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Posts posted by Endy9

  1. http://probasketball...a-hawk/related/

    There were high hopes for James Anderson with the Spurs when he was drafted, but he just never could fit. Not everyone can mesh with the Spurs’ approach, and it’s hard to see whether it’s a talent or fit issue, though there are certainly considerable gaps in his game. And as a free agent, it looks like he’s headed elsewhere.

    Spurs Nation tip us off to this tweet from Spurs’ teammate Danny Green:

    Got to show love n shout my guy @25_Anderson out for the new deal with Atlanta…Congrats man! Bright future ahead

    via Twitter / DGreen_14: Got to show love n shout my ….

    Maybe Green has bad information, here, but it certainly looks like Anderson will be a Hawk next season. The Hawks need some athleticism on the wing with Anthony Morrow and Kyle Korver both pure shooters. Maybe in a more athleticism-based system, he can find some success. We’ll keep you updated on whether he officially inks with Atlanta

  2. My biggest "what if" moment in Hawks history is what if we didn't trade Bill Russell and built around him and the best player in Hawks history, Pettit. Dynasty? Likely.

    Didn't even know about that one. For me it was what if the courts hadn't stripped us of Dr. J in 1973, ordering him back to the ABA Nets to fulfill his contract? Him and Pete together for a full season would have been awesome to see. Always gauled me to see later that all the favored teams got whomever they wanted from the ABA teams that came in. The Hawks of course got squat. NBA commish has always ensured the rich get richer.
  3. I guess the other question than how we fans feel about Ferry as GM, is how do you think star players are looking at us now. Before Ferry, it was doubtful any big name star would even look our way, figuring Joe had already gobbled up all the overpayment fund and that we were inept and wouldn't be winning a championship or even playing for one anytime soon. Dwight has expressed his disdain for the Hawks org in the past. Wonder if Ferry has improved that image at all in the league.

  4. Sorry... but Josh doesn't want to be here.Read his interview with MC.He basically says he can't be extended even though he can. He's still upset that he had to "go out and get" his contract and Horf and Joe didn't. He will leave us high and dry if we keep him... then we will be shaking our heads wondering why we got so bad so fast.... and saying..> Damn, we should have gotten somebody through trade.

    IMHO, the only reason Josh says that is the local media and a small but vocal section of fandom constantly are saying he is the problem, he is uncoachable, he is the problem. His feelings get hurt. So when you run him out of town and the next "one" come in and you start the same trash talk, that person will say, I want out of this town. The problem isn't Josh.
  5. With all the trash talk of Josh in the forum, makes me wonder if I would have read the same junk back in the 70s about Pete Maravich and in the 80s about Dominque. You want to hand Josh to the Lakers for Gasol who will stay a year or two like Danny Manning and/or Isaiah Rider and when we have nothing to showf or Gasol or Josh 3 years from now, will be shaking your head saying how did we get so bad so fast.Not a path I want to go down. Keep Josh. The man had an outstanding season IMHO.

  6. Trading for Gasol would be trying to erase an old old mistake. We drafted this guy then immediately traded him for HomeTown Hero Raschad? Can't remember his name, played at my old highschool, Wheeler and at California for a year. Good player but couldn't carry the sorry Hawks at the time on his shoulder. Now a decade or more later we want to give away a ton to get Gasol back? That's a BS trade. I wouldn't trade Josh for less than a #1 this year and #2 next year.

  7. Barkless and Smith seem to both have a personal grudge against the Hawks. Always ridicule them. Hopefully this will be a longggg playoff season for them putting up with us winning. Great win tonight!

  8. I loved Drew when he came into the league. His rookie year he played his heart out. Defense, rebounding, steals and points .

    I still remember him blocking the great Rick Barry's shot 5 times in one game and Rick finally just giving up on shooting and passing when he got the ball. Rick never passed <grin>.

    But then in his second season it seemed that Drew learned the lesson that he could score a lot more if he didn't play defense and became a horrible defender. He elevated his offense from about 19 pts to 26, but would give up 30 plus as his man just drove around him. If he had remained the player he was his rookie year he could have been up there with the greats like Walt Frazier. Complete players.

  9. I'm glad the ASG isn't in control any more. I never could bring myself to totally trash or hate them as I think they came in at a low point, when it would have been easy to lose the Hawks to another city. We've recently with the Thrashers who the leagues really don't have any interest in preserving teams in Atlanta. So I'm grateful for that.

    But now ready to move past ownership by committee. I have high hopes for the new owner. At least it isn't a corporation like the Braves got. Someone who is a fan of the game.

  10. From the AJC draft board:

    Benson initially threw his hat into the NBA draft ring last spring before backing out, and while his numbers (17.9 points, 10.1 rebounds, 3.6 blocks) stayed pretty much the same, his level of exposure definitely increased. Oakland's lanky center got a chance to face Purdue, Illinois, Michigan State, Tennessee and Ohio State as a senior, but perhaps his most lasting impression came in his team's first-round NCAA tournament loss to Texas. Unfortunately, it wasn't a particularly good one. Benson went 6 for 15 and had trouble finishing around the basket, yet the more alarming concern in that game - and throughout his college career - was his defense. Benson had no trouble scoring and rebounding on Summit League opponents, but his one-on-one defense - even at that level - left plenty to be desired. He got a lot of his blocks simply because of his size and length, but there's a good chance he won't be able to bang with bulkier power forwards and centers under the hoop at the next level. That being said, there's hope for Benson if he puts in the time in the weight room. He has decent range and can draw defenders away from the basket, and he runs the floor well. He's developed some post moves over the past two seasons as well, and he'll likely need them against the far better competition he'll start seeing even in summer league games. Benson has a lot of work to do if a coach is going to trust him in his rotation, but the allure of a nearly 7-foot frame should get a team to bite somewhere in the early-to-mid portion of the second round.

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