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Posts posted by Bonkers

  1. 1 hour ago, timebomb said:

    What? These guys are professionals they know what a GMs job is. AJ especially knows how the NBA works as his dad was traded multiple times during his career. They’re young guys yes but they’re not the star of team maybe then they could feel some way but otherwise you know it’s the NBA and hear guys say it all the time. They know the reality of the league.

    Do you think there haven't been disgruntled NBA players before????


    Are u serious right now?!?!?!?

  2. 3 hours ago, thecampster said:

    People on this board have asked why we say "we can't talk about that yet" or "I'm allowed to say".  This nonsense with Siakam is a perfect example of why teams hate leaks. Think of all the names linked to the Siakam deal and all of the make nice the teams are having to do with the players involved. No one wants to play in Canada. If you were Clint, Hunter, Griffin, etc....how would you feel right now knowing your team was planning on moving you to Canada without your consent?


    and I blame the Hawks here. The whole Siakam thing was a fall back plan/leverage plan in the KAT negotiations. They should have been tighter in all of it.

    ALL OF THIS!!!


    The Hawks might have sum disgruntled players on their hands because of all this Siakam bullsh*t


    They already did it with JC now they are doing it again!!!!


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