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Everything posted by bumpyphish1

  1. Bumping this up to the top for at least another day or two....Go ahead, all you offenders (and there are plenty)...fess up....and acknowledge you have been shown the way
  2. Who would you take? Hawks +7.5 vs the Bulls tonight....seems like a great bet to me. Or the Bulls -7.5? Or the Hawks on the Moneyline? I took the Hawks and the pts. 7.5 is too many
  3. 7 views so far....nice....hopefully this is finding the right people.
  4. It ain't rocket science. If you like the Hawks, spell the players' names right.
  5. Quote: I would be very happy to nab Bibby. All this talk of a 1st rounder for Luke Ridnour scares me. I hear that. I want to use our 1st rounder this season. I would almost prefer to get a PG like Acie Law from Texas A&M or Collison from UCLA than get Ridnour. He really doesn't have that high of an upside IMO. Like I said in another post, until recently, he didnt even start for Seattle and played less minutes tha Earl Watson. And Watson ain't a stud.
  6. oh, and I do not want to give up a 1st for Ridnour. If we can get him, let's do it, but not for a 1st.
  7. Dudes, he is exactly what this team needs. He fills our hole at PG, and gives us another scoring threat to take some pressure off of JJ. I don't know if he really is on the block, but if he is, he is definitely who we should go after. I would give up the Indiana pick, Childress, and even my boy Salim for Bibby. If they would take Speedy, we could throw him their way, too. Ridnour would be a slight upgrade. Bibby would be a major addition and would make us an instant playoff contender.
  8. as in fell our way? It's weird: The media keeps talking about Oden/Durant and the Celtics, but history should tell them that it is no guarantee. Think of the times we missed the top pick....or even the second pick. Even with a decent finish, we will still have some balls in the lottery. What if we got lucky this year and got 1-3? Phoenix could HAVE next year's pick. With a 1-3 and a later pick from Indy, we would be SET. It could happen. We Hawks fans are due for a break like that. What are our odds to get into the lottery looking to be?
  9. We need to, but my money says no.
  10. Honestly, is there a single person who thinks Woodson is even a decent head coach? Look no further than last night as to why he stinks. My main complaint with Woodson lies on the offensive end - in multiple ways. First, our half court offense is terrible. Terrible. Can you imagine a Sloan-coached team getting/taking the terrible looks we did last night. Even with a less talented squad, if Sloan were our coach, our offense would be better ten-fold. Their offense was a thing of beauty. We settle for Marvin taking jump shots with a hand in his face. It's sad. Then, there is the fact that he refuses to let this team run, despite our youth an athleticism of players like J. Smith. Running could help us cover up our other shortcomings. Then, there is his substitution patterns which are obviously pre-scripted and never change based on a player's performance. You have to be able to adapt your subs to how a player is playing that night, Woody. I leave with this question: WHAT DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THE CHANCES OF WOODSON SURVIVING TO "LEAD" THIS TEAM ANOTHER YEAR ARE? IS BILLY KNIGHT GOING TO HAVE A PROBLEM FIRING HIS CRONY?
  11. Salim made a great play on our last possession that should have clinched the game for us, but Childress botched it.
  12. I think he should see more stretched of increased playing time, personally. I'm sure there are mixed opinions on him but was curious if anyone wanted to discuss him. Tonight, I thought he looked good; recently, he has forced less shots and looked to pass more. He always looks to run and get out in transition. We know he can have one of "those halves/quarters/whatever" if he gets hot. But, players like Salim need to be able to count on playing time in stretches and not just a small 4 minute slot. JJ couldn't succeed if given stretches like Salim is given. I don't know if Woody doesn't like him or what, but it is obvious he is a competitor and wants to play well and also for the Hawks to win. Does he not fit in with our/Woody's offensive philosophy? I really just feel like on another team/system (or with a new Hawks coach), Salim could really thrive and average 12-15 off the bench if given consistent minutes. His defense can be a liability, but we could get into a zone with him out there, or have him play up top with our better defenders behind him. I have heard him mentioned by some as potential trade bait, and while I understand you have to "give some to get some" in trades, I would hate to see Salim blossom with another team and us get the bad end in a trade because of such a scenario. Woody's rotations in general often leave me scratching my head. He seems to have them pre-scripted and does not improvise based on player performance.
  13. I agree with the topic. Childress needs to drive to the hoop more often. If J. Smith can make these runners in the half court set, I feel like Childress could too if he would be more aggressive. He plays a little weak/scrawny.
  14. Is he expected to come to the US any time soon. Was that a completely wasted pick or is he just too young?
  15. you guys are crazy. I watched Big Baby in person a little over a week or so ago and he is going to be something in the NBA. At worst, a very solid role player. I think he is a starter. He has great ball-handling skills for someone his size and can shoot from the outside. He was taking guys of the dribble and driving the lane like a guard vs. UGA when they played in Athens. And, he makes up for his lack of size with his massive frame. In the right system, he will thrive. You are all wrong. Glad you aren't the GM. I know we need a PG and C but if he is available late, we should grab him.
  16. where's Northcyde's "Marvin Report"??? I want to see tonights, but doubt we will.
  17. I don't know who set those wheels in motion, but I hope this post-game stuff is here to stay. It wil be nice next season when we are winning (hopefully) to savor those wins a little longer with a recap. Some interviews with Woodson, Billy Knight would be nice too. Suprised this crap franchise got this show together.
  18. We should do it if we could give up Zaza and a first rounder....we might have to throw in Childress to get it done. I'd still do it.
  19. that you have a picture of? How the [censored] are any of us supposed to have any respect whatsoever for anything you say? Jesus. Change that [censored] or get the [censored] outta here.
  20. Woodson needs to GO! My first post is a bit rough around the edges grammatically, but you get what I am trying to say. Be Gone, Woody!
  21. That, along with the ownership dilemma, is the most important us Hawks fans should be asking ourselves about this franchise IMO. I am content with Billy Knight - a good judge of talent IMO and I accept (for now) his slow plan to build a contender (though I think next season, his ass is on the line). But, Woodson HAS GOT TO GO! It's been evident to me with his substitution pattern all season and his reluctance to play uptempo ball with the YOUNGEST TEAM IN THE NBA. I am worried though that because Knight and Woodson have a history together that will remain, or leave, as a package deal, possibly because BK may have a reluctance to fire his boy. I would like to see us keep BK and hire a new coach, personally.
  22. going to play him....Geez...Talk about loaded at guard/small forward? Baron Davis Stephen Jackson Monta Ellis Jason Richardson Al Harrington
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