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Posts posted by cwill1410

  1. But Amare is known for his offensive prowness. I never understood who you guys bring up defense for Amare when he does a better job on Centers than Horford. Amare better position is Center. He was the best in the league at that time and he was coming off of a major knee surgery. Last year was a bad year for Amare but Wade had one the season before and you seen what this season was for Wade. Be real guys, some of you are in dreamland with Smoove.

    Agreed. The only thing i am going to miss from Smith is his highlight dunks. He gets the majority of his blocks on fast break. You guys give him to much credit when its 1 vs 1 . Most the time the offensive player gets by him.

  2. I disagree about moving Teague in a deal for Amare....no way you do that. I mean the Suns are in the weaker position right now, they don't have any leverage. No Teague in that deal.

    hopefully all of you wont keep getting your hopes up. theres never anything on tv about amare and the hawks. nothing on the internet anywhere. there is no recent talks. its all just speculation. not going to happen

  3. I'm the only one here who thinks that Teague will be our starting PG before February.

    This kid has major talent.

    He can shoot.

    He's blink fast.

    He can distribute.

    He has to work on his turnovers...

    but with this team, he will be an open floor terror.

    I can see it just as plain as day.

    Our games will be like a track meet and he's going to be the young conductor.

    Woody's days may be numbered. I don't think Sund will allow Woody to Stomp out Teague's confidence the way he stomped out Acie's. Sund even said with regret that he regretted bringing in Flip because of what it did to Acie.

    I look again to Devin Harris. Harris was very similar to Teague coming out. Except Teague has MAJOR confidence.

    I believe it would be smart to get an older PG who can distribute in here to BU Teague. I have said Brevin Knight because I am a fan of Knight's work. And he's really old and should be cheap. But there are other guys who are just as available. Steve Blake is another guy who fits that bill. With a rising star like Teague, I think he just needs a little seasoning from a vet PG to help him see the passes.


  4. I've bashed Smith a lot, but to trade him for an injury prone player that might not play with the team past this season and then you get nothing in return. That doesn't sound very wise at all. We'd also be getting closer to an aging team. The way JJ has played the last few years along with Crawford being 30 and I think Amare will be pushing 30 before long. We need a center and not another forward so this doesn't solve the big man problem either.

    If it's for Marvin Williams and Childress I'd say let's do this!

    Whats the deal with Childress. He playing overseas again next year?

  5. What i'm about to type is probably way of base but here goes.........

    The Suns are trying to get rid of salary........so........what if the Hawks drafted Teague to send to the Suns in a trade that would include Teague and Josh Smith for Amare Stoudemire?

    That would give the Suns a young PG and and PF to build around and give them the ability to walk away from Steven Nash at the same time they get rid of Stoudemire's large salary.

    The Hawks roster would look like this.....

    Crawford / Flip

    Johnson / ???

    Williams / M. Evans

    A. Stoudemire / ???

    Horford / Zaza

    Like i said, i'm probably way off base here...........but it's worth thinking about. :no-no:

    they would probably want teague to. and i for one do not want to move him.

  6. Was watching ESPN, when I saw the situation of Amare being traded to the warriors but they said the trade is likely not to go through because the suns want curry to be one of the players they get, but the warriors refuse to give curry up. So that talk with PHX and GS is done then the first team he said that was heating up with talks, happen to be our beloved hawks!!! With that being said I understand Smith is a bone head at the offense end sometime but if we got Amare for Smith wouldnt we be losing defense and getting worse on the defense as a team? I mean we just drafted teague and got crawford I honestly dont think we need more help on the offense side of the team, especially if we get flip or bibby back but correct me if im wrong but i have never known amare to be good at defending or better than smith at defending at that. (we were ranked in the top 10 for defense over the regular season this year but possibly wont be if we get amare, i mean at least smith tries at the defense end, i've seen much laziness from amare on the defense end while playing in phx thats why they got shaq!)


    I only bring up the big issue of us getting amare because sund seems like he's letting woodson be apart of our negotiations with players we draft or pickup through free agency. An i know woodson would push sund to get rid of Smith! especially for amare!!!but if we get amare now we have too much offense and not enough defense. Am i right?

    Just letting you know our Defense has already gotten better. Bibby was awful at defense and Crawford and Teague are an upgrade at that.

    And i also have not seen this all day and ive been watching

  7. Check out the clip below. Some of this kids stuff is scary good. He plays with these defenders. Sure hope we hit the lottery last night.


    wow. that looked great.

    he has got some sick crossovers!!

  8. We dont need Horford. We dont need another bust pick. Sheldon didnt do anything last yr. Go for Yi! Hes 7'0 and can hit jump shots 17-20 feet out and drive to the lane and they say he has the ability to be better than Yao Ming. Go for Yi then get Law at 11.

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