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Everything posted by joshuaneder

  1. Diesel is absolutely correct. He does not nothing to effect our team in a positive way. A number 2 pick who does nothing positive to effect us is a bust-however you define it. He is an ok player who may have a future but right now he is a bust. It's time for Hawks fan to stop looking at "potential" at look at reality. if you don't see this you are under a delusion-you see what he "could be" not what he is.
  2. Marvin, are we really having this conversation? Even if Smoove gets you more back. Smoove plays with a heartbeat and can create his own shot. Marvin is a tall, athletic, multied skilled. good looking power forward who shoots nothing but set shots.
  3. to play like that as a second pick overall in the biggest games of your life makes him a bust. now if he was a late first rounder fine. but as a number two pick to have zero impact in two playoff games is a rediculous. especially considering the folks picked after him. not his fault but still the truth
  4. Watching the game yesterday you can come to know other conclusion. A 2nd pick who is nothing but a mid-range jump shooter who can't create his own shot. And of course, Chris Paul winning the league MVP is like salt in the wound.
  5. link http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-lakers2feb02,1,5183063.story
  6. Now all the Pau rumors can stop.
  7. I can't take it anymore. I have been loyal lince '85. No more. For some reason I snapped last night. No heart. NO life in the team. I am done torturing myself this way. It's over.
  8. You want me to name superstars to trade for? Alright. The goal of my post was to highlight the more obvious conclusion that our overall structure of building a team demands undoing. Thats what I am arguing and you can't argue against. maybe it's too abstract, I don't know. But as for superstars Garnett J Oneal Bosh Gasol Kidd Paul
  9. I'll say it again..get JJ help...acquiring a superstar is not hard to do if you are willing to give up key assets (players and pics). My whole point is that our players (other than JJ) aren't worth keeping. We have proven we can't coach them forward so waiting for them to develope makes no logical sense Secondly, we have proven without a shadow of a doubt that we can't draft a superstar so why keep our pics. Most importantly, other teams have proved that our players actually could be talent in hiding ( i.e.-Diaw) waiting to be coached. So a superstar for our pics and our players actually could make sense to other teams. Lastly, there a million average but adequate role players to surround two superstars with.
  10. Vdunkndunk acquiring a superstar is not hard to do if you are willing to give up key assets (players and pics). My whole point is that our players (other than JJ) aren't worth keeping. Secondly, we have proved without a shadow of a doubt that we can't draft so why keep our pics. Most importantly, other teams have proved that our players are actually talent in hiding ( i.e.-Diaw) waiting to be coached. So a trade for pics and our players actually could make sense to other teams.
  11. We need to blow up everything. Stop looking for diamonds in the rough, or what we might be. Fire the GM and coach. Bring in another superstar to go with JJ. If you think there is anything positive about the curent state of things you are delusional. We need a complete overhaul. It's so obvious half of you can't even see it anymore. We can't draft, develope players, we can't do anything. Blow it up. Or keep "believing" in the current way of things if you are more comfortable in delusion.
  12. I disagree with ya Northcyde on just every point but hope you are right and I am wrong. I really do. Cause or management is too blind to see that drastic change is needed...my way aint gonna happen
  13. I am a 20 year Hawks fan. I can't take it anymore. Here is the recipe for success. 1.) Roll the dice. Sell the house far a second superstar. Good nba teams are two stars and role players who can accept second fiddle status. Give away draft picks (we can't draft astutely) and players (we can't develope players) and bring in a KG or J O'neal. 2.) Stop with the "building a nucleaus" talk for 3 reasons. A.) How long do we wait? Another decade? B.)It's not how teams are built in the NBA. Good teams pick and choose and have combination of veteran/young. c.) Any player we luck-up to draft and actually develope into a top player will jump ship after three years. 3.) Give us some reason to hope. Even if it's a risk. This organization has been so stuck looking in the future that the "looking to the future" talk has almost become a subconscious excuse to suck in the present. 4.) Excite the city now. Make it a place free-agents want to come. 5.) If we stay the course..We continue developing players for another ten years, are laughing stock of the nba and in the end, we probably leave the city. LETS WAKE UP FOLKS AND ROLL THE DICE. IT'S BETTER THAN ALWAYS SITTING ON YOUR HAND.
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