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Posts posted by TroyMcClure

  1. Yes. How many Jerseys with his number do you see? He's also a huge pull for us in the islands. Kids will WANT to talk to us first. Not after Andruw walks. All that goes away.

    Tell me if he was worth it when Bobby is gone in 4 years and attendance is 80's like. Andruw is a reason to go to the ballpark. I was all for trading him a few years ago, but he has carried us for 2 years. If we had any pitching at all, we would have made the wild-card.

  2. Who you gonna plug in the 4 hole Billy Beane boy?

    By the way, Andruw is one of the only Braves to hit in the postseason recently. To rip Andruw and just brush off "the best defensive outfielder in history" because he strikes out(who doesn't these days?)is being a little dumb to the argument.

  3. You are wrong. He is the best defensive center fielder ever. His offense has improved dramatically over the last two years. He is also in the lineup EVERY day. He anchors our lineup. Schuerholtz needs to win the title without Andruw or I want him to retire. We have gotten worse for about 7 years. Andruw signed, I think, a six year-90 million dollar deal. That's a bargain. Look at Vernon Wells or Beltran. We will lose Andruw and spend the money on something Tim Hudsonish.

  4. How many effing times do you have to be told? What great inside scoops has Sekou given us? He doesn't work for the Hawks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He works for the AJC. They want to sell papers. You could write the type of stories Sekou does from a laptop in Antartica.

  5. Quote:

    You don't s--t where you eat.

    How many interviews and quotes do you think Sekou could get if he casted the Hawks in a negative light?

    He doesn't work for the Hawks. I know the game. I'm just saying he's not very good at it. Kind of like the Hawks.

  6. Quote:


    The MAIN problem is Woody and his looney sub patterns, his inability to stop runs with timeouts, no plays, letting Smoove crush us early standing on the wing, etc.

    Funny that you single out Smith, why don't you watch Marvin on the wing, or ANY of our players however, they all stand on the wing and don't move. That is on Woody, and says to me that he has no offensive gameplan, which we already knew.

    I was speaking of early in the season about Josh. That, among other things, killed our chances of making the playoffs. Woodson can't develop players. You're right, Marvin has been doing the same thing. That is all on Woodson. I watch all the games. I didn't need to tell Graymule all the problems. He knows.

  7. Quote:

    I predict the bullpen will be the best in the NL East.

    I love this 7-8-9 group: Villareal, Soriano, Wickman

    I love this lefty: McBride

    I like these middle relievers: Paronto, Yates

    I think these guys are going to be great: Devine, Stockman

    It's really a complete bullpen. This bullpen is so many times better than what we've had for the last 2 years.

    The only thing that you might change is adding another lefty, and we may need Villareal to start (which he does well), so that would change our 7th inning guy.

    I don't like Paronto, Yates, or McBride. We don't have Leo anymore. These guys throw it anywhere they want. Often times it is up in the zone and gets crushed.

    I am a little happier than last year. Still, I think McDowell iz lazy. The exact opposite of Leo, and it shows.

  8. Quote:

    Sekou is so happy to have a job working an "NBA" beat, it's not funny. He should be faaaaaaaar more critical if he knows anything about basketball, or winning for that matter.

    This is what I wrote earlier.

    In actuality, if he were to write more scathing articles, he would probably rise a little. Like Terrence Moore. He gets on national tv quite a bit. Unless it's the Braves, I want total honesty.

  9. Quote:

    i'm not saying i don't want a different coach, i'm not saying i don't want a trade to bring in some talent....i'm saying i don't wish for a tank BEFORE the allstar game when we havent seen what a whole Hawks team can do..................and i sure as hell am not going to start a thread whose sole purpose is to bash those who at least CHOOSE to have hope this year.

    If you have hope for this year you believe in Santa Clause. It's not possible. This is the real world. These are the facts. They are irrefutable.

    We needed a better start, a better coach, a better gm, smarter owners, etc.

    BTW, we'll never know what a whole Hawks team can do with Woody as coach. DUH crazy.gif

  10. Quote:


    ... If you stay away they can't have you as another excuse. ...

    No offense but.....what? smirk.gif

    That is what I meant to say. He was saying that Bradley and Schultz were too cowardly to hang around in the locker room.

    My point is why would they want to? As excuses are like air for these guys, I was just pointing out that they can't blame critical media in the locker room or paper for the poor performance. Which you know they would. Something like "At a critical point like this, with all the injuries, it's not helpful to have criticisms from people who really don't understand the whole situation BLAH, BLAH, BLAH."

    See what I'm getting at?

  11. Quote:

    AHF I agree with you. Mr. Gearon is a highly respected figure in the Atlanta and business community. To dis respect his supposed request of favor publicly is appalling.

    To grandstand and drop Mr. Gearon's name in the paper is ridiculous. These are the reason why BK gives Bradley and Schultz no place. Say what you may, T Moore and Sekou are the stand-up guys to respect. Both are not faceless in the Hawks locker and meetings. Bradley and Schultz write their dribble from a distance, cowardly never show their face until four/five weeks after writing their bile.

    Schultz may be respected in Midtown but not in the Swats.

    He is respected by people that can read. Why would anyone want to be close to BK, Woody, or any other part of this mess. If you stay away that can't have you as another excuse. Bradley and Schultz are white. So what? They also tell the truth. Sekou is so happy to have a job working an "NBA" beat, it's not funny. He should be faaaaaaaar more critical if he knows anything about basketball, or winning for that matter.

  12. I don't think you came off right. I know you don't support this. Some of us are just a little more cut and dry. Respect goes out the window after this many years.

    Doesn't it speak to his lack of a positive impact that Schultz would not know or didn't care that he used to be GM, pres., etc.?

  13. I don't want to tank. Oden is not coming out, and I have zero faith in current ownership. We will not be fixed until there is clear new ownership or we have a new franchise four our CITY. I want to win every game. It's a shame Mr. Gearon Sr. thinks Woody knows how to.

  14. Quote:

    I know what the team has done. The fact that you would disparage someone who has devoted themselves for 30 years to improving this team and this franchise is sickening.

    During his time as GM (1977-78; 1978-79), the Hawks made the playoffs every year and he still gambled on trading for Dan Roundfield who was a standout and multiple All-Star for the Hawks in the post.

    So? The last 8 years cancel out everything. I mean everything. We did not deserve this. If they did not have a better plan, they should have stayed out.

    Also, if Matt Millen is allowed to stay 30 years and "devote" himself to the Lions, will the fans be disrespectful by loathing him?

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