison my dog only needs to get shocked once to learn to stay in the yard.

    On the plus side the things he does well are off the charts. He's probably the most uneven player in the NBA in that regard. Outside of being an average rebounder every aspect of his game is either phenomenal or abominable. Sadly I think he was badly influenced by Antoine Walker in that regard.

  2. I completely agree that Childress should not have gotten more than 5-5.5 per year, but come on, a SnT that produced something of need in return, is better than nothing. In either case no cap space was created.

    That assumes that other teams were willing to pay him $7+ million and give us "something of need in return". I don't see such a scenario other than Phx dumping Diaw on us.

  3. Ford lost any semblance of credibility when he went from comparing Marvin to the Messiah pre-draft to excoriating the Hawks later for having passed on Chris Paul. There was no bigger proponent of Marvin as the #1 pick in 2005.

  4. and it was Childress on the floor at the end of games not Marvin. One of the few things Woody did right.

    That's why Marvin had 135 crunch time minutes and Josh had 100. Oh wait...


    And he got to the line more than any other Hawk, shooting 80%.


    Unlike the haters on this board who choose to ignore faults and/or strengths to suit their arguments, I do credit Josh for shooting an astounding 77% in these minutes, leading the league. It was on a small number of attempts (he was very good at tip-in's) but he made them count.


    The rest of the Hawks were bad, ranging from 43% for Horford to 27% for Bibby. JJ was 29.7%, Smith 34.6% and Marvin 36.7%.

  5. Say what you will of the ASG but at the very least a few of them are Atlantans. I just don't trust the likes of Belkin or McDavid to keep the franchise here. Belkin found a loophole with the ASG...I'm sure he can find one in the Phillips lease as well.

  6. More fluff from Sekou.

    Why is it we get more information from the national media right now than from Sekou?

    Because the AJC has no competition. I don't think I've ever encountered a reporter who does less actual reporting than Sekou. He's more of a groupie than anything.

  7. so having multiple skill sets mean nothing to any of you. horford does one thing and smith does five. unless your talking about STD'S five is always better than one

    Not when he seems to lack the gray matter to correctly utilize those skills. Put Horford's brain in Smith's body and you might have a league MVP one day. Instead Smith is Antoine Walker II, brilliant one second and infuriatingly stupid the next. And for all the things he does do well, Smith is four years into a NBA career and still can barely dribble a basketball. That astounds me. Yet he tries to be Magic Johnson at the most inopportune times.

    Mind you, I'm fine with a 6/66 contract for Smith but he does have glaring flaws.

  8. but the deal almost certainly would have included either Leandro Barbosa or Boris Diaw

    For all we know they were just offering Diaw. The number of unfounded assumptions made to pillory Sund is amazing. Why would the Suns offer a better player (Barbosa) for Childress?

  9. most of the blame falls on whomever made the decision to tell chill "you have to wait" once chill ACCEPTED the 5/33 deal...that is a BARGAIN deal and chill ACCEPTED...whomever decided chill would have to wait is the one at fault and the reason chill isn't a hawk right now

    $7 million for a non-starter? I think it's an ok deal but certainly not a bargain. I won't argue that a delay (if true) allowed Greece into the picture and Sund would be at fault there if he truly wanted to keep him, but $7 million is a handsome deal for a reserve who mostly gets garbage points since he can't shoot without 5 seconds to get a shot off.

  10. that was important to him, but he ACCEPTED the offer and they told him to wait

    if they had just signed him when he accepted 5/33, then he'd be a hawk right now

    this is on sund

    I have a hard time believing Childress completely when he tells fibs like "got offered much more lucrative contracts by 2 championship-caliber teams in snt deals; i woulda been in starting role; when i say much more lucrative i mean a lot more".

    A lot more? No way. Furthermore did he expect us to take whatever trash these contenders were offering? The Hawks aren't a concierge service for his every desire. If it comes down to overpaid scraps in return for Childress or Childress walking I prefer the latter. Same with a $7 Chill vs. a $2.5 Evans.

  11. I just refuse to let myself get carried away by supposition. If Smith is traded and the deal sucks then I'll rant. In the meantime I'll let the agents, GM's and journalists blow their clouds of misinformation around and pay them no mind until there's concrete news one way or the other.

  12. the interview revealed that Chilldress felt attacked personally, from a charecter standpoint and that the interview is salicious and candid.

    Oh please...like there's no hyperbole there. I'd be far more inclined to believe Childress' version of events if he hadn't gotten this infantile. Not getting your dream salary in the first round of negotiations is not a slight much less a character attack. It's how business goes.

    Kudos to his agent though. He simultaneously duped the Greeks into thinking Josh is a star while stroking Chill's ego by playing the "they're dissin' you, man" card. He gets even richer while his client plays in a lesser league.

  13. You missed a rather important one.


    FG%----53.4--------45.7---- -7.7

    If Smith would simply stay inside where he shoots 60% instead of outside where he shoots 30% he'd likely be paid handsomely by now. It wouldn't surprise me if the $ .10 head on top of that $100 million body is what scares GM's off.

  14. I can tell that even going forward that I will not like Rick Sund. It seems to take forever for this guy to do anything other than sit on his butt. Now they got to sign a scrub like Randolph Morris to fill out the roster. Don't tell me this guy is supposed to play a legit part on this team.

    Morris is filling Shelden's old role: eye candy.

  15. they're liars. They said they'd match any offer for him. 12 million is what he easily could have gotten but they don't want to give it to him.They're liars and can't believe the 2-3 people that back them at all cost.

    Waiting for everything to play out in a scenario rife with misinformation before rendering a judgment is hardly backing them at all cost. I've yet to see anyone heartily endorse the ASG here. There's basically two groups: those who are already flipping out and those waiting for the facts to be revealed before flipping out.

    If Smith and the Hawks come to terms aren't you going to feel silly having whipped yourself in a frenzy for nothing?

    Furthermore, teams don't state their intentions for your or my edification. It's to ward off other teams from signing their RFA's via fear the offer would be matched tying up their cap for a week and getting nothing. In turn thwarting the demand makes it cheaper to resign your RFA's.

  16. It could actually be a new beginnig. BK's "five year plan" topped out at 37 wins (as I expected). When Belkin gets the team things will change...and it won't be another 5 year plan....2 years MAX.

    Las Vegas Hawks. Yippee!

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