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Posts posted by GABALLA

  1. When asset collecting, you get players that you intend on trading for better players or different situations. Bud is a PNR coach. Lin is a PNR PG. I can definitely see Ferry giving Bud that PG.... and using Teague as a trade piece. Again, what good is capspace if you can't bring nobody in? I thought you would have learned that this offseason. Capspace is only good for overpaying people to come. However, trading works most of the time. It takes talent to get talent.

    I concur, as long as its done smartly and the assets obtained fit into are team strategy. Not just because they have a bigger ''name''.

  2. I recall Ferry was faced with the same problem. Struggling team. Young players with potential. He traded away all those young players for Vets who wanted to win. And they won a championship. None of the fans booed Allen or KG? In fact, they accepted them and took them in. What?? Boston fans became stronger and accepted guys that they didn't draft.. Wow? What caused that? A clear vision to WINNING.

    Once again we are not Boston, not Cleveland, not Houston. We don't have the fan base nor the status around the league that would attract quality veterans. This has been proven time and time again. Where does it stop? The only way this stops is if we do the correct things to change it. We are building a culture of winning but its not going to happen over night. So please stop trying to compare us to other teams and other cities. If we keep doing that we will stay failures and before you know it Seattle will be back in the NBA. I am confident that ferry and the ownership after years of trial and error here in Atlanta knows these FACTS and understand we need to draft, develops, trade, all smartly. And the past two years have only proved that further too me imo

  3. First. You need a clear understanding of Look at Houston. When I say Look at Houston I'm saying don't get caught up in trying to draft your way into a championship or trying to pull in good Free agents with a bunch of draft picks. As a Hawks fan, I can tell you that we have gone down this road several times with nothing to show for it. In fact, most teams that try the route of draft or waiting on talent to develop goes nowhere.

    Second. I can see that you're already questioning the wisdom of trading Dennis. Let me ask you, what Have Dennis done (Except be drafted by us) that give you so much loyalty to HIM? That's the insane thing here. We all agree that Dennis is not starting material yet. We all agree that we really don't know exactly what we have in Dennis.. so you are really loyal to HYPE?? Shakes Head.Posted Image

    Right now, nobody is untouchable for the right trade. That is the way that it should be. We build our sacred cows because we draft certain players. However, in my opinion, the goal is to win a championship. The goal is not to develop draft picks.

    Buying into what hype? When did I ever say anything about hype? Stop trying to read between lines when there is nothing there. I said straight forward what I believe should be done and my opinion of what is being done. "draft well and developing that talent''. We all agree that Dennis has potential and is a good if not great draft pick. He should be given time to develop, we have seen Jeff and we know his strengths and weaknesses, so if he has a coming out party as you say. Why would we trade our younger, prospect who we know nothing about and haven't even given a chance too. If anyone would be traded it would be Jeff.

    "as a hawks fan'' as if I'm not. Yes we have gone down the road of attempting to develop talent, only problem is we had the wrong ''talent''. Poor draft picks combined with poor leadership breeds failure and that's what we have been for far too long. Jenkins, Scott, Lucas, muscala, Dennis are all quality draft picks who all do something particularly well and know who and what they are. Just because we failed in the past with draft and develops doesn't mean we should just scrap draft picks just because we can. The problem wasn't the method, the problem was the players who were drafted and the coaches, gm and owners not knowing what they are doing.

    I've said this before and ill say it again. We are not Houston, we are not San Antonio, nor are we the Bobcats. You say don't get caught up in trying to build a championship around draft picks or trying to lure players by trading draft picks all the while suggesting trading draft picks to get players smh? No superstars are coming here, we have to draft ''smartly'' and develop the talent, trade ''smartly'' but don't trade just to trade. Millsap stays while Horford traded for Asik? Why in high heaven would anyone do that? I understand your point of no one being untouchable and if that was point you were simply making I apologize for not comprehending that the first time. But if that was a conscience thought, ill just say again ''Trade smartly''. Horford is better than Millsap. I never knew this was up for debate.

    Its much different when you actually drafted quality talent then when you draft three small forwards, play them out of position then have two of them being over evaluated while the other is talented but a complete knucklehead. We are slowly constructing a quality team of our players that we either drafted or signed outright. That's the only way ATLANTA will build a contending team.

    So yes,

    Trade Dennis?

    Millsap over Horford for Asik? *shakes head*

    My avatar is the way I feel sometimes when going through the squawk. That's not I regards to your post I enjoy debating differences of opinions just not when they turn into either person taking slight shots at one another. I hope that doesn't happen here.

  4. With all this said, IF Teague has his coming out party and somebody wants Dennis, we will have to strongly consider using him as a trade piece. Look at the Houston Model again. Houston was smart enough not to get caught up on Future projects. They went for right now talent and right now talent led them to more right now talent and then top players wanted to play with them. Us Hawks fans have always been about the long project build. You know... Josh Smith, Marvin Williams, Etc. However, it was BK choices to get right now talent that made us better. Joe Johnson, Mike Bibby, Jamal Crawford. Right now we have asset collected. Some people think that these guys are here longterm... I got news for you. Ferry is giving everybody an opportunity to showcase their talent. Sap and Horf. Between the two of them, One of them will be traded within the next 2 years. Teague and Dennis. Same thing. Lou... These guys are goners. We will keep one and trade the other if the right trade comes or if somebody steps up or if somebody steps back. So my message to Hawks fans is CONVERT.Just like Ferry let Josh, Zaza, and others leave without a goodbye, Ferry's gameplan is to continue molding this team. We're not where we're going to be. He has put us in a position to trade up.Some people believe that we go after Noah next. I say that's possible. I also have to think that Gortat is on our short list too. So must be Asik.IF Sap is getting it done by midseason, it could be Horf for Asik/Filler.

    Every time I hear some one say "look at Houston" I feel like running head first into a wall because what usually follows that statement is pure nonsense, this is no exception. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but to try and compare what our reality is here in Atlanta to some other team's is nonsense. We can continue to lie to ourselves over and over about "dreams" of a superstar o r superstars coming here but we all know that will never happen. The stars would have to align perfectly for that to happen and as far as I can tell we will be waiting a really long time.The only way we get to a championship here in Atlanta is by drafting well and developing that talent, couple that with common sense trades and then we will be moving in the right direction. Atlanta is a bad basketball market and we all know it. It wasn't always this way. It has been polluted by years of poor team, terrible owners, and thousands of transplants who don't want to support a struggling team so they stick with there old ones. Its a perfect storn for a franchise to fail and if we keep with this nonsense of trying to trade for a superstar and trading away talent for "now talent" or whatever it was called. The franchise will fail.We aren't Houston, there is a reason we are attempting the spurs method. Thank god our owners and GM realize what Atlanta is from what it isnt.Trade Dennis? Trade Horford?That makes no sense imo. *shakes head*
  5. Antić and Muscala will be our Centers, and Brand & Noguiera will play the PF positions...Otherwise you are correct, not an exceptional explosive roster, but should be a fast paced gritty basketball team.

    Lulz. More like Antić, nogueria at center and brand, muscala at pf. But honestly at this point in his career brand should be playing center more than pf
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  6. hes better than brand. The only way I see brand starting over that guy will be due to pure reputation and actual nba experience. But it will become apparent who the better of the two is as the season progresses. They are two diffent type of bigs but I say again, pero will prove to be more efficient in Bud's offense. Mark my words. So just so we have everything in order here for when I send you that I told you so message later let me make a list here.Millsap isnt a sfKorver isnt a sgMillsap only starts if we play small with Al at pf other wise bunch mob for himLou has a greater chance at starting than JenkinsAt starting line-up of teague, korver, millsap, horford, and brand is comical. So is teague, korver, mystery guy, millsap, horfors.I say my starting line-up is the closest thing to what will actually accure and deep down you know it lolKorver at sg is insane, millsap at sf is insane. Not common sense lineups wherw players actually player ther prefered and most efficient positions. Lol what nerve I have to suggest such a thing.Pero will be the starting center, if not day one then eventually.

  7. ...and your starting center is....(drumroll please)..... Pero!

    This is insanity....(no offense)

    Hes better than brand. The only way I see brand starting over that guy will be due to pure reputation and actual nba experience. But it will become apparent who the better of the two is
  8. Seriously? I mean c'mon? Do you actually think we are going to pay one of the top PF's in the league (Milsap) $9.5 million this year to come off the bench? Really? That's pretty crazy. He would start at PF for probably 12-18 teams in the league.

    No what's crazy is people who think he should start at sf. I make a prediction now, if millsap doesn't start at sf he will come off the bench. Ill look for you first gane and through out season. ...he will come off bench
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  9. Honestly the way I see it isTeagueLouKorverAlPeroSchroederJenkinsCarroll/scottMillsap/ScottBrand/nogueriaYeah I know lou is coming off an injury but its time to see what we have in Jenkins, he is our new six man. I give pero the start over brand because hes younger, more mobile for the pick and roll and solid shooter. Meaning Al can play the pf. I think this makes are first and second units very formidable. Brand and millsap off bench with carrol, jenkins, and Schröder has good offense written all over it and quality defense. Not to mention scott and the possibility of nogueria and we know there qualities. We have quietly assembled a very solid basketball team and I believe a lot of people are going to be pleasantly surprised by how good we end up being. ..now if thats and good thing *cough treadmill ** thats yet to be determined. But I am excited and I think we're heading in the right direction. No tanking.

  10. Good news. If we want to trade him in a couple years we have a good PG on a reasonable contract.Teague and Schröder would be a small back court. but Teague did play off the ball in college. So it's possible he can do it here too if it's an appropriate matchup.

    Lol what in the hell. Why in the world would they ever play Teague and Schröder at the same time? I mean seriously, you talk about matchups but if it was a small line up why wouldnt it be Lou or Jenkins playing the 2 rather than our backup pg smfh. With that said, I'm going to assume that comment was a typo just poorly delivered because that couldn't have been serious. Here's a hilarious line-up from what I have read in recent weeks on the forum. Center (who ever)AlMillsapJenkinsTeagueOrAlMillsapKorverTeagueSchroederIve never seen such buffoonery lol
  11. Its amazing that Millsap would agree to 9.5 mil AND agree to come off of the bench, in the prime of his career. Danny must be a smooth talker.

    One thing folks need to realize is...yes...Milsap is a big guy...6-8/250...but he didn't get to be the player he is strictly because of that size.

    He is actually pretty quick, and he has great B-Ball instincts.

    You don't lead the NCAA in rebounding for 3 years in a row (even at a mid-major) just because you are 6-8. There are plenty of 7-0 guys in the mid-majors...we just drafted one Posted Image

    Its amazing that Millsap would agree to 9.5 mil AND agree to come off of the bench, in the prime of his career. Danny must be a smooth talker.

    More like smooth criminal. If we don't get Bynum Al will play center and millsap will be pf. Muscala won't start and Millsap won't be sf. Zach Randolph has decent ball skills too.....see where I'm going with this

  12. OH PLEASE!

    It comes down to matchups and having a coach who can react. Can Milsap play SF every night against every team? No. But can he do it a lot of times and give us a BIG advantage on the front line? Yes.

    We play Deetroit...I got no worries with Paul Milsap on Smoove.

    Of course. Especially when Serg Ibaka lines up at sf. Lol

    Josh is a tweener who can play both sf and pf and be relatively too highly efficient at both. Millsap on the other hand is a pf and only a pf. He can play sf but so can Zach Randolph, who is a better player imo but would I ever play him significant minutes at sf just because ''well he could''? See prior post for answer.

  13. We couldn't sign Ellis and Bynum. Sign and trade would have to be done, and I would rather have Jennings in a S&T. Better 3 point shooter, younger and better in the PnR.

    Other than that, sign me up.






    Lou 6th man

    Ever time someone puts Millsap at sf I figure they must be joking. Next joke, Serg ibaka sf

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  14. Millsap will play SF most of the time if we get Bynum. Which he is very well capable of. I'd still rather have him on say LeBron that Korver... Need someone physical like Millsap there even if he is a little heavier than would be liked.

    Stop it now, Millsap isn't a SF, not even close!!! Of course he could play sf anyone could play sf but is that ideal or should he be starting there?


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