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Posts posted by Vafan

  1. Yep, I am so insane. I had such high hopes this year. I was so excited that I acutually stayed up past midnight to watch some games. It is just a shame a fool like Woody is at the controls. What a waste of a season.

  2. Diesel is nuts. Marvin did a great job of guarding Pierce in the first half. Childress didn't do anything on defense. Somebody earlier called him a "cherry picker" type player. That is exactly what he is. Cherry picks on offense and defense. Stands around the rim on offense, first one down the court on offense, last on defense. Sometimes I think Mario West is a better player. With more experience next year, Mario should take his mintues.

  3. Bibby looks great. The difference between Bibby and AJ is like night and day. Watching AJ yesterday reminded me how bad he is. And for him to start for us just tells you how bad the Hawks pg play have been.

  4. Woody is an idiot. Marvin came out very aggresive yesterday and was hitting some shots at the beginning. What does Woody do?? Takes Marvin out and puts in Chillz. The game had a very good flow to it until Woody decides to mess it up by subsituting. Can't he wait until the around the 2 minute mark to start subbing?????

  5. He may have hit some shot, but he is more of a liability. Here is a analogy. Think of a DH who can hit 30 hr but averages .200 with a lot of strikeouts. Has to DH because he can't play defense or run.

  6. No more dribbling the basket for 23 seconds than launching a shot that has no chance of going in, getting blown by a quicker guy(which is almost everybody) or being posted up by a bigger guy(which is almost everybody), leading a fastbreak by walking up the court. Anything else I am missing??

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