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Posts posted by 99PROBL3MS

  1. He has been off this season. There is no denying it. He proved in January that he us still capable of playing some elite basketball. He doesn't look for his shot nearly as much as he did in the past. Alot of that is by design in our new offense. As long as he is ready to step up in the playoffs, I can deal with him being more passive. We will see in a couple weeks.

  2. I am still of the belief that Joe/Smoove/Al is one of the NBAs best trios. They most find a coach that these guys will play hard for every single night. They must find a coach that will hold them accountable for their play on the court. They must also surround these guys with more capable role players. It doesn't matter how good your trio is if your role players and bench depth is atrocious. The capspace may not be there to make this happen with Joe's Contract and Horf's extension kicking in but next year. They should at least be able to take care of the coaching side of things. LD is a good man and has some knowledge of the game. I respect what he has tried to accomplish here, but these players are just far too comfortable under his leadership and it shows in games like last night.

    • Like 1
  3. Al had plenty of opportunities to get off quality shots last night. He didn't take them. Jamal got ripped to shreds on here for doing the same thing a couple weeks ago. Al is a great all around guy but it is what it is. Had that been Jamal, Joe, or Smoove with that kind of lack luster effort, they would have been maimed on the board. If he wants to be the leader then he should be held to the same standard and not given a pass. His performance last night was far worse than any Joe or Josh has had all season long in my opinion. 4pts in 40minutes? He stood around on Jeffries alot while one legged Josh was forced to guard Amare. Josh outplayed him on one leg man.....

    • Like 1
  4. Marvin's D is overrated around here. He is not a shut down defender. Just a solid defender. That is all. It can be replaced.


    It can't be nearly as easily replaced as you make it seem. He is better than Solid. He is one of the best defenders in the league at his position.

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  5. Joe had a terrible shooting night, but he was still good on d. That's most important, because we have a starting 5 that should be able to pick up the slack when Joe is off. All 5 of our guys could average close to 20 ppg if they tried, but what's more important for our team is to play GREAT team defense.

    I don't know why it has to be "someones", team. Al was out of this world tonight. I don't see why that has too be a negative reflection of Smoove and Joe. Joe had 10 or so games like this during January. Smoove was lights out during February. Maybe it its Al's month to shine. I am glad he proved tonight that he can put this team on his back when Smoove or Joe is off/absent. This is a team sport and or big 3 has brought in. I don't see why it has to be one guy over the rest.

    The Bulls were content with doubling Joe everytime he touched the ball and Al made them pay. That is how it is supposed to work. Great game by Al tonight. I was pumped. Joe played great defense on Rose in crunch time. Horford played great defense on Boozer in crunch time. Marvin played great defense on Deng in crunch time.....you get my drift. lol. AS GREAT AS AL WAS TONIGHT, THE MOST IMPRESSIVE FEAT TONIGHT WAS HOLDING THE BULLS TO A SEASON LOW 30PTS IN THE SECOND HALF. I THINK THAT DESERVED ALL CAPS. ATL IS PLAYING ELITE DEFENSE. NO MORE SWITCHING TO HIDE BIBBY.

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  6. It was a refreshing sight to see even if it was for one gane. Teague and Hinrich smothered Curry and Joe put the clamps on Ellis. The uptempo style will benefit us in many ways. Hopefully it forces Smoove to lose that bad weight and become that high flying monster we miss. As much as his jumper has improved, he could be a force.

  7. We have always had a problem with him taking long shots but he is taking them at a much higher rate this year. Josh has taken 227 jumpshots from 16-23ft. That is even more than Joe (who also settles for too many long jumpshots) who has only taken 193. Smoove has also taken 50 jumpshots from 10-15ft. Smoove has also attempted 120 3ptrs. He has attempted 260 shots at the rim. He has improved his jumper by 13% from last season. So whatever his shooting coach is doing, it is working. With that said, there is still no way he should be attempting 347 shots from 16ft out and just 260 at the rim.

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  8. I voted 15pts and 7asst. I also think he will get us 1.5stl and 3.5reb. It will be improvement all the way across the board. Bibby shot a better % from 3pt but Hinrich will knock down plenty of those wide open 3pts that Bibby had. His defense at the position could make a world of difference. We won't have to worry about the Earl Boykins and Shawn Livingston's of the world having career nights against us.

  9. I like the deal. Armstrong is easily an upgrade over Zaza and Collins. Heinrich at lest gives us a chance at the defensive end. This deal could have possibly landed us two starters.

    PG Heinrich

    SG Joe Johnson

    SF Josh Smith

    PF Al Horford

    C Hilton Armstrong

    6 Jamal Crawford

    Marvin Williams


  10. Not sure what this has to do with the posted rumor ...

    And FYI THIS (the posted rumor) is the definition of a lateral move

    It certainly is a lateral move to say the least. It would give ASG a cheaper price for a similarly productive player. It would also shorten the deal by one year. I wouldn't be happy at all with this deal but considering the financial fears they have, I am not shocked by this rumor.

  11. I hate to say it, but I see PHO blowing these guys out of the water tonight. They are the smarter, deeper, more talented team. There record is bad but they haven't been getting blown out like we have this year. I think it ends up 113-93 or somewhere in that area. This team has no grit and will likely fold when PHO pushes the tempo.

  12. I wonder if LD realizes it is has job as Head Coach to conjure up a better effort from these guys. It sounds like he has settled in with them and their quest to continuously get beatdown by every team in the league.

  13. I wonder what they would want from us?

    Marvin/Teague/1st works but do they have interest in Marvin?

    Bibby/Mo/1st works and gives them Mo's expiring this year as well as Bibby's next yr.

    Would ASG pay luxury tax for a player like Harris if it came down to it? What would NJN want?

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