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Everything posted by Elijah

  2. First off, I strongly disagree with Atlas that we should be better than we are, that we're so talented. Any team in the NBA besides maybe the Thunder could make a case that it's so talented and a playoff team. The freaking Clippers have Baron, Kaman, Camby, Thornton, Zbo, and Eric Gordon, yet they suck and have a lot of injuries. Do you think they're saying the same thing? Anyway, bottom line: 1) We are not good enough to compete for anything significant in the playoffs 2) We are not bad enough to fire our coach or get a good lottery pick. So what are we left with? A decent/solid team that doesn't really scare anybody, whose coach can't even get the team pumped up for a division game against a team whose superstar is in foul trouble, who is missing Marion, and has Beasley as their 2nd best player (Miami). This is f*cking pathetic. The Milwaukee game last Friday is one of the few games I've ever seen this team blow out another team and use its bench in the 4th. Woodson is a !@#$ing moron whose post-game comments leave a lot to be desired. He basically conceded that we will not compete for a top 3 seed, stating that "we are trying to hold onto that 4th seed." Way to shoot for the stars you idiot. Way to use your bench and alienate your lottery pick point guard, to not develop your bench and then throw them into action when injuries arise. To the ASG: You need to fire Woodson and throw every single penny you have at Avery Johnson and offer every incentive possible. Oh wait--we have a winning record--Woodson is safe! :beer:
  3. 1) We need to start playing better when we have more than 1 day off. It seems we always get 4 days off and then get destroyed 2) Marvin needs to stop standing around and doing nothing all game 3) If we are down 590 points in the 1st quarter, Woodson should try put in his bench to try inititate a spark, not destroy our starters and then let the bench play 4) Probably need to trade Horford. We have no interior defense or post play right now. We can't trust thin 6"9 tweeners to cover the post well. 5) Acie Law needs more minutes
  4. Ban Diesel! What he has said is very disrespectful to the Hawks! :clap:
  5. You're right. The 48 games after this series will be irrelevant if we don't make ground on them.
  6. LOL, you don't even know me, clown. I've been to all but 3 Hawks home games this year. I am a bigger Hawks fan than anyone on this board (you can ask any of my friends that), but I don't understand why everyone is so optimistic, when the reality is that this team is not built for playoff success. I could care how many wins we get in the regular season. If we don't go far in the playoffs after this 29 year rebuilding project, it really is disappointing. Thanks :beat:
  7. 1. Who the hell are you? You should be banned for being too scared to post under your real name 2. "and currently, excellent 3-point success........"..Yes, currently we're shooting 3's well. Do you expect this to happen in the playoffs? Didn't think so 3. but we do run most teams in the dirt with superior athleticism (we're really young) Really? We're running teams into the dirt on the road with our athleticism? Maybe you can point out some games for me 4. Can anyone without searching this year's record books recall three blowouts the Hawks have taken? I don't even know what this means, but yes, we have lost to Cleveland, Indiana. and NJN beat us pretty securely in the one game at Philips this year. What do blowouts have to do with anything? And where do record books come in? 5. Also, most, if not all, elite teams (and the Hawks qualify this year) start their top five players 30+ minutes a game. . What does this prove? 30 minutes isn't a whole lot--when you have guys playing 38 or 39 minutes every night, there is a problem. Your arguments hold no water. I suggest you post a reply under your real name. Cheers, Elijah
  8. Thanks for the mature reply. Since superstar defense sure has to do with a player being the most valuable player overall on a team.
  9. He is. You take away Bibby, we have 6 wins. You take away Joe, we probably have around 8 or 9
  10. This team, as it is currently playing and constructed, will not go far in the playoffs. I don't see why everyone hates on Hotlanta--the guy is right. 1) Everyone says that we are not playing up to the level we are capable of--my question is: why? Do we have to play Boston or LAL at home in order to play at the level we're capable of? 2) We don't have a big who can rebound consistently on the defensive or offensive end--ZaZa Pachulia is the best we got. Josh Smith never boxes out on defense. Oh wait, his ankle hurts--nevermind. 3) In relation to #1, we play to the level of every team we play. How is it humanly possible to barely beat a Rockets team without 3 of its 4 best player, which only played Yao 32 minutes? The fact we gave up 17 points to Von Wafer (who the hell is he?) is unacceptable 4) Our 8 man rotation stinks. The only reason Law and Solomon played last night was because Marvin was out. Mo hardly does anything offensively anymore, Flip is hit or miss. So where is our bench scoring coming from if Flip is off? We won 22 games on the most part because our starters play ridiculous minutes and we had a homestand where we played a bunch of trash teams, except for Cleveland. Detroit was underachieving at the time, and Denver is greatly overrated. Haters come in.
  11. When you consider that none of the starters has significantly improved from last year (Joe's scoring was down last year because he struggled early in the year), Acie Law has regressed, and Mo + Flip < J Chill, I think it's clear that Bibby is the reason for our major improvement from last year I don't need to present stats or other factual information--I am right :line dance:
  12. No, you obviously couldn't imply that when I said "in general" (which is true) and "in the closing minutes" that I was referring mostly to the 4th quarter, but the entire game can be accounted for too. Good night
  13. 1. One of the worst in the league in finishing in the paint? How do you base that off the 10 mpg he plays? From what I've seen, he gets into the lane and opens it up for others. 2b. 3. "I said Joe needs to defer to teammates in general. I was partially referring to tonight's game, where he did force an awful fadeaway jumper in the final minutes, but he shouldn't feel like he has to have the ball the entire possession in the closing minutes" So I left out 4 words. If you read the latter part of that statement, it says "in the closing minutes." The words "defer to teammates" and "force awful fadeaways" seem to have a correlation...In other words, Joe should not feel inclined to take awful jumpers in general, but mostly in the 4th quarter, if another option presents itself. OK, the guy had 14 assists. We all know that. Does this magically mean he will no longer take awful shots at the end (even though he took 1 awkward shot in the last minutes tonight)? I came back from the game with some thoughts and find it amusing your sole purpose in this thread was to shoot down every valid point I made. I could care less if you warn me--I'm not here to make friends--I'm here to offer constructive and accurate criticism and observations for the team as I see them. So if you feel inclined to warn me or ban me, go ahead, as I will just make a new account and will be back. Good night
  14. 1. I don't care what stupid statistics say about Law. The guy gets into the lane and can make layups. If he had played 30+ mins, he would've easily had 15 points. Not to mention he had 2 great steals too. Yes, Law is no Calderon or Devin Harris, but he is a solid backup if given the minutes, not rotting on the bench next to scrubs like Solomon on Morris 3. Jesus Christ. I said IN GENERAL Joe needs to defer to teammates in the 4th. He had a lot of assists early, and in most games he's played for us, he holds onto the ball in the 4th and takes a jumper rather than trying to spot a teammate. Let me repeat this, since obviously your literacy ability is questionable: In general, Joe needs to defer more to teammates in the 4th quarter. IN THE 4th QUARTER I think the fact that I have been to basically every home game this year and have seen Acie Law up close might contribute to my argument. But I'll let the computer engineer who lives in Texas hold his opinion
  15. 1. Acie Law....Did you watch the game? Dude gets into the lane with ease and plays great defense 2. Solo is not good enough to play consistently 3. I said Joe needs to defer to teammates in general. I was partially referring to tonight's game, where he did force an awful fadeaway jumper in the final minutes, but he shouldn't feel like he has to have the ball the entire possession in the closing minutes
  16. Here are some thoughts from the game: 1) Acie Law MUST GET MINUTES. Acie Law MUST GET MINUTES. Acie Law MUST GET MINUTES. Acie Law MUST GET MINUTES. Acie Law MUST GET MINUTES. Acie Law MUST GET MINUTES. Acie Law MUST GET MINUTES. This guy gets into the lane so easily and plays great full-court defense, putting great pressure on the ball. His only real flaw is his ghastly jump-shooting, but he played very well 2) Solomon sucks. The guy blocks a shot here and there, and his FT shooting is okay, but he picks up 1 foul for every minute he plays it seems 3) Joe needs to defer to his teammates in the 4th if he is not in a good position to score. He did pass it to Bibs on the last play, but he must not always feel compelled to shoot 4) Our defensive boxing out was awful--no, I can't say it was awful--it was nonexistent. I have never seen a team so easily get boards on us. Scola was getting boards everywhere and dropping in layups 5) We cannot play up to our level of playing against weaker teams. We played a team tonight whose 2nd best option was Rafer Alston on a 2nd of back-to-backs. 6) Smoove's numbers tell you he had a great game, but his interior defense still is very lacking. As a whole, we cannot guard the paint. No, I am not wrong. Josh Smith is not blocking shots anymore at the level he should be 7) ZaZa is the most underrated player on this team. I absolutely love watching this guy play. He was manning up Yao (even though the refs were calling BS fouls on ZaZa as Yao was jostling for position). He hustles for every board, shoots FTs well (except for last night). The only things he sucks at are blocks and finishing dunks 8) ACIE LAW NEEDS MINUTES. His getting minutes got Bibby some nice rest, and made Flip more comfortable, as Flip's numbers will show 9) Acie Law MUST GET MINUTES. 10) Acie Law MUST GET MINUTES.
  17. Ever since the 1st Boston game, his minutes have gone to hell. What the hell is this? He was playing 20 mpg back in early November and our minute distribution was beautiful. http://www.nba.com/games/20081101/PHIATL/boxscore.html http://www.nba.com/games/20081105/ATLNOH/boxscore.html http://www.nba.com/games/20081107/TORATL/boxscore.html Oh wait, we just won a bunch of home games (most of them were against sh*t teams), so I am a moron and am just a negative jerk!
  18. 1) Vince got the shot off with over 2 seconds left, so a deflection would've cost them 1 second max 2) It definitely was deflected, as the freaking NJN commentator mentions in the video We deserved to lose this game ---Attack the post, not the poster--- mrH
  19. LOL so true. I cant even name one legitimate scoring threat on NJN besides their big 2. For us, if you take away Bibby and Joe, then Smoove, Duck, or Horf can score 20. With NJN, they freaking suck. Keyon Dooling was looking like Chris Paul against us. I absolutely hate playing teams like INDY and NJN. Why do we own teams like Orlando but we can't even beat NJN?
  20. Philips Arena = The Library ---- No one cheers at the games or boos the other teams. If Joe isn't on fire, Bibby isn't hitting 3's, LeBron/Wade/Bryant aren't in town, or Smoove doesn't dunk, this place is a library Josh Smith = The Hero --- This guy can do everything! He can play all 5 positions and shoot from anywhere! He's our Hero! Marvin Williams = DUCK --- Looks strong and athletic, but walks awkwardly Bob Bender = TV-Watching Gum Machine ----This guy never pays attention in huddles. All he does is chew gum profusely and watch Kiss Cam on the overhead Tyrone Hill = He Sucks---Wtf has he done for our big men? Speedy Claxton = Fraud More to come later! Time for a commercial break!
  21. 18 points LESS. ZaZa missed FT's, but this guy is invaluable. We cannot stick to our starters the entire game if one of the bench guys is stepping up
  22. 9 turnovers? Try 9 assists, genius. Here's a statistic: Hawks were +20 with ZaZa in Hawks were -18 with Horford in. Go Figure.
  23. Yeah, you're right. The fact the Nets had wide open 3's was COMPLETELY UNAVOIDABLE! It's all Nets! They beat us! Nothing we could do about it! The fact we all camped out in the lane and let them shoot 3's was unavoidable! The fact we put Immature Josh Smith on Vince instead of Mo, Joe, Mario, or Duck was unavoidable! This loss should not have happened. If this team gave a sh*t more about rebounding or utilizing Bibby, it would not be in this predicament. And don't even talk about never playing sports or saying I'm embarrassed. I can play sports much better than your @$$ can, and I am more pissed about this effort than a loss against a team that owns us. :beat:
  24. Josh is the best interior defender, genius. Josh got crossed the hell up by Devin Harris 2 minutes earlier or so. We should've had Mo, Joe, or Mario on Vince. f***ing bullshit
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