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Posts posted by BHayley

  1. 1) Since no one on our team has really played in the West besides Joe's stint, Bibby probably doesn't know many of our players (although Childress is from L.A.), so I'm sure when he first comes in our locker room and sees Mario, Acie, Horford, and ZaZa, he'll be thinking "Who the Hell are these guys?"

    2) Gotta feel bad for Shelden. He obviously loves Candace, who didn't play far away, and in the recent Sekou article, I think it mentioned they see each other at least once every two weeks. Now he is on the opposite side of the country.

    3) Was BK showcasing our players these past weeks? T.Lue played some ridiculous minutes, Lorenzen played TWENTY minutes the other night (although Shelden didn't really play at all). Probably just reaching a little bit

  2. The most interesting thing about this trade, will be to see if we can now compete with teams like Indiana, New Jersey, Washington, and Milwaukee, who we have not played well against this year.

    Can we finally get over the hump and overtake these teams who will just hang around unless we do something?

  3. Quote:

    BK says he made this move to energize the team and he talked to Hawks players about using this move as a catalyst. He said Bibby will be great with JJ.

    I don't understand why he has to wait until we lose a heartbreaker to make a catalyst move. Our players reported to training camp a month early and the mood was great. After December, we hit that roadblock and played like garbage, reminiscent of the last 3 years of sub-par basketball this team has showed. So why couldn't we make a move like this last year, when we were within reach of the playoffs for most of the season? It takes being over %55 of the way into the last year of rebuilding for our GM to realize that we need to fill a glaring need?

    I'm not buying it.

  4. They make the first meaningful trade in almost 3 years and people are forgetting everything they did (or didn't do for that matter).

    Who says we couldn't have gotten Bibby in this same package 2 months ago? With him, we would've won at least 3 games in that wretched West coast trip, as well as won all these heartbreaking 2 point losses.

    In my opinion, the ONLY reason this trade took place was because of the fan outcry on Thursday, when every single person who's been a Hawks fan for the last 3 decades was so incredibly pissed off that they called into every radio station and emailed every single person affiliated with the Hawks they could find.

    Billy Knight could have triggered this trade any time this year and probably could've gotten Bibby at an even cheaper package when Bibby was injured because there was no way the Kings were making the playoffs this year. There have been some atrocious stretches this year, where every major Hawk fan has inflicted harm on something because of frustrations at the management of this team.

    From what I've seen said, it doesn't look like there is another forthcoming deal, so we are stuck with a center rotation of Horford, ZaZa (who's done jacksh!t this year), and Solomon Jones, whose arms are slightly larger than Kevin Durant's.

    The ASG, meanwhile, has been defiant to fans' requests, suggestions, maintaining ludicrous ticket prices, and being stiff in every way possible. It took them 3.5 years of losing with our current core to realize that "Hey! Maybe we actually need an established point guard!" Now we have a horrendous west coast trip coming up and let all the average teams in the East catch up to us.

    With Bibby, we'd have been 6th or 5th in the East right now. Now we have to deal with all these teams and hope to get to 6th so we don't face one of the two juggernauts in the East right now. And of course Bibby has to adapt to Woodson's system, whatever that may be.

    I know we will make the playoffs this year, but to think that this move negates all the garbage time where an easy Andre Miller or Bibby trade could've been executed, is a falsity.

  5. I don't agree about Shelden.

    ZaZa has shown more offensive potency than Shelden these last 2 years.

    We can get Jamal Tatum from the NBDL, then package Marvin for a 7 footer + shooter. Why wouldnt Dallas take Marvin for Diop + George or something?

    I'd try trade Marvin back to his town of Seattle for some players

  6. Can we sweep "Championship Contenders" in the season series?

    Is Kobe going to use his injury as an excuse?

    Is Mike Bibby going to bring it to Fisher and Acie get some burn against the very talented Jordan Farmar?

    Is our team going to come out with a VENGEANCE, some CONVICTION in their playing, like we just got a legit PG and it's time for that push?

    I still want one more trade, a minor Matt Carroll trade maybe.

    I'm glad players like Solo and Mario will finally get some burn.

  7. LOL, just look at the guy's game log.

    Bibby doesn't hog the ball 22 seconds every shot clock.

    Bibby is not a poor defender.

    Bibby has started on teams that went to the WCF (Lue didn't do jacksh!t besides "limiting" Iverson to 30 ppg in the finals). Bibby's numbers have gotten better since the injury, and it's worth getting rid of Lue and AJ if we can get Acie more minutes behind a proven PG

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