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Posts posted by Vafan

  1. Correct. This team, if they excute fundamental basketball would be great. Last night game, Al Horford really show me something. Everytime he got a rebound, he outleted the ball quickly leading to many fast breaks. The guy is just a smart ball player because he excutes fundamentals. Josh Smith is getting by with freakish athletic ability, but would be a megastar if he can get the basics down

  2. Great post. Dead on about Zaza game. The funny thing is my little cousin who is only 11 had this to say about Zaza. "Zaza is a ball hog, why does he hold the ball until the horn sounds?" This is coming from a mouth of a 11 year who doesn't even play or watch basketball that much. uglyhammer.gif

  3. Yeah, I did notice a Hawks fan there wearing a jersey. I was in section 107. After every made free throws, I would stand up and make a hush signal with my finger and mouth. It really annoyed all the fans around me. Even my little cousins started to do the signal after every free throw. They become hawks fan after last night thanks to me. They started to high five me, clap after every shot and jumping up and down. I made three new Hawks fan last night. I was talking trash throughout the game. Thank goodness the Hawks were able to pull it out last night. If the Wizards would have won, I was in trouble. uglyhammer.gif

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