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Posts posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. His defense is horrific and his shot selction is not there yet.

    Simply put.......Mo and Wilkens are better options at the wings right now. With JJ out, Drew's job is to win games ......not grow talent at the expense of winning games.

    Wilkens came in the Heat game for his first NBA action in 8 months and did an excellent defensive job on Lebron. We simply can't expect that type of veteran play out of Jordan Crawford right now.

    Drew simply has 4 better wing options then Jordan Crawford. Seems pretty easy to see his logic.

    Yup. Until Crawford2 works on his defense, i don't see him getting any PT.

  2. Not the fault of the point guard play, Bibby or Teague, on the last loss.

    When you can't score, you can't win. Simple as that.

    Last game, both our all star and our 6th man of the year failed to do their part in the scoring.

    Our center leads the NBA in field goal %. Last game he had 20 points and 20 rebounds. Not bad.

    Coach wants an up tempo game with loads of energy. That's the way this team is built. Notice

    how we were not playing up tempo. In fact, they all played as if they were tired. Can't blame

    our coach for that.

    Yeah. I want them to win a lot more, too. Sometimes, they look so bad. Then, they can turn around

    and look so good. Don't know why this happens, but we all know that it does.


    Exactly. people need to realize that while our pgs are a problem, its not our only problem holding this team back from winning.

  3. You understand we run a motion don't you? Plus Craw can't run an offense yet he is basically our PG. It is funny how you guys want Jack/Billups and then say Louis can't run an offense. Louis is a better scorer/defender than Crawford and isn't afraid of contact. Nocioni is an upgrade just for the fact that he can stretch the floor and is much tougher than Marv. Speights is an upgrade over all our bigs.

    Yeah, Craw plays at PG but have you noticed how bad our offense looks when hes in at PG? Now you get Williams who is very much like crawford, a shoot first type player. I don't know where you get this info but Williams is NOT a better scorer then crawford, nor is he a great defender. Nocioni can very much space the floor, but I do not want to trade for an aged SF who is declining

  4. http://www.realgm.com/src_checktrade.php?tradeid=5740709

    Louis Williams, Marreese Speights, Andres Nocioni and Jason Kapono for Jamal Crawford, Marvin Williams and Mike Bibby

    Get it done Sund. Sixers get the scoring guard they need a potential SF in Marvin and a vet in Bibby that can menton Jrue.

    Hawks bring Louis Williams home and can share PG/SG duties with Joe Johnson. Louis Williams can get to the FT line like no bodies business. Marreese Speights is a solid young big to backup Smoove/Horf (has been in the Collins' Doug house) We also get a bruiser in Nocioni and a three point specialist (and expirer) in Kapono.

    PG Louis Williams/Jeff Teague

    SG Joe Johnson/Jordan Crawford

    SF Andres Nocioni/Mo Evans/Jason Kapono

    PF Josh Smith/Marreese Speights/Josh Powell

    C Al Horford/Marreese Speights/Zaza

    Louis WIlliams can't run an offense. Nocioni is not an upgrade over Marvin. Crawford is more valuable then speights. Don't get it done Sund.

  5. He may not be an all star pg but he is easily an upgrade over bibby and teague. He can defend very well and averages 2 spg. Might not have the shooting ability like bibby, but he can still shoot the ball nontheless.

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