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Everything posted by bumpyphish1

  1. JohnnyBravo, I hope you are kidding.
  2. Quote: Quote: Quote: That is what I thought. Wow, the Hawks could get totally shut out of the draft. Or we could pick #1 and #11 overall. I think I'd have a hear attack...lol. Oh, I would for sure.
  3. I have always been a Salim guy and never turned on him - not once. I will be really mad if we ever use him in a trade because he will blow up under a coach who actually knows wtf he is doing.
  4. nevermind...only one bracket per group
  5. What's up with being able to create up to 5 brackets? I just need my 1.
  6. Hibbert is a beast for sure...He punked Aaron Gray...With a good NCAA tourney could he go as high as #3?
  7. Quote: That is what I thought. Wow, the Hawks could get totally shut out of the draft. Or we could pick #1 and #11 overall.
  8. Quote: Things are looking bad. Pacers are 2 games ahead of NY which has the 10th worst record on Thursday morning. They are playing so bad that it'll be hard to keep them out of bottom 10. This may not be a bad thing. I mean, if they squeak past 10th worst, then that improves the chances that we will be able to draft ACIE, if his stock is improving as rumored. I really don't see the Pacers being one of the 10 worst teams. Just don't.
  9. I also forgot to mention that we should offer Josh Smith and Childress extensions. Smith a shade under a max contract and Childress much less than that. Do we have enough $$$ to do all of this? Eh, I donno.
  10. Quote: If the Hawks win the lottery then Oden makes signing Morris unnecessary - besides the team does not want 3 rookies on the roster. I disagree. What is wrong with having two young 7 footers? Worst case scenario, we have a solid backup. Down the road, if Morris turns out to be above average, then he would carry a lot of value in a potential trade. If he is just there to sign and we don't have to win any lottery to get him, I think we have to do it.
  11. 1) Sign Randolph Morris from Kentucky. This is crucial...it doesn't involve getting lucky in the draft, him falling to us, etc. We just have to pick up where we left off last season in his courtship, and hopefully his ties to the Southeast will be enough for us to land him. 2) Draft a PG with the Indy pick. I think we should get Acie Law at all costs. He can score, and run an offense, two huge needs for this team. Plus, he is a WINNER. If you watched the Texas game, you would know this. Clutch as hell. If we have to trade up to ensure we get him, we should do so. Let's hope Indy slips toward the end. 3) Fire Mike Woodson. Really, 'nuff said. He is not the coach for this young team that should be out running. Almost everyone is on the same page with this. I don't know who we should get to coach us, but hopefully, it will be someone good. It's been a while since we had a decent coach. 4) Get lucky with the Ping Pong balls. This is all luck, but would be huge. Durant or Oden. Tit for tat. I don't care. We need this pick...even it's the #3 - Brandan Wright or trade it if we do get #3. 5) One other veteran acquisition. I have faith in BK, especially in free agency. It's time for him to put that much valued cap space to work. It sucks we wasted space on Speedy, and I doubt we can move him - if we could, that would be huge. Let's either sign someone to come in and play or work out a trade. We have some extra SF's and I would not be vehemently opposed to trading Zaza or Childress with or without a pick if it can net us something of value in return. If Esteban, Lue, or Shelden have any value, they could be used as trade bait as well. Marvin is more important that Chill and next season will really bust out. DO NOT TRADE SALIM! If all this goes down, I will be a HAPPY CAMPER. We would be headed to the promised land.
  12. this is a blessing....let the tanking begin!!!!
  13. lmao at "who t'hell is Tony Flanagan". I hear that. Well, we should get Crittenton...but only if he will be as good as TONY FLANAGAN!!! ha. Acie is the man. We should get him with the Indy pick....trade up if we have to.
  14. I agree....no way anyone has to pay Morris that much....I am thinking we have got to be leaders in the race to sign him...just have a feeling that his ties to the SE and the Hawks last season will put us right on track to sign him. So, let's get Acie Law in the draft (if we have to move up, so be it - I'll give up a bench player to do so). And, let's pray we get lucky in the lotto. That's the plan.
  15. CBAreject, pretentious at all? geez. I'll remembr you when Law owns your face.
  16. Quote: I think BK can call Randolph Morris up right now and start working a deal with him. I mean Morris is a free agent. If BK can get a deal in principle with Morris, I would focus on finding the right PG or BU SG.. I would clear the bench of Lue and Speedy the best way I could. I would hold on to Chillz and Marvin unless a good deal came along. We have got to sign Randolph Morris. That makes up for our second rounder...and then some. I'm hoping that since he is in the Southeast, BK will be on the ball about contacting him and offering as soon as its possible.
  17. No it really wasn't more impressive. Hitting buzzer beaters and playing as clutch as he did is something Crittenton has not done yet. And, no doing anything of magnitude against FSU is completely different than doing so against Texas. And, Crittenton does not have the outside shot. How can you even try to argue that he is the "total package". We need someone to take pressure off Jow that can shoot. Javaris can't. I agree his height and athletic ability is impressive for a true PG. But he ain't Law. Sorry. Maybe he will be one day. Even if that happens, he won't be that much better even in your best case scenario. But Law has already shown me he is a winner. He plays with a bunch of scrubs and has his team in the Top 10.
  18. oh yeah, i meant to close with..."how do people still not want to tank"? this whole lottery thing is really big this year. i put $50 on the hawks winning over 28.5 games this season on Bodog, and I still want us to tank, even if it means losing my bet. 29 wins would be nice.
  19. So bad. It is so much more valuable to us this season than it would be next... 1) Obviously, the draft is most stacked this season. A 1-3 would get us either a probable All-Star or carry LOADS of weight in a potential trade. 2) We are a young team and getting younger after next season is worse than getting younger this offseason. 3) Our first round draft pick will hopefully not be in the lottery next season and definitely won't be as high as it would be this season considering our youngsters will improve our record next season, if only a bit. Not to mention, we will most likely add another piece some time along the way. 4) We have another first rounder this season, so the possibilities of what moves we could do or the positions we could draft increases. We could draft a C early and a PG late. A PG early and a C later (less likely). Durant first and a C late. Oden first and a PG late. Durant first and a C late. You get the picture. It is just so crucial that we land this pick. I hate to overstate the obvious, but I just thought I would lay this out there for anyone who doesn't get it. I really have this feeling (or want to have this feeling) that God will finally smile down on the Hawks. This will be draft they replay in 3 seasons on NBC when we are hoisting an NBA Championship (a guy can dream right?) I really could care less what we give to the Suns (we are going to give them something at some point. It's a sunk cost.) But, this draft could mean loads to the Hawks. Imagine getting Oden and Acie Law! I mean geez. Would you be excited about that scenario? Or working out a good trade. Sweet blog, I know. But, playing with this draft lottery odds guy is just making me ready to get this lottery over with and move on from there - good luck or poor. Sorry to waste your crucial space, Exodus.
  20. just as skilled? When was the last time he put up 32 pts. in a game? Law did this against Texas on primetime television and hit a buzzer beater and a near-buzzer beater to take his team to two overtimes...while playing for Texas A&M (when did they last have a decent Bball team?)
  21. known him since you were 12? well, you are exactly the kind of poster i am referring to...thanks for proving my point.
  22. I know all you crazy Techies and Atlantans think it would be cool to draft him...and yes, he is a pretty good prospect, but there are much better PGs available. Just because he is local does not mean he is what we need. You all need to wake up! Acie Law Darren Collison DJ Augustin in that order.
  23. Randolph Morris is a no brainer IMO. I wonder if teams will be lining up for his services....Hawks should def get in on him...legit 7 footer.
  24. I think McRoberts is going to be pretty good, Diesel. And, like you, I hate Duke. Hate 'em. But, I really think (like you know who - another Dukie PF recently drafted by some team) his upside is pretty limited. I don't think he would be a terrible pick at #18. Neither would Shelden have been...at 18!!!!
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