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Posts posted by dickaufan12

  1. I hope Coach Stotts goes back to having Dan Dickau as the backup PG. From what I saw, he did fairly well in the 1:39 that he played tonight (if anyone was watching the game, please tell me how ugly the missed 3-pointer was). Jackson was 0-2, and he only had 3 assists in 13 minutes. I know that Dickau can do better than that. I know Stotts wants size at the guard position, but if Jackson gives little results, it's not worth it.

  2. It seems like GRob plays off his man more and more throughout the game. Maybe he thinks he can get the same results by blocking the drive lane when he gets tired, by forcing a shot instead of an easy layup. And I'm not complaining too much about JT's defense, it usually gets the job done.

  3. I'm watching the live box score. That is surprising that Mason is getting so many boards. Gadzuric got quite a few too when he was in. But it looks like Reef and Dion are picking it up.

    KB21: Thanks for the help, the box score didn't say that he was in.

  4. I too have a lot of respect for DJ now. There are very few people who could go through what he's been through, and work so hard to get back to where they were. However, I do think he's pushing it too hard to play this season. I'd love to see him slow it down a bit, take the summer to get to 100%, and come back next year. It would kill everyone around the Hawks if he came back too fast and something happened. Anyone that gets hurt wants to get well so fast, and sometimes think that they're ready before they actually are. I just hope that doesn't happen to DJ.

  5. Stotts said he wanted to give Jackson a chance that game, since he had working hard in practice, and because the Clips' guards are huge. He wanted some size in the lineup. Dickau may be more of a scoring PG, but he's shown flashes of what he can do passing the ball, too. He just hasn't totally gotten used to the NBA game.

  6. Even though I'm a huge fan of his, I don't think he should start extensively. I'm just saying that Stotts should let him start one game, maybe two if he does really well. Just to give him a taste of what he could get to. I know that he shouldn't start a majority of the games, this is JT's team. Nobody can take that away from him.

  7. I'm sure that Dan Dickau is going to turn into something good for the Hawks. When he gets in for a while, he usually gives the team a spark. Granted, sometimes he goes out and throws the ball all over the place, but because of the injury, he got set back 8 weeks. He played as well as anyone on the team in both games against Dallas, and it was when the Mavericks had the starters in. Just give him the rest of the year to come around and get used to the NBA, then give him the ball next year.

  8. Actually, starting Dickau and JT might work. Even though there is a clear size disadvantage, Dickau can make up for that with sweet passes and JT can shoot the lights out. Dickau just needs a chance to get in for more than 6 minutes. Every time he gets a lot of PT, he plays really well. He might not look too quick, but remember, he had knee surgery.

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