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Everything posted by archie44

  1. Howdy fellas. Haven't been around for a while so I thought I'd stick my neck in here and jump on the Hawks bandwagon with a few thoughts. 1. The Hawks were overjoyed last night at the production of Big Dog, JT, and SAR. 68 points from three stars! If they come close to that every night, we're gonna win a lot of ballgames. Just think, if SAR had played 38 minutes instead of 28 minutes, he might have scored 25-30! 2. The THEODEFENSE is contagious. Ran into Jet last night after the game (I really did - but I admit I don't go up and chill with Babcock before the games start!) and he said having the big guy back there is a huge defense. JET is pumped. 3. I hate that Dion and Nazr are out. Just think how much better we're going to be when they return. Hendu and Ham are great backup forwards off the bench and Dickau is going to be effective for us. 4. Emanual Davis needs to be traded. Maybe to Orlando for DeClerqc? Diesel, this might be another JJ-Brevin revalation!! 5. We're going to win 45 games. I may be dead wrong, but I think this combination is going to work. But if we don't stay healthy, we might be lucky to win 35. Either way, if we have many games like last night, it's going to be much more fun to watch Hawks basketball this season. I guarantee it! See ya. Arch
  2. KWAME was the real deal! I hope he keeps it up. Great kid and I still say he had the BEST workout in the spring of 2001 for Atlanta. But it all worked out well for us.
  3. and we got Theo Ratliff, Nazr Mohammed, and Glenn Robinson. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I guess our GM is not so bad after all!
  4. Anyway Jay. Excellent article. I could not have written it better myself. DAN ROUNDFIELD WAS THE MAN!
  5. Jason Terry is a point guard. Jason Terry is the Hawks point guard. He will not play shooting guard. We are not in need of a point guard. The Hawks already have a point guard. It's Jason Terry. ----- Is this plain enough?
  6. The point is: Glenn Robinson is a player. He is getting a bad rap from a lot of people, but there are some G-Rob fans who know what he has meant to the Bucks organization and what he will do for us. I don't give a damn what Toni does for them. He's the enemy now.
  7. Stole this from the ESPN Board. Thought it was a good read on Glenn. Sorry if this is against any rules but I wanted you guys to read this from a Bucks fan. -------- 34784 of 34786: The Big Dog 4 Hits / 0 Recs Posted by: bucks_fan2 (1 Msg) 2:45PM PDT, Aug 5, 2002 Hello Hawks fans, I hope you guys realize that you thoroughly abused us in the trade for Big Dog! I've been a huge Bucks fan since before we drafted Glenn, and I'm here to put in a good word for him. It seems to me that Big Dog has a bad reputation among fans and the media. "He can't play D" they say. I've seen a lot of Bucks games, and I can say truthfully that he is a better defender than Ray, Sam, and TT (which might not be saying much...). He's an average defender - not the matador everyone says he is. In fact, Glenn led the Bucks in steals per game this season at one and a half. Glenn is a winner. He was named Mr. Basketball in Indiana his senior year in high school after carrying his team to the state championship. In college, he almost single-handedly led Purdue to the Elite Eight. Big Dog averaged something like 30 ppg and 10 rpg the season before joining the NBA. Veteran coach Gene Keady even stated: "If I had to choose one person to go to war with, it would be Glenn Robinson." In the NBA, Glenn has been a model of consistency. He has averaged about 21-22 ppg for his career while shooting around 47% - and most of those seasons were on weak Bucks teams. When we finally had some playoff appearances, Big Dog was at the heart of them. Glenn was loyal to Milwaukee, and we dumped him for jack. Yes, he is under scrutiny for a domestic disturbance, but I'm guessing it will blow over. Up to this point, the only story we've heard has been that of his ex-fiancee. Let the man defend himself before judging him! I think many fans see Big Dog as cocky, which is a shame. I used to feel this way about him, too, but soon realized that he is just shy! He doesn't want the limelight - he simply wants to play ball and win. I hope you'll give the Big Dog a warm welcome. You should have a tough team this season. I know you'll enjoy it when he's busting fifteen footers in his defender's face! Personally, I'll be cheering for Glenn when you play us. He's gonna eat TT alive! Peace
  8. We've talked a lot today (I'm tired as hell and this is the last post for a long while!) about Glenn, SAR, and JT. What about THEO? Well, I say this trade also helps him. We have believed that he NEEDED to score 12-15 a game. Well, he still might. He's capable. He's no Tree Rollins. He can score. But the big thing, particularly with now three legit 20ppg scorers now on the team, is for Theo to stay under that basket and use that 20 foot wingspan to swat away shots! They question Glenn's defense. Well, is it any worse that Toni's? I don't think so. While many people are going to say, "Well their offense is better, but their defense will suffer," these people are forgetting about Theo Ratliff. You have no idea how Theo's pure presence on the court is going to make us better. The Hawks say he's 100 percent. So you've got to think that even before today's deal, a healthy Theo made us a team that would improve to around .500. Now add a 20ppg scorer. But it's going to be great in training camp when everyone is focusing on Big Dog and Theo is slowly but surely getting back to the level of play he was at two years ago before his wrist injury. If you've forgotten (I did) at the time of his injury (and when he was traded to Atlanta) he led the league in blocked shots (3.74 a game), scored 12.4 a game, and grabbed 8.3 rebounds. Now let's say he blocks 3 shots a game, scores 10, and grabs 7.5 rebounds. Again, we're adding those stats ALONG WITH another 20 point per game scorer. WOW. Is the season here yet? Good night all. P.S. - Thanks Gray Mule and Hello Sturt.
  9. http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/sports/index.html I hate to tarnish a fantastic evening in the history of the Atlanta Hawks. However, Terrance Moore has done it again. I hate to even have you go and give their website hits, but you guys need to read this and see what a moron writes like. This franchise has made a commitment to better itself. We acquire another all-star to add to a trifecta of superior talent. Yet it's not good enough. It's never good enough. Curtis Bunn writes about how the Bucks needed to make this trade. Who cares? What about the reaction from Shareef? From JT? From Theo? How will this trade make the Hawks better? Instead, we get the Bucks point of view from a supposed Hawks beat writer (one, by the way, who appeared at approxiamately FIVE home games this past season - IF THAT!). And Terrance Moore, well what should we expect? He trashed the Braves when they traded his favorite Brian Jordan for that malcontent Gary Sheffield. What do you guys think? Wasn't that a good trade? Isn't the Braves lineup a million times better with Sheffield instead of Jordan? They weren't 15 games up on August 2nd last season with Jordan. I know the bullpen is the main reason, but I think our more dangerous lineup with Sheffield in the middle has also been huge. Plus, he's been a model citizen. Where's Moore's column talking about how he was wrong about Mr. Sheffield? It was probably replaced by the new column trashing Glenn Robinson. Now we all know the past with Robinson. It all crossed our mind today. BUT how can this deal NOT be good for our Hawks? There is no logical reason why anyone (particularly any writer who should show up more than a handful of times to Philips Arena) would say this is a step backward. However, Terrance has come through again in the clutch. Big Dog is no longer in Milwaukee. So let's give him a clean slate. He doesn't have to be "THE MAN" here like he was in Milwaukee. However, he's already convicted here by the fish wrapper before he even comes for his press conference. But then again, what should we expect?
  10. Even I'm getting lost here.
  11. This may be wayyyy tooooo early to answer this question. But I just thought of it and wondered if it might bring good discussion. We got SAR for Gasol, Lo, and Brevin. We got Big Dog for FREE. No just kidding. We got Big Dog for Toni, Leon, and a pick. Getting SAR got us a tremendous player. He's a 20/10 player who will more than likely be a Hawk for life (I said that about 'Nique also so I shouldn't jinx SAR). But since we did got Glenn for a limited amount (at least in our minds), should today's move be considered even bigger than last year's trade? If SAR was the next piece, is Glenn the missing piece? And, therefore, does that make today's deal even bigger by acquiring Robinson for such a small amount? I wonder. I guess we'll find out if Robinson leads us to a championship!
  12. I'm gonna brag here a bit (since that seems to be the norm on this board - lol). But diesel will also verify that I gave you guys the Brevin Knight - Jimmy Jackson deal two days before it happened. I have another question - ah heck I think I'll start that on another thread.
  13. You know, I should not even respond to this. I don't expect posters on this board to be Dave Kindred's or anything, but particularly if you want to be a writer, you need to be a little bit better on your punctuation and standard English. I was trying to point out in my original post that the deal today pretty much means we traded Dikembe Mutombo, Leon Smith, and Jamaal Tinsley for Theo Ratliff, Glenn Robinson, and Nazr Mohammed. I didn't think it would cause this much confusion. Dolfan, can we have two separate forums? I think you know what I mean!
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