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Everything posted by KrishATL

  1. Just a brief video on NBA tv with bibby post Rockets game...always nice to see one of our Hawks get some face time. we all know how rare that is. Smitty is in there asking some questions as well (still wish he was in there rather than dominique) sorry if it was already posted http://www.nba.com/video/channels/nba_tv/2...090103_sot.nba/
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/columns/stor...mp;lid=tab7pos1 It's a nice little recap of the musings over the summer. he considers Josh Smith a steal and the signing of Mo evans a decent recovery from the Chill fiasco.
  3. anyone have a link besides channesurfing.com it has audio only... thanks
  4. KrishATL


    channelsurfing has audio only...anyone have another link? thanks
  5. hey guys...can someone send me a link for the video of tonite's game. channelsurfing.net only has audio. thanks a lot. K
  6. i agree...i think it's very possible for us to get a win against them. remember the last game we played...we stuck with them pretty much throughout the whole game, but we just weren't able to get that one big shot towards the end. granted, that is prolly what separates the decent teams from the great teams...the ability to make a big shot when needed...but still, we match up with them pretty ok. i think our youth and athleticism gives them fits at times...and pierce even mentioned that we could be a tough team for anyone down on the road. i could see us taking a win at home and maybe just maybe stealing one in boston. i know, i'm being optimistic, but let's be honest, if i wasn't all these years....i dont think i'd still be a Hawks fan. let's make the playoffs first, and who knows what can happen once we're there...
  7. Well, i know it's pretty unlikely, considering the 'he said she said' debacle going on with ASG and BK and Sekou and who knows else, but I wouldn't mind picking up Ratliff for our team if he comes cheap. He got released by the Wolves and i imagine would be willing to play for a reasonable price. We NEED a another shot blocking BIG. another semi-imposing presence in the paint, not to mention anyone who can take a few minutes away from ZaZa (yes, he's playing better but he still infuriates me with his inability to complete easy plays). and he is injury prone, but i feel like most Bigs are...i'd be willing to take a chance on him. Take care of the Knicks tonight boys!
  8. Hey guys! I'm new as a member but the funny thing is i've been reading this board religiously for more than a year...finally took the big step in joining. haha. its kinda funny that i know a bit about some if u guys through ure posts and stuff...i feel like a stalker. weird. but either way, i've always enjoyed reading up on our beloved hawks regardless of their inconsistent tendencies...and this was the place to go for that. And AGREED, Awesome job on the new look site guys! def gives it a edge (something i hope Bibby gives us right off the bat) lookin forward to being a voice on this board, Krish
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