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Posts posted by Johann

  1. about the recent Memphis news. But....what if...????


    JUST SUPPOSE THAT Randolph Morris were to show some of the potential he displayed in High School?

    JUST SUPPOSE THAT Marvin started taking over games like he did that one time in Seattle?

    JUST SUPPOSE THAT Speedy were able to give us 15 - 18 min at 95 per cent?

    JUST SUPPOSE THAT Acie began to flash what we saw at A & M?

    JUST SUPPOSE THAT the stock market takes off and don't look back?

    JUST SUPPOSE THAT oil heads back under 80 bucks a barrel?

    JUST SUPPOSE THAT it was Woody's hair that was keeping him from thinking straight?


  2. Quote:

    We are already over the cap, even before that signing but because we saved so much without signing Childress we are well under the luxury tax and can use the remaining 3 millionish from the MLE, the LLE (which I think is around 1.5 but I'm not sure). We can also sign those summer league guys too I believe without using the MLE as long as they get minimum contracts, although I could be wrong on that.

    The bottom line is that no matter what we will be over the cap but also no matter what we will be under the luxury tax.

    What about the cap hold if we retain the rights to Chill? Sekou wrote a couple days ago that that will reduce the amount of available MLE to us.

  3. Quote:

    "I'm watching him move around out here and seeing the way he's rehabbed and come back from all that's gone on, and I wouldn't dare bet against him," Law said. "He doesn't look like a dude ready to walk away from this to me."

    Speedy has got heart, contrary to all the opinions of those that have piled on him these last two years.

    The young man has earned my respect. You can criticize his knee legitimately, but not what's in his chest. I hope he can make it back and help us this year.

    But if he can't, now is the time to find out. I forget what the rule is technically, but if he finds out his knee can't take it and he decides to retire without playing another regular season game, I think that would be very advantageous to the Hawks from a cap standpoint.

    Either way, the man has earned respect.

  4. No offense to Billy, but I think he made it this long based on some sort of old-timer mystique or aura.

    I really don't think he ever displayed much helpfulness or insight during b'ball games. He travelled a heck of a long way on the momentum generated by partnering so many years with maybe the greatest of all time, Al McGuire. Rest his soul. McGuire was truly a joy to listen to.

    This site shows there are a lot of people who agree:

    Remembering Al McGuire

  5. Quote:

    Smith isn't taking the QO.

    I'd bet my left index finger's knuckle on it.

    It would be a huge risk. I'm not going as far as risking your knuckle, but Josh has a lot to lose with that strategy. Others have pointed out the risk of serious injury.

    A more likely, but equally serious risk is developmental. As he stands now, he can really help a team at times as we all know. He can also really hurt at times. If he goes no further north in his skills and mentality this year, or even gets worse in his weak areas, he may never get serious money.

    The kind of bucks available in an NBA long-term contract is unique. The risk of turning down a reasonable long term offer (not saying we have made him one yet), especially for a somewhat unproven player, is pretty darn big. hairpulling.gif

  6. Quote:

    He's got one strike left before things are as bad with him as with Mike Hampton.


    There are only 3 strikes in baseball right?

    Hmmm how many has Hamp got on him now? Anyone counting? He was probably out a long time ago.

    Hampton is a mystery. He is one of the best pitchers in the game when he is on. And he was very good this preseason. It's incredible how many muscles he seems to pull or tear. Makes you wonder if he actually pushes it TOO hard - maybe he ought to lighten up the rehab a little, given the tendency of his sinews. Do more gentle stretching and less hardcore lifting or whatever he's been doing.

  7. Quote:

    Nobody can say "He hasn't had plenty of time to heal."

    I actually have a small ray of hope. Reports were that Claxton was playing well and working hard in preseason practice, before the knee started giving him trouble again. He's got one strike left before things are as bad with him as with Mike Hampton. And I actually have a small dab of hope left for Hampton this year - he too was pitching well in preseason.

  8. Quote:

    And is there someone from Avery's old staff worth adding?

    Popeye Jones was his big man coach, and did a heck of a job developing Diop and turning Damp into an actual semblance of a competent center. Would love to give Popeye a try, if no one has snapped him up yet.

  9. I think the Braves are fine.

    They've lost a zillion close games. Those will even out. Bobby is still as aggressive as ever. He knows how to play small ball when he has a team that calls for it.

    I loved the other night. Man on first. One out. Late in the game. One run behind. 3-2 count. Announcer wonders, do you send the runner. I say "yes." We're one down, have lost a lot of close ones. Got to be aggressive - put pressure on the pitcher, and the defense. Bobby sends the runner. Ball 4. Next guy, Yunel, singles in the tying run.

    Later that game - game on the line. Tied up. Runner on, if he scores we win. Yunel up. 3-0 count. Bobby turns him loose to swing. You know what happened.

    Bobby is aggressive as ever. He's still got it. This man is one of the greats of all time. Right there with John McGraw, Connie Mack, Walter Alston.

    Bobby gets nervous in the playoffs, and the team picks up on it. If he can relax post season like he does during the year, the team is a threat to take it all. Not worried about the regular season.

    I do like the idea of trying Gregor at leadoff, though.

  10. Quote:

    I want a guy who has had success but who has also made mistakes.

    The only guy with no job history that I would consider is Mark Jackson. The guy was just a rock solid PG and he seems to be a no-nonsense type. He spent years running teams on the court and he's been an analyst for a minute now.

    Barry is just as qualified as Jackson - same job history. The only difference is that no one has tossed his name around publicly. He is a very talented analyst - have you ever heard him? He's good. Can't hurt that his father knows more about the game than all but a handful of humans.

  11. 1. Jon Barry

    2. Mark Jackson

    No current assistants, please (we've tried that twice in a row now). No unsuccessful retreads, please. No college coaches either.

    Our best shot is to hope to duplicate someone like Byron Scott, who came in with lots of smarts and not much experience. The two listed above are worth a shot, IMO. Barry is dam smart.

  12. Quote:

    They did have Phil Jackson.

    Nah. Rudy T. was the coach, and quit midseason. Frank Hamblen took over


    Phil came in the next year


    The Phil turnaround in LA confirmed his genius to me, and confirmed that if you want to challenge to win in June, you have to have a great coach. A great player is not enough. The number of head coaches with rings are few, very few. N'est-ce pas?

  13. Quote:

    according to this article, he hasn't made up his mind. Just a hunch...he'll turn the BASG down.

    Only one candidate left? I agree that what's bad is, the inescapable conclusion that the other candidates already turned us down, though they (other than Lindsey) were generous enough not to do it publicly.

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