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Posts posted by JETSET

  1. All this is interesting but here's what I see.


    I see a strong possibility that he can be cut from the Hawks.

    IN his contract, I'm sure that there's a morality clause of sometype that gives the team the right to void his current contract.


    The real question in this is.. is there anybody out there that's better than Scott?


    I tried to think of a way that we could get Markieff Morris but the money won't work. 


    So now, the only name that's on my radar.. the dieselputer spits out is a cheap 2 year (2nd year nonguaranteed) spot to Michael Beasley.


    There's also Dorrell Wright... Landry Fields...

    I would also consider Elton Brand for an A. Coaching job.

    You mention cutting Scott, for a victimless crime, due to a "morality clause" and then you suggest replacing him with Markieff Morris who currently has a felony aggravated assault charge hanging over his head.  Makes a ton of sense.

    • Like 4
  2. I don't think it's that easy.  Next year's bump and the bump after that will make DeMarre's signing very palatable.   Moreover, what if he does turn out to be the guy who carried our band of injured players through the playoffs?  He'll be a good acquisition.  I'm not saying we should have tried to keep him, I'm just saying that with the possibility of us having quicker development, will he be missed. 


    Moreover, I don't disagree that the Hawks knew that DMC was a wrap going into July 1.  It was definitely a choice.. we choose Paul and salary flex for this season.  However, the Splitter trade was not something that was done at the last minute.  I'm sure we planned that one out and followed San Antonio's lead.  When San Antonio knew they could probably get LaMarcus, they called us.  We thought about it and we decided some time before that we would keep Paul and triage DMC... so the timing of it while relevant.. is moot... it just shows when DMC knew it was over.  Still, it doesn't change the fact that we planned it this way before it happened.    As it stands, we could have kept last years team... with a lot of movement.  However, the real question goes back to what somebody else stated.. was he worth it to us?

    The cap is expected to be around 90 million next year which would mean Demarre will take up 1/6 of their cap space.  I would say that's still too much for Demarre.

    • Like 1
  3. That seems like a good bet.  That's pretty tempting.   To me the biggest factor in the Hawks total wins (or anyone in the east) is how many east teams will be trying for the playoffs this year?   Last year i feel like there were about 7 even though you could make the case there were 9.    There seems to be more east teams shooting for the playoffs this year but we'll see how that looks in January.   Still seems like a good bet we'll be around 50 wins 

    I think 50 is our floor as long as we stay relatively healthy.


    I put us closer to 55 or more.

    • Like 1
  4. Just wait a half-year when he'll be on a DLeague squad where he belongs.  Less security at games.



    Cue the eggsperts ... "Uhhhh, the Hawks record is inflated by the easy schedule, blah, blah, blah ...  Wait, they beat 6 playoff teams on the road ..... meh, point differential wasn't high enuff, blah, blah, blah ..."

    I don't care what they say as long as we secure home court through at least the second round.

    • Like 1
  5. Bet the house on over/under 46.5...OVER...ok not the house but a small farm

    Only 2 of our first 17 games are against teams who finished with a top 7 seed last year.  Miami and New Orleans are the other two tough games in that first 17.


    Other than the 4 game/5 night stretch, we have a VERY easy schedule to start the season.

  6. I would post it on here if I knew how to embed a picture but I just saw a graph that breaks down the schedules of each team.


    The Hawks have the 2nd easiest schedule in the league according to this graph.  Cleveland has the easiest schedule of course.

  7. Yeah but Scotty is no superstar and this isn't going to get national coverage. Hopefully he will spend-up big for the best lawyer he can get.

    Seems like Mike is a bit naïve on the whole law thing.

    I would hope that the Hawks internal brain trust is counseling him on what he has to do.

    As a simple Hawks fan I would hate to lose him for next year. Granted he is a "tweener" who comes up big occasionally - but he is (IMO) better than we could get off the cheap F/A market or out of the D-league. I don't see him as a long-term piece unless he somehow improves, but he would be an asset to have next year.

    The key is money not celebrity. We just hear about the celebrity cases.

  8. Yeah - I think the "combo" will hurt him bad. If it was just weed he could probably just get it worked out on some minor "possession with no intent to sell" charge. I don't know much about Molly/Xtasy but I don't think it should be that huge of a deal either since I have heard it is pretty common at "Rave" parties and has actually been researched as a positive drug for certain mental disorders.

    Poor Mike may have just got himself into the "perfect storm"...sucks for him...my guess would be that he will do some real jail time (like a year +)

    Honestly - if it was just weed and everybody kept their mouths shut (Mike especially) a good lawyer could probably work it out with the local prosecutor where he would just get probation since they couldn't prove who was the "owner". The "high speed" evasion (if that is really true) didn't help either.


    You all seem to forget how the legal system works here in the good ole US of A.  Money pays and you can buy your way out of jail time.  We have seen celebrities do it a thousand times.  


    I will be legit shocked if Mike does a year in jail for this charge. 

    • Like 2
  9. During the TMZ video of his confession he seemed to be unaware that the amount of weed and molly was enough for a felony charge.  When he found out that he could do 25 years it had to be a complete shock.  I doubt he gets anything above the minimum, but likely he can't play for a long time - probably a career ending prison sentence.

    Assuming it's his first charge, Mike probably won't do another day in jail over these charges.  

    • Like 1
  10. 10 years for possessing weed? No wonder why this country has a prison population larger than many European countries.

    Right.  You can have your life wrecked in one state for something that you can legally purchase in 23 states.  

    • Like 3
  11. We owe them big time for losing to the Nets yet beating us in April. To add insult to injury, they did it with one of their best 3 point shooting performances of the season, much to Phil's chagrin. All that tells me is we're gonna have another January streak. Give me 20 just once TH2 to stick it to the Zenbastard.

    November is our busiest month with 17 games.  January only has 15 this year.

  12. Our schedule strength looks a good bit easier than lastyear.


    We only have 2 stretches of 4 games in 5 nights.  The unfortunate thing about these two is that they are both in November when we will still be working towards getting healthy and getting accustomed to the new guys.


    The first is 11/3-11/7  @ Mia, vs Brk, day off, @ N.O., vs Wash


    The second is 11/24-11/28  vs Bos, @ Min, day off, @ Mem, @ San An.  


    The second half of each of these are pretty brutal.  A 4-4 or 5-3 mark over these 8 games would be fine with me.  Anything better and we are going to be damn good this year.



    We have 18 sets of back to back games and our opponent will be playing on at least a days rest in only 9 of those.  The 9 games where we will be playing a rested opponent are mostly against inferior teams.  Those teams are:  Charlotte, Brooklyn, Sacramento, Minny, OKC, Hous, Indiana, LAC, Denver.


    We also only play Cleveland 3 times which is a bummer since we only get Lebron at Phillips once.



    Overall, I'm really pleased with the strength of schedule and this gives me even more confidence in wagering on our over wins total again this season if the number is near the rumored 46.5 games.

    • Like 1
  13. You did not say that. You specifically said only domestic abuse would get a response.

    Is that not the main offense that teams have been taking immediate action on? Even in most.of those cases, the team waited it out before taking action. Ray rice was good to go before the video came out. The guy for the 49ers was given a pass until he had a second case of domestic abuse.

    Ty lawson just had his third DUI and the nuggets didnt fine or suspend him and thats a far more dangerous crime.

    I cant think of any recent instances where a team took immediate action against a player after committing a victimless crime. So what instances were you referring to in your original post?

  14. So domestic abuse is the only crime that gets a response from a team or a sports league?


    There's no emoticons to convey the disgust...

    Could you list this supposed lengthy list of instances where a team took immediate action over a player's first time drug offense?

    • Like 2
  15. If you told the Cavaliers the Hawks were their rival they would laugh in your face.

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    Same with the Hawks because there is no rivalry.  The Cavs have been good for 1 year after being gifted the #1 overall pick in 4 of the past 10-11 years.  The Hawks have the second longest consecutive playoff streak in the league while the Cavs just made the playoffs for the first time in 5 years.


    1 good year is nothing.

  16. His mixtapes have a more aggressive tone in my opinion. His albums have more of a pop it in and ride kind of vibe. Great artist though.

    A big part of it is he has to get clearance for any sample he uses on a beat for an album and that limits him big time.  He's able to use whatever sample he wants on mixtapes and he shines because of it.

    • Like 1
  17. How about when both teams were actually good? It means nothing when the Cavs were losing 50 plus games a year.

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    They were only 5-3 vs the Hawks last year.  It's impossible to make a rivalry off of one year so you need to look back at least 3 if not 5 years.

  18. Wizards probably if anyone at all.  You can't say the Cavaliers because they own the Hawks.  Need two teams to make it a rivalry.

    The Cavs are 7-14 vs the Hawks in the last 5 years.  Do they teach math at Michigan St?

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