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Posts posted by ATLnightwing

  1. Hope you are wrong but make a lot of Sense

    I mean sh**, I hope I'm wrong too. The opportunities are there! Lets go for a guy like Waiters! When was the last time we had a dynamic scorer? When was the last time we had someone on the team who's exciting to watch?! We could go for a guy like Monroe! He has great fundamentals and post scoring ability that could for a big frontline with Horford and Millsap.

    The point I was just trying to make is that I don't see Ferry as an ambitious guy. I'm getting the idea that he's patient and is willing to take it slow. So for us hawks fans expecting an immediate impact player, well, we should keep dreaming...

    • Like 1
  2. The biggest move since Ferry came was the Joe Johnson trade, and even then, we didn't get anything in return but cap space.

    Since then? We all (definitely myself included) got super excited at last year's trade deadline. I recall waiting excitedly till the last second telling all my friends that a big trade is about to come, only to be disappointed.

    Same story last summer.Everyone was hyping up Dwight Howard and the arrival of other free agents. We did not get a big time star with all that money. Again, I was greatly disappointed.

    *Before anyone brings up Millsap, yes he is a pleasant surprise. No, I did not expect him to become an all-star, and I am happy for that. He's a great player, but not the team changer we were looking for. I give him credit for potentially keeping us in the playoffs this year.

    Here we are again, however, there's not as much trade hype for us at this deadline. Regardless, I honestly do not expect anything major or ground breaking. In fact, NOTHING notable will happen.

    Everyone always talks about Ferry having something up his sleeve. Maybe he doesn't? To me, it looks like he's just treading water hoping that someone just suddenly becomes good or a young guy blows up.

    To conclude my unfortunate semi-rant, it saddens me to say that I think we are going to be treading mediocrity for the next couple of years, similar to what the Bobcats and Kings are going through.

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  3. Why not move horford pf.Hawes cMillsap sfSomeone like affalo I guess sgAnd teagueCan this team make it tk the finals with bud???

    Idk about finals but we would for sure be a force in the playoffs.

    Hawes numbers are coming down. I still like the guy but he's not on Horford's level.

    I want him because he's 7'1 and can finally move Al to PF. Would be a great addition.

  4. I am torn on this.. I wanna keep Al so bad , and with him out for the year what do you expect to net with him?Afflalo? I am completely sold with DMC at SF now , so we would have to get a stud SG in return at the least..TeagueAfflaloDMCMilsapMonroeKorver would be 1st of the bench with Scott after him..that would make Lou completely expendable for a trade..

    I agree on using Horford as a trade piece. Aside from his injury, I think it is time for change of scenery from both sides. No disrespect to the man.

    Now I would for sure prefer to trade Teague first.

  5. Detroit can always use a 1st round pick and an inefficient chucker so let's send them our 2014 and Lou Williams. I'm even willing to take KCP to balance salaries Posted Image

    Isn't KCP a Georgia product? Haha

    Anyway, from what I've heard, Detroit is desperate for change as their 3 big man line-up isn't working. I would not be surprised if the accepted something like that with Lou.

    Also, I see a lot of similarities between Dion Waiters and James Harden's situations in terms of being explosive bench scorers while being only 3rd options on their squads.

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  6. A lot of names have surfaced on the rumor mill (Monroe, Waiters, Turner, Hawes, Thad Young, etc.). Could a surprise trade be in the making? Will we finally get our "James Harden-type" surprise star? What realistic trade would you be hoping for?

    Personally, I would be more than content with any of the above. I see star potential in Monroe, Waiters, and Turner though.

    Bonus Question: We would have to obviously lose some players to get some. Who would you want to leave Atlanta? I would be ecstactic to have Lou Williams traded as the centerpiece from our end. I think in a reasonable deal, I would be ok with departing with Teague.

  7. Who are the James Harden-like stars that would be available to us this Summer? Typically, these stars are either disgruntled stars looking for a new situation or young players with known potential that are ready to have their own team. Here's what I'm thinking:

    Rajon Rondo - Has been in trade rumors for a while. I think he's an unlikely trade target because coming to Atlanta would not be too different from his current situation. Plus this guy is a champion.

    Kevin Love- The primary target of this discussion. I think he's also unlikely. I think it is clear he's interested in going to a big market.

    Dion Waiters - not as established as James Harden was, but do you not see the similarities in their situations? Both were/are 6th man on their teams. Both are known scorers. Who knows? If you give Waiters his own team, he might explode like Harden. I think he is a realistic target.

    Greg Monroe- He has been in trade rumors. Detroit would prefer Josh Smith at the PF. We know he's capable of being a 20 and 10 player. If Detroit doesn't make the playoffs or struggles mightly again, I think he's going to be traded for sure. Maybe we can finally get a good center. I think he's a realistic target.

    Lance Stephenson- Another unlikely one, but I've had my eye on him this year. He is an unbelievable player, a near triple-double every night. He will likely resign this Summer, but if something goes wrong with the Pacers in the playoffs, I would love to target him as a FA.

    So in my opinion, I don't see many established stars on the market looking to be traded. More realistically, we go after a young player with potential to become one.

    • Like 1
  8. He averaged 10.2 rebounds last year. Right now he's averaging around 8 and declining. Especially with no Zaza at center this year, I think it's a cause for concern. Aside from rebounding, like I mentioned before, his poor free throw percentage and many turnovers are unlike him.

  9. So is it safe to say Horford can't even get on Toronto Chris Bosh or Kevin Love status? People view(ed) them as franchise players and labeled them as stars. Horford surely does not get the same treatment. People don't even know he's a 2 time All Star. I think people view him like an Al Jefferson or Rudy Gay. Just a good player.

  10. Maybe you can make the argument that he is trying to pace himself since he now has more responsibilities than before, but I think that he is not happy with the team... I think perhaps he feels the same way that some of us in that the team right now looks to be headed nowhere. Maybe we get lucky (Yeah, when does that happen?} and the Hawks get a great draft pick from the Nets, but right now it looks like the Hawks are stuck in mediocrity and Horford probably feels that he hasn't got the help that he asked for. But that is how it works with today's players... Fans are expected to be loyal, but players want 20 million dollars a year and a championship supporting cast... And we the fans are supposed to be understanding about all of it.

    That's a good point. A lot of people think Horf is the type of star that should be a secondary or even third best player on a contending team. Maybe this is what's bothering him? Maybe he's realizing he can't contend with this current Hawks team and teaming up with someone else on a different team might be his best option to get a ring?

  11. It take's a lot of guts to make this thread, especially after the subject matter just hit a game-winner. In all fairness though, I have been planning to make this thread for a few weeks now, even strengthening parts of my argument while watching tonight's game.

    I predicted this season Al would be averaging AT LEAST 20ppg and 10 rebounds. I understand his new frontcourt mate, Millsap, is an excellent scorer and rebounder, however, I expected him to have a mindset of stepping up his game significantly.

    He has not been aggressive on the boards for the most part. A lot of times, I see Al defer to wing players to get an easy defensive rebound. I feel that as our primary big man, he should be striving to gobble up as many boards as he can to gain momentum.

    He has not been consistent offensively. Some games, I see runs where every play, the first instinct is to feed Al down low. I love when we do that. Sometimes I see him begging for the ball down low (which is good) ,other times not at all. This dude sometimes stands in the corner 3 pointer spot during guard isolation plays. What is our center doing? I remember watching a game a few years ago (not sure which one, I just know Hewbie Brown was commentating), and I remember in this game play after play we would just give the ball down low to Horford and he would straight abuse the defender by overpowering him. Hewbie kept referring to it as "bully ball". Where is this bully this year?

    His increase in turnovers and decrease in free throw percentage has also been standing out. I was really surprised to witness these, as typically these mistakes are uncharacteristic of him.

    My primary disappointment with Al doesn't come from him though. I feel he does not get enough minuets as leader of the team. Often times, he gets subbed out while scoring well. He has had a relatively healthy career and is clearly a stable player. He needs an increase in minuets, no doubt. In my opinion, I feel Coach Bud in general subs out the starters a little too much for a weak bench (Antić, Ayón, Jenkins).

    I predict he'll get better, but I'm not gonna lie, I thought he would be striving for that star status this year.

  12. Teague







    Brand is a proven vet that has been playing center lately. Him and Horf can alternate at the center/pf spots. I think this lineup is the most competative lineup we can have. We are only short at the center position this way. the 2004 pistons had 6'9 Ben Wallace as their starting center and 6'11 Rasheed at the PF. We can be similar to that. I mean look at the rest of out starting lineup. We have all vets with a young PG in Teague. I can see this lineup with solid bench production from Dennis and Lou actually playing well and going deep into the playoffs.

  13. I remember the Hawk's PG problems. We were always saying that we always struck out on the PG spot. We kept saying this until Teague emerged against the Bulls in the playoffs. I was always asking myself how come we never discussed our gaping hole at center?

    Obviously now, a lot of us are starting to realize that we missed out on a center again. Let's think about it for a second. When was the last time we had a true center (above 6'11) that was actually good? I'm talking about since our competitive era so since 2008. Zaza Pachulia doesn't cut it in my opinion.

    It just baffles me that our star power forward expressed the fact that he is better not starting at center and yet we still DONT HAVE A CENTER. I am a big proponent of having players play their natural positions to maximize their abilities.

    I liken Al Horford to Chris Bosh when he was in Toronto or Lamarcus Alrdrige or even Kevin Love. These are franchise players that when given their own team, average well above 20ppg. I feel that if we start Horford at center again, he is stuck averaging below 20ppg and not making the all-star team.


  14. I'd like to know exactly what you would have done to make this offseason a success--outside of D12 and CP3. I'm talking specific names and realistic scenarios via the draft, free agency and trades.

    Even the tanking crowd - how would you have set up this team, beyond just letting the rookies play?

    I know there have been similar threads, but thought I'd create one dedicated to what you would've done differently across the board vs. just lamenting where we are.

    Side note 1: I'm absolutely fascinated by some of what I've seen thus far. Names like Mayo, Kaman and Brewer would've switched your position? Wow.

    Side note 2: Wretch - I'm especially interested in your answer. You haven't admitted to endorsing an all-out tank, just 'fishing in the lottery.' So, what would you have done to create a team that just misses the playoffs?






    3rd or 4th seed in my opinion

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