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Everything posted by Hawks4ever

  1. Hawks4ever

    FYI on Detroit

    Multiple firsts, eh? Do they have any of those stupid protections on it? Like lottery protected or something like that?
  2. Kidd/Kobe/Marion/Duncan/Shaq That's my dream lineup, and it ain't happenin either.
  3. No team with a CBA starter [Newble] and the official clown of the NBA [Leon] is going to do well. Mark my words. Kasten needs to get new people to run the team. In the coaching bench and in the front office.
  4. The only position I don't feel comfortable with is SF. When it comes right down to it, Newble is just a hustle guy who is Coach Kruger's love child. That's the only reason he's still here. Still need a tall SF who can rebound.
  5. Yeh, he needs to drive alot more often. If he does that his PPG average should go up to around 16ppg. Sometimes I feel Coach Kruger is turning a possible McGrady-clone into a Glen Rice-clone.
  6. I hate this trade in all forms and aspects.
  7. Stinger laughs too long at Rathburns dumb jokes.
  8. The Hawks announcers suck.
  9. JV backed up John Stockton. Omar backed up Kenny Anderson. Huuuuuuge difference.
  10. I don't want him. We have enough guards who don't play defense as it is. I would rather draft Yarbrough.
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