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Posts posted by Mutombolievable

  1. Why didn't we resign Ivan immediately?

    I've always felt like he could be our starting small forward / back up PF. He can attack the rim, shoot mid-range, and hustles. There were numerous times where he looked like the best player on the team.

    I don't keep up with everything so there might be a very good reason? I know he's had issues outside of the court.

    Would you seriously want Ivan Johnson to start at SF? I really like Ivan too but I think he's a PF.

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  2. All of you bashing Josh Smith are driving me insane. Face it, he is an above average NBA player who helped turn our crap cellar dwelling team around. He took bad shots but he did much more good than bad for us. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. I loved when Josh burst onto the scene chasing down guys and blocking shots. Was the youngest player in NBA history to 1000 blocked shots and didn't bad mouth our horrendous fan base nearly as much as he deserved to.

    Good video though. And you bash him but I bet you were super excited when u got his autograph. We all know you have it somewhere in your house.

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  3. You do realize this upcoming draft is loaded right? The teams who are tanking are not just tanking for Wiggins. There will be several down and out teams that will land themselves a franchise player.

    Tanking isn't losers mentality when you've had the track record as the Hawks. We've been losers. Everyone who knows anything about Basketball sees us as losers. Any sane person would try something different after getting knocked out of the playoffs so many times.

    I mean yes, right now they say that the draft is loaded and what not. BUT they also said that Shabazz Muhammad would have been the #1 pick coming out of high school and same thing about Austin Rivers before he went to college. These guys are playing against high schoolers, many of whom are no good. Let's see what they do in college before saying that several teams will get a franchise player.

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  4. AMEN CAP! I took a brief hiatus from the Hawks during the SAR, JR Rider years. Why, oh why, did I come back that season but I did. Each night was painful to watch as the Hawks would struggle to even keep it close. That one game when they blew out the world champion Pistons was like us winning the championship! I can't stand to go back to those times just so we can hope the ping pong balls bounce our way and we don't end up with another Marvin Williams.

    That was a rough season! Was at almost every game cheering my ass off. I'd do it again if I had to.

  5. OH. MY. GOD. I am rethinking all of the values I live my life by. I can't speak, can barely type. Am hurt and disappointed. Crushed beyond belief. That is the least mutombolievable thing I've ever heard. Why Deke?? WHY????????

    • Like 2
  6. I see what you're saying about repetitive posts but in my opinion the more fans, the better. With more Squawkers, we probably get a more crowded arena (rooting for our team) which would also be awesome. Now, I'm mainly a reader and not a big time poster, so maybe they will feel the same as you.

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