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Posts posted by BossTweed

  1. If Smith leaves, we are worlds biggest f***ing laughing stock and I am done with this franchise-who I have supprted rabidly since 1983.

    Kwame Brown is horrible. Worse than Zaza. Why would you pay him $4 million a year to be horrible? I'd rather play some young stiff the minimum than pay a little bit older stiff $4 million a year.

  2. No he's not. Smoove is a better open court dunker than Lamar. But Lamar's post up game and ability to drive and finish, is superior to Smith's.

    Lamar Odom is a horrible finisher from what I saw in the playoffs. When he tried to take people off the dribble, he just drives to the basket and can't get around his man, so he lets himself get shielded out of the lane, then he throws up a horrible prayer shot high off the glass that doesn't even get close while he runs out of bounds by the side of the basket.

  3. Quote:

    Please let me know if I'm being to harsh here. It's just the competitor in me.

    I see your point, but this could be for a lot more money to someone just starting their career and who isn't a superstar. The European team would pay for his taxes, and he really doesn't have any options here. It's either take a $5.6 million a year (before taxes, so that's really like $3.7 million a year if you think he pays 1/3 in taxes) MLE contract with the Hawks, or go somewhere else and make $6.6 million and keep it all. Plus the Hawks seem to be disrespecting him by not negotiating with him.

  4. Quote:


    D, are you saying Marv gets preferential treatment????

    What he's saying is that Marv drives very unconventional and the defense has no idea how to guard him. Because of this they end up fouling him. Is it a legit foul? Sure. Does it have anything to do with Marvins ability to draw a foul? Nope. Someone mentioned D. Wade as a comparison. Wade drives in like a ballerina (sp?) while Marv drives in like a Mac-truck/Duck hybrid. Different approach same results I guess.

    I agree with this completely.

    That RealGM thread is garbage. They don't even discuss what is good or bad about Marvin, they just think he is a good young talent who would develop more on their team than on ours. They barely know what position he plays.

  5. Quote:

    I don't think there are any Smoove haters here. However if the choice is giving him a huge deal that hamstrings the team for years, letting him walk and receiving nothing in return. or getting the most we can get out of him in a sign and trade I think if you are a Hawks fan the 3rd option has to be considered.

    Seriously. I think this is what most people are thinking. When Smith had options and we thought he might get a Max offer from the Clippers, I also would rather see us trade him for equal value or as close as we can get to it.

    Now that we are past that, I'm still afraid of our front office screwing up by offering Smith less than he could get from other teams, and him wanting to be traded.

    Plus, how much fun is it to sit around here saying "we're going to sign Josh Smith and everything will be the same as last year". It's much more interesting to speculate on the "worst case" situations that would mean some sort of interesting trade. It doesn't mean they hate Smith.

  6. Quote:


    Right now, we are in a position to control where Smoove goes. Smoove just can't go to LAC without our blessing. IF that means that we require Kaman in return for Smoove, then that's the rule that LAC will have to play by.

    I agree. We have all the leverage in the world. LAC does not have the wiggle room that Philly had, nor have they shown the willingness to make outlandish offers to FAs in the past.

    If they want Smooth bad enough, they have to go through us. This has played out about as well as it could have thus far.

    The problem for the Hawks though is that Oakafor is still on the market. They can go after him if the Hawks won't let Smith walk, then the Hawks are stuck paying Josh Smith a max contract.

  7. Quote:

    So let me get this straight.

    They renounce Brands rights so they can sign Davis. Then they let Philly outbid them for Brand. Now they clear out capspace to go after Smith/Okafor after Brand left. I may be missing something here but ............... wtf.

    I can imagine what Clipper fans are thinking now.

    Brand had a player option for next year and opted out of it, so he was an unrestricted free agent. I don't think they renounced any rights to Brand or anything like that did they?

  8. Quote:

    By Sekou K. Smith

    May 27, 2008 6:00 PM | Link to this

    Chris Grant is out and now we move on yet again in what has to be one of the most perplexing searches I’ve ever seen.

    Nice of Sekou not to mention that he turned us down.

  9. Quote:


    we don't have a shooter, a rebounder, a shotblocker, or a low power scorer off the bench

    Salim could have been that shooter, Solomon can be that shotblocker, Zaza can sometimes be a rebounder and low post (not so much power) scorer. I think enough potential was on the bench to fill those roles. But the problem was if they failed on their alotted chance, they got banished back to the bench.

    Yup, and it's not going to get much better next year if Woody is still here. I know this year her felt pressure to have this team win games, so he shortened his bench even more than usual. Next year is he going to finally start developing the bench players? You can't take a step back and not make the playoffs next year with Woodson as coach, that would be a joke.

    That's why you need a new coach, so if you don't make the playoffs next year, you have an excuse at least.

  10. Quote:

    Woody never runs to the media or you guys and disclose his issues fully with this team. He is a mans coach and demands guys to play as men. But he will not throw Marvin, JSmith, Shelden (well maybe he did once), Acie and Zaza because of their failings and unwillingness to get Better.

    When the guys Listen, commit and Mature we will win more.

    You gotta listen to Joe and Bibs. Others have been saying much the same all year. Kevin Willis, 'Nique, Doc, these are guys that love the franchise and they stand up for Woody. They don't have too.

    But you guys think you know it all.

    I don't care whose fault it is. There are two options:

    1) Woodson's coaching is good, this group of players just doesn't listen.

    2) The players are good, Woodson is a horrible coach.

    I have seen a lot more evidence of #2 than I have of #1. Maybe that's because Woodson doesn't throw people under the bus publicly, which I could understand. But if #1 is the case, we have to rebuild the team with some different players, and I don't see how different players is going to make our offense not stagnate, or give us better substitution patterns. I'd rather change coaches and give someone else a shot at developing our players than continue to leave it to a guy who has been mediocre at best.

  11. Quote:

    we're talking JO/Horf/Marv/JJ/Law.

    A true low post presence.

    This is why I have to ignore everything you say Diesel. Garbage like this. A post presence that shot 44% the last two years and has never gotten about 50%? And has never played 82 games his whole career (last 4 years he hasn't broken 70). He is owed $20 million dollars each the next two years!!! Would you trade for Shaq? I wouldn't, and I wouldn't trade for JO either.

    As much as I don't like Bibby and Marvin, trading them for Jermaine O'Neal is not going to make the team any better. I'd rather just let Bibby's contract run out, or trade him for young prospects to a team that needs an expiring contract.

  12. Quote:

    Can somebody who voted no give justification?

    1) I worry about Okafor's health

    2) I don't know if Okafor can improve any more from where he is. I know Josh can.

    3) Okafor isn't a better center than Al Horford

    4) I don't think there is a big money difference.

  13. Quote:

    I don't think that the extension is negotiable for next season. I think it is 15 million or you renounce his rights

    Actually, I'm pretty sure it's a player option, not a team option (I just checked some websites, but they aren't showing it as having any option at all). There is no way Bibby is going to opt out of the last year on his contract.

  14. Quote:

    Good job! Some really sweet passes from Josh Smith in there. That one to Childress under the basket was Magic-esque

    Yeah, that one was awesome.

    Thanks for posting this video, it's great!

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