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Posts posted by Atlsportfanz

  1. Yeah, I would like to see him play maybe a minute or two less this year. He's shown he can handle the workload but I would love for him to be fresh at the end of games rather than running on fumes.

    Also, hopefully he will be able to continue his hot shooting from behind the arc with Bibby now with for a full season. Keep runninng that two man game that work so well down the stretch.

  2. Do you really want Morris in his first game as a Hawk to have to contend with Howard?

    You're more likely to see ZaZa start (apparently he gets under Dwight's skin) than Morris.

  3. I agree that at the trade deadline you will probably see Bibby moved. while we might not be able to pull of the fleecing that LA was able to for Gasol, It shows that very big expiring contracts can be worth a whole heck of a lot to a team who wants to dump salary and start over.

    This is also extremely dependent on Acie Law stepping up his game (I seriously believe he will be a strong contender for 6th man of the year; don't ask me why, gut feeling) and Speedy staying relatively healthy so that we can afford to move Bibby.

  4. If you could pick one person off any roster, I'd take Barbosa. Joe is big and strong enough to move to the 3. It would allow us to flourish with the uptempo game and give us another 3 point shooter. He could also slide to the point when Bibby comes out.

    I can't think of a big who could come in and contribute the way Barbosa could unless perhaps you consider Greg Oden. Since he didn't play last year, I guess he would fit under the rules, but he obviously would have started had he not gotten hurt.

    So either of those for me.

  5. I'm actually excited about the work that Marvin is doing. While Childress is certainly a big loss, I would expect modest improvement from Marvin, Al, and Acie. Plus we'll have Bibby for a full season (or until we choose to move him). Hopefully, all that will make up for his loss and give up a few more wins.

  6. I would do a Billups/Prince/Amir deal for Bibby/Smith. Billups would be a huge upgrade over Bibby especially on defense. Prince is not the scorer Smith is but is a great perimeter defender. And Amir Johnson would either start or give us more depth in the front court.

    That said, I would rather sign Smith and see what he can develop into but if we are truly going to lose him, I'm not opposed to that deal.

  7. If we assume from Sekou's blog that Detroit is the powerhouse in the East, maybe a Billups, Prince, Amir Johnson for Smith and Bibby.

    Detroit gets a future all star who fans will love in Detroit and get a big expiring contract in Bibby.

    The Hawks get an upgrade at the point, gain more depth, and perhaps get a young stud in Johnson. Marvin can move to 6th man or against certain lineups the Hawks could feature Prince and Marvin at the forward positions.

    Thoughts? Only reasonable SnT that I can come up with.

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