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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. First and foremost I want to see a lot of close games. If they are close games I really don't care who wins. IF there is going to be a blowout I'd rather it be Orlando on the winning side. Kobe's weird little face he is making nowadays is starting to freak me out.

  2. Don't forget earlier in the season we lost to the Cavs @ home on a LeBron free throw that he should have never been shooting to begin with. I think the game will be called a little better since it's in Atlanta, but when the game is on the line I won't be surprised to see another call go LeBron's way. Be loud Popeye, let the officials have it!

  3. we've looked bad on the road all year,even when everyone was healthy. Teams seeded lower than us had better road records.

    We have definitely been a bad road team but we have looked beyond bad in the playoffs. They seemed to get worse as the season went on too which makes me think a lot of it could be a mental problem. Once the opponents lead gets over 10 the players seem to be thinking "here we go again". I was looking over the schedule and some of our road loses early in the season were only by 5 points or so. We might have lost by 20 last night but it could have easily been by 40+ and we are not THAT bad.

  4. There have been a few times I thought Woodson has lost the team throughout the season. We always seem to rally together though shortly after I talk to my friends about him losing the team though. It is probably too late for us to rally together this time but don't forget we are without two starters. With that said, I think injuries are more of a factor to us looking so bad on the road than Woodson losing the team in the 2nd round of the playoffs.

  5. We were 1-3 against them this year but one of the games we lost by one point. That heart breaker at Phillips. And if memory serves me correct Lebron made a great play to pull it out?

    Scores were

    Cleveland 110 ATl 96 away

    ATl 97 Cleve 92 home

    Cleve 88 Atl 87 home

    Cleve 102 Atl 96 away

    Obviously our defense did not work in the losses.

    That great play that you are talking about was LeBron driving, realizing he has nowhere to go, and then jumping into Horford to get a foul called. He then went on to sink 1/2 free throws to win the game. I hope that kind of stuff isn't happening in this series..

  6. I'm really worried about this series. Like I said in another post, the Hawks haven't won a playoff series in a very long time. I don't care who we would be playing, until the Hawks prove they can win a playoff series we should all be a little worried. With that said though, we are a better team than the Heat and we should beat them. We won at their place earlier this season and they lost their one game so far here at Philips. Even if they win today they know that the Hawks probably weren't giving 100%.

    Wade is going to get his calls, we all know that. What is his supporting cast going to do? If Wade is getting his calls at Philips will we drive and try to get some too or continue to shoot jump shots? Joe Johnson is an all star and deserves to be getting treated the same as Wade at a playoff game in his own arena. Time will only tell..

  7. You always want to upgrade at every position but I don't think there are many guys out there that we can realistically require that would be better than Bibby. I don't know the free agent list of the top of my head but the only guy I can think of is Nash? Dolfan is right though, think back to early last year when we had Lue and A. Johnson running the point for us. If you think we play a lot of 1-1 basketball w/ poor ball movement now, that was ALL we seemed to do w/ those two running the show. So if there is a way to improve--do it, but we can't just let Bibby walk as we have nobody on our roster that is capable of being a starting caliber PG on a playoff team right now.

  8. Who really cares about this award anymore? When there are guys like Manu and Terry coming off their bench I don't really consider them the '6th man'. I know technically they are but these guys are starters to me. This award should really go to the best bench players who shouldn't be starting. It's not really even about who is starting anyways--who is finishing games for you? Nonetheless, Flip should've been somewhere on this list, the guy has been great for us all season long. I can't think of how many nights he saved us when Joe and Bibby were having off nights.

  9. There isn't a team bellow us in the standings that is better than us. I think most of us know that--we have 82 games to prove it too. However, when was the last time the Hawks won a playoff series? I feel we SHOULD beat Miami but I'm going to worry my *** off this whole series. Until the Hawks become a regular playoff team that has won a couple of series I think everybody should be a little bit worried. Making the playoffs last year was step one. Step two IMO is winning a series (though you could argue it could be homecourt), and winning a series is something we haven't completed yet.

  10. Earlier in the season I thought this had the potential to be a huge game. Now I really wish we weren't playing it at all. How much do the players really care about it? As a fan I think we might not want to give them any confidence that they can win at Philips but do the players really care about any of that? We know how good we are on our homecourt and so does Miami. Miami knows we don't want Joe getting hurt so even if they do win I'm sure they know they stole one and probably didn't get what they will be getting from the Hawks this weekend. Maybe we can use some reverse psychology and have them thinking they can win here--then run them off the court this weekend. Who knows? It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

  11. When Childress was playing in the NBA 'experts' would talk about him being one of Knights screwed up lottery picks. After Childress bolted to play overseas all the 'experts' talked about how the Hawks couldn't rebound from losing him. Luckily the 'experts' had one of my friends seriousily doubting the Hawks and we had a nice little wager about the Hawks winning 45 games. He thought it was insane at the time--but here we are with 46 wins and 2 more games to play. Thanks 'experts'!

  12. I'm a huge GA Tech fan so I'll always have love for his game. His offense wasn't this bad at Tech though. I think a lot of it has to do with the speed of the game/not having any rhythm. His defense and energy do help us at times though. It's more obvious when you are at the games but you can see the team really pick up their energy when he is in the game making his typical "Mario hustle plays".

  13. IMO it's a very big game. Toronto has played well as of late and we have looked pretty bad. Even in our last win against LA the 3rd quarter was the only quarter that we looked like we knew what we were doing on offense. The Hawks have been at points like this in the season where we thought they were about to crumble and they responded with a stretch of good games--lets just hope they do it again.

  14. Horf played PF and started there all while smoove was hurt....

    He did, and he had a couple of good games and a couple of bad games. He had that monster game against the Bulls and another really good game against the Bucks too. He also hurt his ankle when smoove was out and might have come back a little too early--but he did that because Smith was out and we needed him.

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