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Posts posted by GABALLA

  1. The hawks front office needs to get off their A**** and make a trade. This current team is not going to get it done. Trade Marvin for Prince which is possible, then find what pieces to move in order to acquire Camby, only people who need to be on this team are Joe, josh, and Al, the rest can go....sorry Zaza and Bibby. I love Jamal but if we need to move him to get Camby it needs to be done. with these trades we still would need a point that's if Teague is not included in one of the trades. if so then we have to give JC2 the burn at point. Now before everyone head's explode, I know he's not a true point but I know that he can hold that position until they figure out which way to get a true point. also I think that Pape, or I hope that he can be the future pg. come on a 6'6"-6'7" pg is rare. but something needs to be done. I'm not in panic mode like some people but lets just face facts this current team has plateaued, it's time to cut dead weight.

  2. If Stern gets contraction to happen, Us, Cleveland, Memphis, and NO might be in trouble.

    more like Cleveland, Memphis, NO, and maybe Minnesota will be the ones in trouble not us. our Attendance numbers are bad but the Hawks are one of the oldest teams in the NBA plus our TV numbers. I don't see stern making that mistake twice. It would much worse than Seattle, trust me. But I honestly don't see any teams even getting contracted maybe moved, i.e. Vegas - N.O.?

  3. I would do Smoove for Love in a split second. Really there is nothing to think about. A rebound beats a block any day of the week in my book!!!

    ...And that's why your not an NBA GM. That is complete ASININE!!!!

    • Like 1
  4. By 10:30 pm on April 13th (barring a nationally televised overtime game with the Bobcats, ughh), will Joe have...

    *Made Eastern Conference Player of The Week at least once,

    *Averaged 20 PPG,

    *Shot above .44,

    *Made 5th consecutive All-Star Appearance,

    *Posted 44 stat points in a close win over a Top 8 team,

    *Had a PER over 20, and

    *Shot 33% form 3?

    I'm sure most of you know how I'd bet, so I'll spare you the rant. But to say that I'll be insufferable to Fans of Joe on this board will be a huge understatement if he in fact accomplishes NONE of this. I'll give him 2 at the most. Other than his assisting and low turnover rate, his 2010-11 resume up to this point has been atrocious, injured or not.

    Thoughts? Venom? Both are welcome.

    Ask those same questions about yourself and let us know what you come up with. Geez the Hawksquawk haters are unbelievable!!! This site is full of trolls and haters, it's comical how many people like you have congregated to this one site. well, I guess that's a good thing saves the rest of the websites from your nonsense.

    • Like 1
  5. Now no one except maybe the Brainless Knicks would take his contract off our hands. Joe was due for a signifigant injury in his career, so I'm not surprised, especially with his awful athleticism and questionable conditioning. The flu would have this dude out for a week. The Spirit Group and Sund will regret the idiotic move of signing this dude to a monster contract as long as they live. Hopefully we can have a good mix of chemistry and Al and Josh step up even more in their role as team leaders. I can't say I'm not happy that Joe won't be out there to stink up the joint and get dominated by Wade on Saturday. And for those of you who expect Joe to bes "fresh" for the rest of the season/ playoffs, PLEASE!!!! I guess you all will just believe his built-in excuse that he has to "get back adjusted" and "work his way back into the flow" after he comes back and shoots 38% over his first 6 games back. Suckers.

    Damn I can't take anymore of this guy, and now we're stuck with him. All my hopes for this franchise laid with them moving him and bringing in a real star with respectable heart and athleticism or maybe the two desparately needed position pieces. As much as I enjoy watching 'Mal and Al and as important as Josh is, I just can't invest myself too much into this team anymore knowing that our most valuable bargaining chip is damaged goods with an injury (plural with his foot, hand, flu every other month) that is sure to re-occur, considerably damaging his reputation as a very durable player. But I guess the best way to sum up how much Joe and our team matters in the big scheme of things is that it's 105 minutes into the Midnight Sportscenter double-block, and not one mention of the Hawks or their lame "superstar," and Rudy Gay is a highlight darling. Yeah, they could get Tim Legler to discuss how poor Joe's been and how he and the franchise should've taken care of his numerous ailments during the off-season considering protecting their investment, but again, who cares? And don't tell me the injury occured after the start of the season because no one instance was spotlighted and Joe is such a low-impact player. He doesn't take any contact that he can't prepare and brace for with his slow back-downs or slow, tip-toe semi-fast breaks. Defensively, one of the few areas that I praise him for, has been spotty at best, so to say he was injured on that end is weak. Also, don't blame Woody for overplaying Joe and having it catch up to him now. Lame cop-out. It took every bit of those 37-40 minutes that he played under Woody to post all of his inflated, hollow stats to get him the accolades to get his unholy contract, so can it.

    Somebody please pinch me so I can wake up back in early July where the Hawks sign-and-trade Joe for something efficient, reliable, healthy, valuable, intense, athletic, entertaining, I could go on and on....

    Again, I fully expect Al, Josh, 'Mal, and even Messy Marvin who has shined in an incresed role with Joe out before, to step up for the next month, but I'm certainly not happy with an increased Mo Evans or Mike Bibby role for that matter. Our PG's have to get the ball moving now without Joe dribbling in place 8 times, and push the tempo more because Mo and I'm sure Jordan are much better runners and finishers on the break than Joe. As good of a passing 2 that Joe is, Bibs should be ashamed that Joe has been leading this team in assists the past few years and operate this movement offense like a true veteran Point.

    Good opening win without our "leader" lol. Let's Go Hawks. If we can finish the first quarter at 14-7 with a win over the Heat and our young guards can get some needed run in the absence of an awfully performing Mr. 120+, I'll have no qualms at all and call the first quarter mark a success with a winning percentage of 66.66666. Furthremore, The Boss will emerge as an upper-echelon star because it will take a dominant game from him over the sorry front line of the Heat, which I'm sure he'll have.

    Joe-Lovers, fire your BB's at will.

    So who exactly is this real star that was on his way to Atlanta again :question: ? Your the reason executives don't listen to fans, well because that's what they are fans. Let the people who understand the sport and the state of the team do the hard thinking buddy even if you don't like their decisions. with Joe, playoff team that needs to get over hill without him, bottom feeders and team winds up in Canada somewhere. no "real star" as you say was coming to Atlanta take that fantasy out your head. :slap1:

    • Like 3
  6. First of all, I would like to congratulate Larry Drew and this team for playing this well. 4-0 on the Road is one thing, but 4 in a row on the road was unheard...a year ago even. I love the offensive, the defense is pretty good, and even the bench isn't hot garbage anymore. This team can content, regardless of what the idiots at ESPN like Wilbon and Barry think.

    That being said, as the title indicates, I have 2 problems that I really think can hurt us down the road.

    1. Jeff Teague/ Jordan Crawford. Jeff Teague is terrible guys. At his point it has to be clear to everybody. If he can acquire a jump shot, then he might be useful. Otherwise, he is a 6'2 PG version of Josh Smith. I will even go one better, and say he might be worse than Acie. I think Acie can actually finish. I'm not sure anyone would take him, and like I said, there is still a chance he can develop either a jumper, or learn how to finish in traffic, but until then its 4 on 5 when he is on the court on offensive.

    That being said, I think JC2 should just take his spot in the rotation. JC2 already has a jumper. If anything, he can spot up and/or run off screens. Maybe he can't handle the point or run the offense, but when he is on the floor with guys like Joe, Craw, Bibby, maybe even Teague he won't have to. I think we're really losing good mins from JC2. But, we're 5-0 in spite of this.

    2. I try to keep Joe "hate" to a minimum nowadays, but I seriously doubt he will average 20 PPG this year. 4-13 11 points last night in over 35 mins against the Timberwolves scares me. He seems to struggle most of the time, only to have 3 good games in a row, then right back in a slump. I've noticed this over the last few years, so I guess this isn't because of his 130 million, because like I've said, hes always done this. However, I don't see why its illegal to "hate" on Joe when he is dropping 11 points against Minny, and we're paying him 130 million over the next half decade. The good news is it seems we get our scoring elsewhere nowadays thanks to the new offense, but it disturbs me just a little to know he makes more than the last 30 Presidents only to drop 11 points against Minny.

    You do realize that Teague didn't play a lot last year right? He harldy played at all. so this is actually his first year playing substantial minutes in the NBA and just five games in you are already proclaiming him a bust!? See it's people like you who make me hate sites like Hawsquawk, you come on here and post nonsense like that because your a "FAN" who thinks everyone should be Lebron or Kobe and if their not thne they are a bust. I bet you were ridding Chad Ford's trade josh smith BS too right, and must of had a wet dream of the Hawks trading smith for Cp3 and Okafor right? please go stick your head in a toilet and tell the people down there your well thought out opinions about our players.

    ps. that was a metaphor see if you can figure it out? "One who's head is in a toilet is a what? lol

  7. With the extension to Hordford, the Hawks will be very close to the luxury tax which means if we decide to keep guys like Marvin and Smith through next year we wont be able to re-sign Jamal or sign someone of his caliber and salary. So i think the best thing to do would be trade Smith. Even though he is definitely a force on the court, i dont think he flows well with our offense. It seems like he misses all his post ups and only gets dunks and then his free throws are just horrible. Also he is taking those long jumpers again. So i think its in the Hawks benefit to trade him and get someone who will click with this offense. Or maybe another defensive minded guy who can just post up or shoot jumpers. What are your thoughts?

    Wow plagiarism on this site is intense. nice job posting info you got from the "expert" Chad Ford's Blog. Chad Ford is a troll masquerading as an unbiased knowledgeable analyst. Then yet again the further I read into your post it seems your either the troll or you simply have zero knowledge about the Hawks, or anything for that matter. :write a letter: :magnifier: :camera2: :hush:

  8. How about them "DREAM"! I'm glad ATLIENS took notice and showed up to the games, well done ladies! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Now to just get these Hawks to learn from the example. I hope Smoove was taking notes, lol! :write a letter: :blow out candles:

  9. Who would start at PF for us? Melo, Marvin, Al......? I would rather keep Smoove and trade Marvin + Bibby

    HA HA so your Atlanta on NBA.com huh? I noticed that. Yeah but I agree with you completly. We shouldn't, and I don't think we would need to trade smoove to get Melo. I think Marvin, Bibby, Crawford, and cash considerations/draft pics would get the job done. that would give us the ability to have a strong sqaud and can keep both AL and smoove... then with what's left try to get Melo to stay.

  10. 2. Damion James, Nets

    Summer-league stats: 18.8 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 1 apg

    18. Jordan Crawford, Hawks

    Summer-league stats: 16.2 ppg, 3.4 rpg, 2.6 apg

    The stats are very comparable so I don't see why James is so highly rated over Crawford other than the writers admitted bias coming in.

    Finally someone who knows how to read and doesn't just look at the number ratings!

    "Oh no James is at 2 and Crawford is 18, WHAT HAVE WE DONE!? Oh and Pape Sy sucks, I'm boycotting the Hawks for the rest of my life! Just imagine if we had those two extra points and two rebounds, we would have 3 championships by now!!!"

    :shake_puter: :beathorse: :angry22: :beat: :slap1:

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  11. People don't hate the team. They hate not having the chance to compete for a championship....ever

    People who have been fans 20+ years would at the very least like to have taste of the eastern Eastern conference finals

    The ASG has a chance to get us there, but they are just sitting on their hands.

    Look at all the other teams that have been there.

    teams that have made to the at least Eastern conference finals in the last 15 years

    Celtics, Magic, Cavs, Heat. Pistons, Nets, pacers, Sixers, Bucks

    Knicks, Bulls

    Teams that haven't played in a championship game.

    Hawks, Wizards, Raptors, Bobcats

    So, the Hawks are in a group with 2 expansion teams and the worst east team in the last 25 years (wizards) :shock11:

    Not true. The St. Louis Hawks have a Championship, meaning so do we lol.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/user/IHeartAtlanta27

    These are some YouTube mixes i made of the Hawks, and man it gets me excited about basketball season, i already renewed my season tickets and Cannot Wait!!!!

    Sorry if I shouldn't have made a new topic for this, but i will root for the Hawks regardless of how overpaid Joe is, how bad our Ownership is, etc. etc. and I cannot understand for the life of me why when i read posts on here there are almost nothing but negatives, if you hate soo much about the Hawks, why root for them????

    BRAVO!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: :handshake:

  13. Was on ESPN and saw link on their NBA home page about the worst and best deal of the summer free agency and of course there was Joe's pic. Like always most of the info was for ESPN Insiders lol, so I couldn't see the info but their was a link to see each team's free agents for 2010-2011 and there was Josh Powell listed under 2011 free agent. Have they signed him already, I thought they were still negotiating?

    My link

  14. I like him as a back up PF. Just read the article as well and thought well that makes sense because isn't he from Atlanta? But I think we will work out a Shaq deal, sign powell, and the third roster spot is really up in the air at this point. I would love for us to pick up a vet winger, but in the back of my mind I kind of want the Hawks to buyout the last year of Sy's contract and bring him on lol....let's see what happens :line dance:

  15. They would absolutely trade Smith or Horford for the chance to get Paul. Yes, Okafor is not as good as either but the combo of Paul/Okafor more then makes up for the loss of one of Smith/Horford and Okafor is an adequate replacement. You get one of if not the best point guard in the NBA and a good PF/Center at the cost of one of our PFs and Crawford/Bibby.

    Sorry pal, I have to disagree...too many unknowns to much risk. Sund is smart, so he we play ball to keep up appearances but at the same time trying to finagle a three team deal because he is set that neither of the two, smoove/horford, will be moved.

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