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Posts posted by LamarHampton

  1. I don't think I've heard anyone say Bebe sucks, I just don't think he's done a ton during the SL. I've watched all the games so far and he's been okay, gotten a few good tip ins, but seemed to have butterfingers getting rebounds or doing much amything else around the basket. Definitely runs the floor and has good athleticism though.

  2. I haven't seen Luc do much of anything to be honest. All these "shots" (only 15 in three games) are tip-ins or lobs. I don't believe I have even seen him operate with the basketball, having watched maybe 60% of the action so far.

    I also haven't seen him do much. Very surprised at this ranking. Love the Best Hair ranking though.
  3. I loved me some Zaza, but he did have some issues. He could rebound, but as far as scoring he had virtually no offense. He wasn't particularly quick. He just had the surgury and has had some injury issues the past few years. Plus there may have been some LD shenanigans in there to move him back up north, too. Z got $5M last year and I got the impression from lots of people on here that we were hoping to resign him for less than that. Hard to say. I'm really sad to see him go. He was very passionate about the game and loved being in Atlanta. He was probably pushing to stay, but for whatever reason DF decided it was time to part ways. Maybe DF has his eye on developing that gigantic eastern European guy, Morjanovic or whatever.

  4. Some might recall that Scott had a clutch 3 to put the Hawks into overtime last SL (but we lost in OT). Dude has always had range. He's quick too, so I think it's a good sign that he's apparently practicing at the 3. We could really use him there and I like his effort.

    Really liked Muscala's game. Needs to bulk up but has a great stroke, spaces himself well, and seems to have good BBIQ.

    Jenk lit it up again - proud to see him putting up numbers on the newbies.

    Shredder showed he can pass, be a pest on D, and more importantly, he can lead an offense. Needs to work on his shooting a good bit, but overall a good showing.

    Noogie had butterfingers a lot tonight, but definitely altered some shots and had that great follow. Still thinking he'll be stashed overseas this year at least to bulk up and work on his game, but we'll see.

    Wasn't too impressed with anyone else really. I thought Mack was okay - brought the energy but didn't do a ton to really stand out but I do really like him as a player. He flat lit things up at Butler and I think he just needs to find some regular minutes to get going on this level.

    What happened to the the 7'3" guy? Did he get any minutes? If he did, I missed him (somehow).

  5. I'm fine with most of the moves DF has made, but I'm not sure if he's in the mindset of stockpiling assets or not. Remember that trade he did for Jeremy Tyler at the deadline? He basically gave away a second rounder for a guy who was then almost immediately cut. Seems like it would have been better to bundle it with something else for picks next year. Still haven't been able to figure out the purpose of that move.

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  6. Didnt this guy say he was done? And that he was a pelicans fan?Why the heck are message boards magnets for mental health pateints?

    Yeah, I thought he and all his uber negativity were headed elsewhere after that post (including the very funny Michael Scott closing the door gif).
  7. He might still be in the process of finishing his signature. He might be the slowest reacting player I've ever seen. He's definitely got some skills but they aren't NBA caliber skills.

    That guy could sure alter some shots, though, eh? And for a guy who seemed to have butterfingers all night, he still had good placement for getting rebounds and made the ones he got seem pretty effortless. It's also interesting seeing a guy dunk apparently just standing on his tip-toes.

  8. “It was a perfect situation for me, being familiar with the coaching staff and talking to them on the phone. They embraced me and they wanted me. They told me that. That is something I never really heard (in Atlanta). Once somebody said they actually wanted me to be a part of their future I’m all for it.” “I really didn’t talk to them much through the process. I enjoyed my time there in Atlanta. I don’t think I really got too familiar with everybody once there was the switch in the front office. I don’t think we really built the relationship that we could have. It is what it is.” Atlanta Journal-Constitution

    Dang, sounds like dude needed a hug after all.

    I want Teague to come back and all, but I don't know how you turn around from statements like that.

    No to Monta. Undecided on Jennings ... MACK ATTACK IT IS!!! Schröder as back up. We got this.

  9. The money sounds right for JT. I don't think he was necessarily hurt emotionally or that he doesn't want to be here, he just expected more action by this point. But from a money standpoint, it seems like you're chasing diminishing marginal returns (to dig up an economics terms from school circa ~ 15 yrs ago) if you go after Jennings or Ellis. I don't think we're seriously going to get Jennings or Ellis for less than 10-12M per. After Teague's first two bench years, he's now got pretty close #'s in terms of production to both Ellis and Jennings, but we can get him for cheaper. For the extra $, we have more flexibility to get other players or sign some rookies. Both Jen & El were top options on their turd team. Teague was pretty far down the list both of the last two years. I think that for the extra money you'd have to pay either Jen or El, you're not going to get much extra in terms of production.

  10. I still think Teague has a ton of upside, a lot of room for growth, and I think that Bud could really push him to be a much better player that is more consistent. I really want to keep the kid. He puts up great numbers and I'm especially impressed by his FT% since that's a stat that can really be used to hurt other teams if he could learn to draw fouls more often. I'll be really disappointed if he winds up getting moved somewhere else.

  11. Nice to see such love for a guy - I can understand where that would come from for Zaza. [insert Roy Hibbert "no homo" comment]

    Dude was all heart. (ok, forehead, too)

    I'm sorry to see him go, too.

    Godspeed, and may the forehead be with you.

    Ditto what he said.

  12. Ellis Teague / Schröder (Cunningham)

    Williams or Jenkins / (Korver) / (Cunningham)

    (Korver) / Carroll (Scott)

    Horford / Millsap / (Scott)

    Bynum Pekovic / Muscalla

    There. Fixed.

    Cunningham can play the 1 (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tynNY0TZ9i4 ) and Scott has been practicing at the 3 (and I think he'd be really good at that and could possibly see more minutes, be more useful than warming the bench).

    Lots of flexibility with these guys. Who knows what the final product or typical SL might be?

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