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Posts posted by IheartVolt

  1. On the bright side, we can defer all of our "I'm done with the Hawks!" fume-fests for a little while longer.


    I have been a Hawks fan for a long time , but you have to admit this type of stuff test even the most loyal fans..

  2. Yep, I have to agreed with savwboy, you have to remember that every rumor came out, one of his CPIII teams said that he wont extend or resign with that time. Natural, made it so diffcult to trade him because all of the teams in that race wouldn't give them maximum value for it (That is the reason why we didnt offered Teague from him).

    To quote Vince "Chris screwed Chris" or to bluntly "His Team screw Chris"

    Basically what he is doing is limiting the Hornets options to 3 or 4 teams and the heck w/ the rest of the league....He is not helping the Hornets , he is using the situation to help Chris Paul..He would not be able to sign w/ teams like the Lakers or Knicks as a free agent without taking a massive pay cut..So why not use the situation to his advantage so he can play in a big market and on a contender? This is the type of crap that just turns alot of people off to the NBA...

  3. How did he strong arm them and limit their options? He didn't want to sign an extension at this point, but the Hornets got plenty of offers from teams that Paul reportedly didn't want to sign with, so that didn't stop anyone. He didn't force a deal, and he never coasted. He simply didn't want to sign an extension. The only reason he was going to end up with the Lakers, instead of, say, the warriors or the celtics (teams that he reportedly didn't want to resign with, but were making offers anyways) is because for god knows what reason the Rockets were willing to get screwed over to help the lakers. Now Paul will leave as a free agent at the end of the season, and pick whoever he likes.

    He was using the trade to his advantage...Get out of here really? He said he would not extend w/ certain teams so they would not make offers..He is not gonna be able to join the Lakers because of their cap situation-further more the Warriors offer was far superior to this garbage

    • Like 1
  4. But in the case of a franchise like the Hornets, they have no one to blame but themselves. If there is a place where players SHOULD be trying to get away from, it is the franchise that is so problematic no one wants to buy (or, to put it more correctly, people want to buy and move, but the nba won't allow them to move). In the end, Paul will still get his wish. 66 games from now he will pick where he wants to go. Meanwhile, the New Orleans franchise, already in deep trouble, will be in even deeper trouble. What Paul has done is not even in the same league as what Carter, Kobe, Lebron, Melo, etc. have done.

    See the problem is not Paul wanting to leave NO...The problem is him strong arming the Hornets limiting their options..Do you see now?

  5. The following is the email in its entirety:


    It would be a travesty to allow the Lakers to acquire Chris Paul in the apparent trade being discussed.

    This trade should go to a vote of the 29 owners of the Hornets.

    Over the next three seasons this deal would save the Lakers approximately $20 million in salaries and approximately $21 million in luxury taxes. That $21 million goes to non-taxpaying teams and to fund revenue sharing.

    I cannot remember ever seeing a trade where a team got by far the best player in the trade and saved over $40 million in the process. And it doesn’t appear that they would give up any draft picks, which might allow to later make a trade for Dwight Howard. (They would also get a large trade exception that would help them improve their team and/or eventually trade for Howard.) When the Lakers got Pau Gasol (at the time considered an extremely lopsided trade) they took on tens of millions in additional salary and luxury tax and they gave up a number of prospects (one in Marc Gasol who may become a max-salary player).

    I just don’t see how we can allow this trade to happen.

    I know the vast majority of owners feel the same way that I do.

    When will we just change the name of 25 of the 30 teams to the Washington Generals?

    Please advise….

    Dan Gilbert

    E-mail from Cavs owner to Stern

  6. Fans are just sick of the power plays where players demand both top pay and to play in the premium market of their choice.

    Paul wasn't like Lebron where he toyed with the team and the fans to maximize the smoke blowing up his...well, at him. Paul honestly told the team he wasn't going to resign which let's the team either play him for his last year or trade him for future value. There is no ethical issue that most fans have with that. Fans are just sick of seeing the "have-nots" getting jerked around in favor of teams like LA and NY.

    ^^^^^^ This

    • Like 1
  7. Okay, I'm having a really hard time figuring out why the league cancelled the Paul trade. Let me show you what I mean

    Lakers Get C. Paul ------ Lose Gasol and Odom

    Rockets Get Gasol ------- Lose Martin, Scola, Dragic and a future 1st

    Hornets Get Odom, Martin, Scola, Dragic, future 1st ---- Lose Paul

    I don't understand what the problem is. In my opinion, losing both Odom and Gasol is greater than gaining Paul.

    Getting Gasol is much less than losing Kevin Martin, Scola, Dragic and a future 1st.

    Getting Odom, Martin, Scola, Dragic and a future 1st is much better than just Paul. Odom, Martin, Scola are all players we as Hawks have coveted. Paul is great but he is just a point guard and with his, Bynum and Kobe's salary it very much handcuffs them from adding solid pieces...they are one injury away from mediocrity. Gasol and Odom really balanced that team.

    I don't get the problem....This seems like a pre-ordained thing from the owners to contest. In my opinion, N.O. made out like bandits in that deal.

    My only guess would be the aging contracts they would be loaded down with..Do not forget they still have to sale the Hornets..

    They cannot own the team forever

  8. Wurider, you can't give up Smith because that requires you to give up more players than you get back. Josh makes 12mil/per. Okafor makes about the same. Paul makes 16.5. To get the salaries to match up, you need about 16 million in salary (minimum) and because the Hawks are close to the limit, you want to give back more than 16.5...about 17.5 to squeeze money for another signing. Only JJ on our team makes that much. Horford is next but he can't go if Josh goes and vice versa because you'd have no PF. So next on the list are Kirk are 8 mil, Marvin at 7.5 mil. That adds up to 15.5. You are still 500,000 short of what you need for a deal and really need 2 mil more because with the extra players you give up, you'll have to sign 2 extra minimum contracts to fill out the roster and that pushes you a couple million into the luxury tax. the only way you get a player with 16.5 million in salary when you have lots of roster spots to fill is by giving up similar value. In order to add that value you have to add their only other piece that matters which is Okafor which really jacks up salaries. From a GM perspective, that limits Atlanta's options because of our limited spots, money commited to JJ/Horf/Smith at the top.

    Unless they are willing to go over the cap...Who knows

    Unless they are willing to go over the cap...Who knows

    They did say at one time they would go over the cap for Lebron...Maybe they look at Paul the same way

  9. No, it will not. I'm glad you guys aren't the GM. There are financial questions to be asked. Trading 4 for 2 kills us salary wise. We won't be able to sign anyone....ANYONE beyond that and will have no bench. Also, any deal that netted us Okafor will include a center for them (ie...Zaza). Smith won't be going because he makes less than Okafor and Paul. I already posted this in another thread. If you are getting both Okafor and Paul, you are giving up JJ, Zaza and probably Marvin. You are also giving up 1 first, not 2 nor a second.

    You would line up....Paul, Hinrich, JSmith, Horford, Okafor. You probably SNT Crawford at this point for 2 lower paid players to help fill the roster (Craw at 8 per, take back a 5 mil, 2.5 mil). You find a jump shooting 2 in that. You keep Teague as your backup point. JJ, Zaza, Marvin (healthy) and a first is plenty to get those 2.

    FYI, you run pick and roll, penetrate and kick till your eyes bleed with that group and defensively you could stop anyone. You get Hinrich to resign for 5 million after his contract is up and it frees up money for the money for Paul.

    I love that line up!!

  10. ]

    and yet everybody wants Jamal... for up to 8M. Jamal isn't a boy, is he?

    Honestly I am happier w/ Kirk coming off the bench as 6th man at this point..Now if we could find someone to regulate Marvin as 6th man I would be tickled pink! I just do not see it happening at this point

    Well Jamal is 31 (three years younger), and if the stats are correct, Vince is the most durable of the two. We have rolled the dice on Jamal and it paid off. I'm not advocating Vince over any current starter, but I believe he would be a nice addition to our bench at a fraction of Jamal's cost.

    Maybe you are right..How old is Vince now like 34??

    Jamal was great when he was having a great night , but the guy was schitzo shooting the ball..On one night could not miss and could not hit jack the next..That got old to me , not to mention his bad defense

  11. ]

    and yet everybody wants Jamal... for up to 8M

    Jamal is what 26?? You do not see the difference here? I am not saying Vince in is bad but why roll the dice on him at this stage?

    I see he is 31...hmmmm

  12. :/

    I know stats aren't all, but he's got some good 2010-11 numbers. Of course he's not the same guy from 5 years ago, but I would def pay the man 3-4M per, or maybe even the full MLE (two-year contract). Let's be realistic, we won't get a really nice piece in free agency this season unless something major happens.

    Carter: 73 games, 63 starts, 28 MPG, 14.0 ppg, 3.8 rpg, 2.0 apg, 0.9 spg, 1.2 turnovers while shooting .437 from the field (.361 from three)

    Now let's take a look at Jamal:

    76 games, no starts, 30 MPG, 14.2 ppg, 1.7 rpg, 3.2 apg, 0.8 spg, 1.9 turnovers while shooting .421 from the field (.341 from three)

    What's not to like? He's durable, he's somewhat efficient and he's a former star, he could be our 6th man and a leader off the bench. That's roughly the same production we got from Jamal (Carter's actually a bit more afficient) with less turnovers.

    hunter.gif Oh, and he is a Hawk-killer as well, we better have him on our side.

    He is old and not getting any younger..Those numbers will do nothing but go down , but good comparison between him and Jamal since neither one can play a lick of defense

  13. Vince, TMac, AI. These guys are done and i think it'd be just wasted money. How many star players can you name who were able to become successful role players later in their careers? Grant HIll did it but at a much younger age than these guys.

    Prince still has game on both sides of the floor. I'd much rather spend money on him. We'd get a starting SF who can play D and shoot plus it would move Marv to the bench and give us some depth.

    This!! Vince is done..Why look back on yesterday?

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