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Posts posted by Sasquatch

  1. Quote:


    You know what? The more I think about it the more it ticks me off. Let me ask you something. If ANYBODY is coaching this team with their job on the line... You, me, Joe, Blow, Schmoe, whoever... If your job is on the line and you are on the road against a veteran playoff team and you have only one player producing 6-7 min into the game, is there a chance in hell you yank him? NO!!!!!!

    Hell NO!!!! That M¤ F¤ would have a seizure on the floor before I take him out. Afterall, if nothingelse, this is my job, right? So basically, this is my personal cry for help. Help me to understand. 'Cause right about now I'm ready to ride in his a**

    "I believe in doing onto thy neighbor as you would have him do unto you. But sometimes yo' neighbor get's what he F*n' deserves"... Sasquatch

    LMAO !!

    You guys are making way more out of this, than it should be. We're not talking about the 4th quarter here. We're talking about the 1st quarter. In the 4th quarter, a hot hand will get the benefit of the doubt.

    Even high school coaches do that at the beginning of games. I knew that I was always coming out of the game with about 2 minutes left in the 1st period. Coach always wanted to play the up and coming superstar freshman PG with some of the upperclassmen, so I always knew that I was coming out toward the end of the quater. And I would always wipe my shoes off near the 4 minute mark of the 2nd quarter, because I was about to come back in the game.

    You guys act like this is NBA Live or something, with the fatigue level turned off or something.

    Point well taken. However, there is no tomorrow. This guy is literally coaching from the Guillatine. He is literally not guaranteed to be coaching next week. Given those circumstances I find it hard to rationalize his decisions based on what a coach with more leeway "MIGHT" do. Secondly, I think a lot of people are assuming you guys are right in your assertions. I honestly do not recall good coaches taking their only hot hand out 5-6 min into the game, on the road, and at the time no foul trouble. I just do not recall seeing good coaches do that.

    Nevertheless. Let's look at it this way...

    If they give Clueless his pink slip tomorrow morning and give him a chance to go back in time, I guarantee u Marvin stays on the floor.

  2. You know what? The more I think about it the more it ticks me off. Let me ask you something. If ANYBODY is coaching this team with their job on the line... You, me, Joe, Blow, Schmoe, whoever... If your job is on the line and you are on the road against a veteran playoff team and you have only one player producing 6-7 min into the game, is there a chance in hell you yank him? NO!!!!!!

    Hell NO!!!! That M¤ F¤ would have a seizure on the floor before I take him out. Afterall, if nothingelse, this is my job, right? So basically, this is my personal cry for help. Help me to understand. 'Cause right about now I'm ready to ride in his a**

    "I believe in doing onto thy neighbor as you would have him do unto you. But sometimes yo' neighbor get's what he F*n' deserves"... Sasquatch

  3. Quote:


    All I can say is my give a damn is just about busted.

    LOL we're 1-2 and have played 3 straight playoff teams, and you are almost done. Not surprising. If the Hawks went 82-0 you'd be pissed because we didn't hold teams scoreless.

    Dude. I see what you are saying about the 1-2, but keep in mind nobody is actually trippin' about the record that is the win loss column. The outrage here is the "broken record" that is Woody's continued trash. It's the same ol' stuff we're seeing that is drivin people nuts.

    It seems to me teams ran the same defense at Joe last year, still no answer. Smoove finished with nice numbers, but still the shot selection. We gave up long rebounds like that last year and guys still R not getiing hands up when the shot goes up. Still no motion on offense. Still no respect from the refs. The list goes on.

    It's not the win/loss column right now, it's this neverending pattern of behavior that will ultimately lead to problems with the w/l column and then it may be too late.

  4. Quote:


    This guy is a joke. Marvin comes out smokin while Joe is starting slow and who is the first man to hit the pine? Marvin!

    I have been saying this for the past 4 years. Woodson has TIMED SUBSTITUTIONS, he subs the same people in and out at the exact same time of every game. That's called not knowing how to make adjustments. Woody will sub out someone when his stopwatch goes off, REGARDLESS of how well the player is playing. It's probably the worst thing I hate about Woody.

    I agree. It does look like Woody has timed substitutions. Here's the problem though, if that's the case why does he need to take the floor with the team? Why not just give the sub sheet to Speedy ( or me for that matter, I'm doin just as much as him), because he definately is not calling offensive plays. How does Marvin come out and torch them for 13 in the first half and finish with exactly 13 in the end. To make matters worse, the last game Marvin finished with like 75% shooting and only gets 12 shots? I have not seen the stats by I'm thinking tonite was a similar debacle!!!!!

  5. This guy is a joke. Marvin comes out smokin while Joe is starting slow and who is the first man to hit the pine? Marvin! How is it that after seeing so many teams triple up on Joe he still has no answer. There is absoluetly no movement when they do that. If Joe starts out struggling put him in the post so he can get some rythm. Furthermore, if Marvin comes out smokin RUN SOME DAWGONE PLAYS FOR HIM!!!!!

    What I can't understand is that time and time again we have a point guard that has a live dribble yet he just hands the ball to Smoove out beyond the key. What are they expecting Smoove to do from that far out that the point can't? As for the long rebounds on the 3s try keeping your hands up for starters!!! It's garbage like this that leads to flat performances like this!

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