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Posts posted by thefloydian

  1. Quote:


    Teams that don't play defense actually RUN so they can score to make up for it.

    We don't do either.

    The saddest part?

    Our coach's specialty is supposed to be DEFENSE

    This is exactly the style of play that the vast majority of you wanted the Hawks to start playing.

    Let's play fast.

    Let's shoot 3's.

    If we become a better offensive team., the defense won't matter as much.

    Don't whine and cry now about defense.

    Are you kidding me? They aren't running.

  2. Quote:


    1. Stats lie

    No they don't. They just don't tell all of the truth. But in this case they tell far more truth than HSers do about this team! Think about it. Not a single UNDERestimated winning percentage about the Hawks in the last 3 years from HSers! That's unbelievable and it makes the res of what many HSers say more questionable than any stat.


    2. What do we need more talent for? To win a title? Well, obviously that's the case. I don't think anyone's arguing that. However, do you honestly think the Hawks will ever win a title given the current situation? I think most Hawks fans would be content to just make the playoffs, and this squad is talented enough for that.

    Well, you got me there. But if the Hawks owners were willing to take on Bibby's $14.5 Million contract then Gasol's wouldn't have been much different. Moreover, he would have given us a top 10 top 2 duo. THAT isn't just playoffs but in the EC it's conference finals worthy. We would still have a coaching question, but at least the talent would have been there. As it stands now, the talent isn't. Our top two talent is on level with the bottom 10 teams. You'll never contend with that.


    I agree that they should have tried to get Gasol, but I'm not sure that this team would be in the conference finals even if they had him.

  3. 1. Stats lie

    2. What do we need more talent for? To win a title? Well, obviously that's the case. I don't think anyone's arguing that. However, do you honestly think the Hawks will ever win a title given the current situation? I think most Hawks fans would be content to just make the playoffs, and this squad is talented enough for that.

  4. Quote:

    I see a lot of people who are getting fooled by Childress' high shooting percentage. They think that makes him a good offensive player. It doesn't. You have to consider the effect he has on the other players. Childress can't create at all and kills spacing. That is why...

    JJ shoots 4.5% worse when Childress is playing.

    Smith shoots 3.1% worse when Childress is playing.

    Marvin shoots 2.6% worse when Childress is playing.

    AJ shot 2.9% worse when Childress was playing.

    Lue shot 3.6% worse when Childress was playing.


    Is the pattern clear enough?

    When you couple that with the fact that the Hawks give up 5.6 ppg more when Childress is playing (worst mark among the regulars)


    it becomes clear that Childress just isn't worth keeping.

    Those stats are pretty much meaningless. There's too many variables unaccounted for to quantify someone's impact on a team in that way.

    I hope they keep Childless.

  5. I will agree that in order to be a "contender" we will have to pull off some sort of minor miracle. It's just not going to happen anytime soon with the current contracts. That isn't really the issue for me, though. The East is so bad, it would be nice if this team would just play to its full potential. If they did, they could be at least as good as a team like Orlando.

    I'd like to see a contender, but I'm realistic.

  6. There was only one page. I will describe it below:

    1. Either Bibby brings the ball up and passes to Joe, or Joe brings the ball up.

    2. Joe makes a weak-ass stab move which is intended to break the defenders ankles.

    3. The stab move never works, for obvious reasons.

    4. Joe holds the ball over his head and looks for cutters that never come.

    5. Joe waits for the shot clock to hit 6 or so and takes a three, preferably while fading away with someone in his face.

    6. Don't get back on defense and repeat after the other team gets a dunk off an outlet pass.

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