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Posts posted by MoBetta

  1. LOL - So says the Josh Smith arch nemesis online. Come on, admit it, you wear KG PJs...I see your avatar...The PJ's come with a cape, right? Do you have a secret identity? Naismith's Shadow?It's old. We all get it, you don't like the guy. But you just made an Ivan Johnson thread about Josh Smith. Beyond that, it's absurd. The guy is 1st or second in every statistical category on the team. Al went down and they have a better winning percentage than last year. The only 2 guys to play every game, Josh/Teague.Team rankppg - 1stbpg - 1strpg - 1stspg - 2ndapg - 2ndAt least Diesel has a point when he hates on Marvin, Marvin is a disappointment and has been moved to the bench.Joe haters can point to his lack of leadership, average numbers vs contract.But your hate of Josh is comical.

    Where did KG PJs come from???Alright I gotta end this becuz you're losing your mind
  2. Sorry brother, he's right. A casual visitor to the site would mistake you as trolls or Kevin Garnett/Paul Pierce in drag.

    Oh really. Becuz I forgot u have to bow down to Josh and his jumpers if ur a hawks fan.And guess wat, if Josh played with any sense he could shut me up. BUT he doesn't.
  3. Hopefully, Josh will get more minutes now. Why wouldn't we want our team MVP/Top 15 MVP in NBA get more minutes? Only bad thing about this is that we have no one to back up a dude who is having an MVP season.

    Also, I've been noticing there are more Augustians than I thought there were on this site. Good to hear. I saw someone wearing an ATL Hawks hat today when I was at work. I was proud.

    Posted Image
  4. No personal insults was my point.

    It was the most extreme game this year regarding the unbalanced shot selection for josh. It really made me think it was by design. Maybe as to not show the C's everything. Josh's inside game is so dominatimg that maybe the hawks want to save that in case we meet them in the playoffs. You can disagree all you want but you cant prove me totally wrong on this.

    No way u believe this crap NO FREAKING WAY LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  5. Jeff running with Josh rarely happens because Josh does not give up the ball after a rebound. More often than not when Josh brings the ball up the court he does it at a jog, there is no urgency, which allows the other team's defense to set forcing us to play halfcourt. Take a look when Zaza, Marvin, or Ivan gets a rebound the first thing they look to do is give it to Teague who pushes the ball up the court. We are supposed to be this athletic team but our pace of play is too slow.

    I keep saying it over and over, if Josh gives up the ball and runs hard to the front of the rim it's an easy bucket more often than not. He can be getting easier buckets.

    I'm not saying that Teague doesn't have his miscues on some of the passes, but I do think he is getting better at making reads.

    Teague does need to cut out the unforced turnovers - sometimes he is a lil too goosey loosey with the ball.

    Thank u Jaybird


    We are 24th in the NBA in Pace. We are below average and a big part of that is Josh.

  6. I watched that part of the game going into the time-out. Josh was getting in Teague's face about something, (probably for making some dangerous passes). Needless to say, our team chemistry on the Hawks is never recognized in the media. The hawks are the most under-rated team in the league that is actually pretty decent. I can understand if we were bad like the Bobcats but we have the 5th spot in a tough Eastern Confrence and ESPN overlooks us just like they do every single year.

    Becuz we lose games like this EVERY TIME. Of course the Hawks will be overlooked. Nobody cares about the Hawks beating up scrub teams.
  7. Miami is tops in the league at 48% shooting for a team. Anything slightly below that or above is efficient in my book. Anything over 50% shooting is good.The op troll only talks about one particular subject time and time again, that has to be worse than "personal attacks".

    U don't understand basketball then lol
  8. No it is not very efficient. FG% is misleading in this case because he shot a lot. An efficient game would be 10-19 and 8-9 Free throws, which was Druants statline for a 31 point game. You dont have to shoot 50% to be efficient, look at this Kevin Love statline, 10-21 FG% 47 10-10 free throws 32 points. These are efficient games by player that Josh has the talent to play like, but no, he drift to the corner and shoots jumpers.But as I said in my original post, nobody played particularly well last night and our closer, Joe, played particularly badly.

    Uh Oh ur making sense. U know ur not supposed to do that when talking about Josh.
  9. This could possibly be the most idiotic Josh-hate thread to date...He has a good.. scratch that, great game and you fault him for it? No, you're right.. If he's not going 40/30/20 day in and day out, he's not playing to expectations. Could you please just pipe it?

    Ur screen name includes smooveHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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