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Posts posted by MrRyda

  1. Yeah, I hope they don't let him walk. Bibs is an extremely important piece to the puzzle. When he's got his shot on, dude is lights out from all over the floor (e.g.last night). Plus he's got a nice chemistry going with the rest of the team.

    Could we have a better defending PG? Damn right we could...but overall, there's not too many PG's out there better then Mike.

  2. They probably just bothered him while playing. I have contacts but if I try to play with glasses or goggles somethings just not right, I can't shoot at all and it just bothers the crap out of me.

    I used to play with 'em way back in the rec. league days. I wasn't bothered one bit, but they did indeed look extremely gay.

    If it's better to be safe than sorry, than shouldn't the entire NBA wear them?

    The rest of the NBA didn't already tear their iris earlier in the season.

    Rip wears his mask NOT to be safe, but because he had that great playoff run where he dominated through the playoffs in 04 so he said he'd never quit wearing it.

    You can believe that if you want, but Rip broke his nose two or three good times before he permanently wore it. He calls it his good luck charm, but trust me, he's being safe too.

  3. Abreu never gets injured and is one of the most consistent players in the game (in a year-to-year context, he is normally a slow starter and then heats up as the weather does). I think its ridiculous that he didn't get more money.

    If the Braves just handed out $2-3 million for a player who will probably only play 100 games, wouldn't you think the extra 60 games and better production during those games be worth $3 million more? I do.

    Yeah, but is Bobby Abreau gonna create enough revenue for the Braves to pretty much pay for his salary? I think not. The Braves are gonna get bank off Griffey's name. Junior puts butts in seats and sells merch.

    While it's not 100% official yet (despite what the ajc is reporting), I love this in every way. Not only cuz Griff is my favorite non-Braves player of all-time, but it's an all-around win-win for the Bravos.

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