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About hawkspryncess

  • Birthday February 10

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    I'm just a chick that loves basketball. I work in sports media so this is just a way that I can quietly voice my opinions.

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  1. No, I'm not calling him a moron. He's just another wealthy person that feels he can do what he wants, when he wants. And no, it doesn't make him a better person, but it does give him more privileges than the average person. Wealth in America=power. It's that simple.
  2. Josh Smith is a multi-million dollar paid basketball player. I highly doubt someone just telling him to stop shooting jumpshots will make him stop. It's simple, Josh Smith will stop shooting jumpshots when HE realizes that he needs to. Woodson, fans, everyone can tell him to stop shooting as much as they like, he's not going to do it and that should be evident by now.
  3. I don't think I said the Hawks would be denied a correction simply because the Cavs have Lebron, unless I'm reading my posts and thoughts wrong. :huh: I was putting out the fact that there are favorites around the league, and those favorites are clearly the teams with the "superstars". Lebron and Joe Johnson can get fouled the same way, and Lebron will get the call 10 times before Joe will. It's just clear to see when watching these games.
  4. It wouldn't surprise me AT ALL if the NBA denied the Hawks a correction. It's no secret who the favorite teams and players are in this league. Although the Hawks are now beginning to earn respect around the league, these "elite" teams and players (Lakers-Kobe, Cavs-Lebron, Celtics-Pierce, Heat-Wade, Magic-Dwight) still get the upper hand. Until the Hawks get a "superstar", the team will always be disrespected around the league. This is just building proof. Yes, other teams look out for Atlanta now, but still not so much because they know the refs are going to help them out in the long run.
  5. Hi Everyone! This is my first post. I'm hoping that because the Hawks are on a three game losing streak, they won't take the Nets game lightheartedly and overlook them for the Celtics and Magic game, Friday and Saturday as they have in the past. The Hawks are notorious for dropping easy games ahead of big games. Hopefully they've grown enough that this won't be the case.
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