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Posts posted by Sasha_Volkov

  1. Quote:

    If it were really a disagreement on talent, you'd be right. But this comes down to the dysfunctional nature of this franchise. If we don't get Amare and end up taking Yi due to some owners' private "business interests" at the expense of putting a winning team on the floor, fans should have every right to go root for a team that actually wants to win. After what I've heard the past few days, I'm not sure this one does.

    If this is conclusively proven, i.e. far beyond the likes of just Chad Ford reporting it, I am seriously done with this franchise after following it for 23 years. I'm witholding judgement but the ASG 9 ring circus doesn't inspire oodles of confidence.

  2. An even bigger question...

    Is Diesel stunting the growth of nbasuperstar40?

    Think about it. Diesel is our self appointed second most kneejerk reactionary troll (after Walter). Is his outlandishness causing the less coherent nbasuperstar40 to not progress into what he should be?

    HONEST SASHA SAYS: nbasuperstar40 for all practical purposes is a last option news fabricator. That's not 2nd troll worthy.


  3. I read this board as I leisure activity. I actually would never dream of doing something as trivial as covering sports for a living so you got me there.

    So I ask you, is this rant really not your own self conciousness about being a "reporter" covering ten men running up and down the court? Not a doctor, policeman or firefighter...professions that actually matter. Sports are merely a subset of the entertainment industry, the fluff of society. It could disappear tomorrow and we'd survive just fine. So how do you deal with such insignificance, i.e. being a wannabe "journalist" with vague "scoops" regarding a relatively moribund franchise? Is that really something to hang your hat on?

    P.S. Midol does wonders.

  4. Lost in all the gnashing of teeth is the fact that points in the paint were tied 30-30. So that either means...

    A) Guards dominate summer league


    B) Our interior defense was much improved

    ...or both. Either way it portends to a more positive outlook for Sheldon than simply griping, "8 & 5 in summer league: BUST!"

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